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Style Questions




Many forum sites have only one or two styles available to the user base. I now know why. It's too damned hard to add anything that affects the look of the place without doing so.

I'm thinking very heavily about going to only 1 - maybe 2 - styles. There's a couple of things I'd like to do but won't because of the difficulty of keeping so many styles up to date.

So here's my question (poll to follow):

Which do you prefer?




My two favorites of the ones we have are





I always gravitate to the DARK styles, they're easier on the eyes. I'm using gScale right now, but please.. keep at least one dark one.




As of now, I am a fan of default, but I would like having more choices


Wasabi Poptart

Default is fine for me.




I'm using default, but I'm not a huge fan of it. I'd like something similar but different. If it's a big deal don't worry about it though. I say keep one darker and the default.


Cuyval Dar


Tell you what, though, I would kill for the old black and orange theme that the SWGEMU forums use.




The World of Warcraft skin theme. :slywink:


Cuyval Dar

The World of Warcraft skin theme. :slywink:
Not everyone here plays or even likes WoW.




1 light 1 dark, but preferably not any of the ones we have. :p

I still really love this one for dark:
Clean and basic. (I used AcidTech on the old board)
Those look nice. Also the light ones that came up before (with the 27 different colors) looked good. I would have given them a shot.

I vote to have one light and one dark theme.




Not everyone here plays or even likes WoW.




I "LOVE" that site and the WoW theme. I really, really do. And if it were stable I'd get it in a heartbeat.

As to the one with multiple colors, each one of those reads as a separate style. And I'm not sure if I change one if it can trickle down to the rest. If so that would be great. If not that makes my job 25x harder.


Cuyval Dar

Not everyone here plays or even likes WoW.
The poll is currently (and I suspect will remain so) in favor of having 1 light and 1 dark, and I really doubt that most of the people who use dark themes will want to stare at WoW everyday.

Not to mention that having lots of themes makes this board harder to maintain.




I "LOVE" that site and the WoW theme. I really, really do. And if it were stable I'd get it in a heartbeat.

As to the one with multiple colors, each one of those reads as a separate style. And I'm not sure if I change one if it can trickle down to the rest. If so that would be great. If not that makes my job 25x harder.
In that case you should just make an executive decision and pick a color for the site.


Cuyval Dar

Or just narrow it down to the 2 most popular styles we already have, plus the default.




Well, in any case I won't be making a decision yet. I've been bombarded this weekend so all my free time is gone, gone, gone.




I "LOVE" that site and the WoW theme. I really, really do. And if it were stable I'd get it in a heartbeat.
Oh I know, hence why I didn't make a poll to get it instatated like I've done with other things I've wanted (that were possible) done to the board.
The poll is currently (and I suspect will remain so) in favor of having 1 light and 1 dark, and I really doubt that most of the people who use dark themes will want to stare at WoW everyday.
Yeah, and?
The WoW theme would be a nice addition if he'd actually care to update it. Sadly that isn't the case.
Agreed. :devil:




All I request is that you keep the Serenity theme. The colors are really easy on the eyes, which is a big plus for this gal.

"Damn your eyes!" "Too late!"

(Marty Feldman and I have the same problem. Seriously. You just can't see it on me.)




I think Serenity is a very good style. I use dnGray, but don't think many others do. I do like the gScale, too.




I've stuck with Serenity too, it's the best we have, but it's not great. i vote one light, one dark, too, by the way. Just make sure whatever the light one is, that the background isn't stark white.




Grab a single style which only has a wide variety of colour schemes. Should solve your problems and still let everyone pick what they like best.




Touch Serenity, and earn my eternal wrath.

Nah, seriously speaking... I like Serenity because it's easy on the eyes. The others are a bit too... glaring.

That said, variety is the spice of life. So if you find a skin that looks good... try it.

But there ain't gonna be no touchin' the Serenity, ya hear? (God, does my Space Western suck...)




Using gScale.

Silly new boards causing all kinds of problems.
