Stomach bug

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Staff member
Woo! I can sit up for the first time in 6 hour- *falls over* -_-

I've only been sick 3 times this past year, and EVERY SINGLE TIME it's been because my fragile girlfriend got sick first, and well kissies lead to sicknesses.

I'd hate her if I didn't love her.

I t'rowed up.

How're you guys?
Sort of wishing I had not eaten two burritos for dinner tonight after eating a whole Papa Johns large pizza the day before. Mexico and Italy I believe are entering a Waring States period.


Feeling better after getting a quinsy on my tonsil drained last week. Second time I've had to get it done, atleast they didn't need to use a scapel to open my tonsil up this time......yeah that wasn't fun.

Wasabi Poptart

I had a fever last night/early this morning. Now I'm exhausted and my stomach isn't right.


Staff member
Sniffly but fine. It's just the cold weather. My raw throat is all better. Sorry about your stomach troubles. :\
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