you guys suck, you not only suck you BLOW. You are by FAR the worst let's players I have ever had the displeasure of watching. Steve is loud, obnoxious, and stupid. He is the Patrick Star to Larry's Sponge Bob. You two are a couple of blithering morons! But I suppose that's what you were going for?! right? You are pandering to the jabbering naddy ice swilling fraternity bros I would guess by the tone of your commentary, or is it the pseudo-sentient 4chan/anon meme trolls that you seem intent on parroting!? I can only wonder what drugs you have ingested in the process of producing these, and wonder if Steve is mentally retarded, only tempered by small glimpses of true genius once every blue moon.
so in short:
that was the most amazing thing I have ever combine all the terrible things this world has to offer and parody it. Keep up the good work soldiers, I am impressed....