Still Laughing Three Days Later......

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Street Fighter Flash Collab

Street Fighter fans will get a kick out of it, non-fans will be bewildered!

Saw this over at my brother's place over the weekend. The ENTIRE 4 days we were re-watching some of the clips and making joke references while we were out.

Foul Language and some NSFW scenes abound so click at your own risk. Alot of toilet humor and some of the flashes fall flat, but overall, it was just damn amusing. :rofl:
My favorite is the Bison and Vega watching C. Viper and Guile boning one.

Purple puke. Fucking genius.
Blood, don't make me get old school!
I have no idea why but I watched that one close to 30x over the course of the 4day stay. Something about it just tickled me in the right way to laugh, hard, everytime.


"Gonna light punch light punch forward light kick hard punch some p---y, if you know what I mean."

Best one out of all of them.


I feel like I dropped a few IQ points watching this. Sorry, didn't find it funny. Just stupid.
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