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Steve Jobs full D8 video


Element 117


my posting skills are full of fail. Can a modulator move this to the tech forum? thanks


Element 117

Pretty sure the iPhone 4 just made iPodTouch obsolete.



re: his thoughts on typing on a screen instead of a keyboard..

I still don't like this idea. I've never seen it done properly, other than in anime from 20+ years ago and even then it looked hokey. I hate having to search on my phone for letters. I don't think I'd be comfortable typing on a surface where I couldn't feel a tactile response. In another sense, there's no "heart or feeling" to it. I guess the closest thing I could compare it to would be playing an air guitar - without the guitar actually there - it looks wrong in every way.. it might actually WORK somehow, but it looks and feels wrong.




Very interesting video. I liked how frank his interviewers were. His responses were pretty honest too.
