Steampunk Goggles

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I bought some goggles off Amazon and than I took them apart and painted them silver and than I took some watered down black paint and I kinda grimed them up. I am thinking about changing the band to a straight back band but for now here is what I got.

here is the before pics.

and here are the after pics.

Nice job. I like those.
You should maybe try adding some extra bits. Like maybe an expanding monacle over one of the lenses.
I had thought about adding an extended lense like you mentioned but I haven't figured out quite how to do it. Another thing I was planning was to take a small little light. (something small like a book light or something) and attaching it to the side.
I added a item to the side to add something a little different. I took a part off of a broken HDD and than I took a little mirror off of a broken tool and painted them silver and grimed them up. Than I attached it to the side.

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