Starslip--Quine in the limelight

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I'm starting to enjoy Starslip a lot more now that Straub's built up the new universe a little bit so the characters have more of a history to work off of.

And I'm excited about this new storyline, because it seems like it'll give Quine a chance to shine. Oh, I suspect he'll succeed in a way that could easily be interpreted as failing miserably, but that's still shining, right?

I'm less excited at the prospect of Quine being naked the entire time. But that's just being picky.


I have to admit I always felt a bit bad for Quine. Everybody hates him and I think the strip is supposed to make us hate him as well in order to find his repeated deaths amusing, yet I don't. Yes, he may be a bit of a busybody but think about it for a second: they are on what is presumably a military vessel. And Quine seems to be the only person on board who acts even remotely like a military officer. OF COURSE he'll look rude and stuck up by comparison. It reminds me a bit of that episode of Star Trek TNG where we were supposed to root against the replacement captain despite all he was trying to do was reign in the Enterprise-D's merry band of mavericks.

I have this feeling that this will end up in yet more humiliation for Quine. But I could be wrong.
I have to admit, I really didn't like Quine when Kris first introduced him. Over time though, I've come to like Quine more and Vanderbeam less. It just feels like Vanderbeam is so needlessly antagonistic against Quine that I have a hard time sympathizing with him. It's the same way I feel about Toby and Michael Scott from the Office, actually. I think this arc will only cement that opinion of mine.

Cutter, Jinx, and Holiday are still awesome though.


Staff member
Honestly, I hate vanderbeam, I am considering stop reading just because of him, he is no longer funny or amuzing, just a bad pile of horrid person with too much power.


I have to admit, I really didn't like Quine when Kris first introduced him. Over time though, I've come to like Quine more and Vanderbeam less. It just feels like Vanderbeam is so needlessly antagonistic against Quine that I have a hard time sympathizing with him. It's the same way I feel about Toby and Michael Scott from the Office, actually. I think this arc will only cement that opinion of mine.

Cutter, Jinx, and Holiday are still awesome though.
Really? I thought it was fairly classic vanderbeam. Although I find it amusing about how openly he displays his dislike. Usually he takes a more subtle approach.
I think that might be part of it. I definitely preferred when he was more subtle about disliking a person.

Alex B.

hehe, loved today's. Was yesterday's hinting at the return of Zillion? If so, awesome.


Man...poor guy. All that fighting, dying and coming back to life and this is the thanks he gets. Talk about being a Butt Monkey.:(


Staff member
People keep complaining about PvP but is Starslip that is really bothering me, I just want that little vanderbitch to suffer, can you even feel any different?
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