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Summer is here!




Well soon.... and well... for those you in the... right hemisphere.

So, what are you vacation plans?

I'm heading on a 2 week cruise to the Greek Islands, starting in Venice and ending there as well.

I'm pretty excited. Anyone been?





Summer was already here, and now we've got this rotten cold spell. It's not supposed to be +10 C this time of the year, it should be closer to +20!




Might not have a lot of money to burn, but Jake and I really want to go to Biloxi for our anniversary. There's a hotel right across from the beach with a nice view. I'm not big on lying on a beach all day or swimming in the sea, but I love being able to hear the water and walk in the sand. It'd be great if we could do that and go to the zoo in New Orleans. He's never been, and it's SO cool... I could hang out at the gorilla/orangutan exhibit all day. They're so cool.


Wasabi Poptart

My best friend is flying out here for a few days in July. I haven't seen her in 5 years. I'm also hoping to see Doc before he leaves the island.




It rained a lot on Monday and it's been inn the 60's since yesterday! Friday is supposed to be 70 and Seattle is loving the sun, finally! :)




I'm moving to Oregon! Woohoo!




I need to take at least 2 weeks off before my vacation rolls into sick time. But I can't afford to do anything interesting.


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

Well soon.... and well... for those you in the... right hemisphere.

So, what are you vacation plans?

I'm heading on a 2 week cruise to the Greek Islands, starting in Venice and ending there as well.

I'm pretty excited. Anyone been?

The Greek Islands are beautiful! You'll love it. I am not, however, a big fan of Venice...

We humbly request photos of the Greek islands when you return.




10 Mow Lawn
20 Drink Beer
30 Scowl at rain
40 goto 10




Planning a trip to Atlanta to go to the zoo there, then the aquarium. Later on, we'll be heading down to Jacksonville to hit up the zoo there, and make comparisons. Atlanta's looking to be superior - they have tigers. Jacksonville has penguins, but so does the Atlanta aquarium... I really think the ATL has the edge, y'all. *grins*


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

Going to Montreal for a month. Leaving in 8 days! Excited. Sentence fragment.




Really? What are you doing here? Business?

Parlez vous le francais? :)


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

Je parlerai francais... by the time I leave. I'm there to study French through the Explore program at UQAM. I finished French 112 at my university this past semester. If you're interested, I'd be keen to meet a fellow forumite! I'll buy you a drink!




Changing jobs and selling my house.




Once I get back from Finland I'll have about a week left in Prague. My dad and brother are coming next weekend so I'll show them around town for a few days before we move on to Italy to see the Cinque Terre, Florence, Pisa, and Rome. They'll go home and I'll continue through Trieste to Slovenia. I'll bum around in Ljubljana for a couple days, swing up to Bled to take in some of the countryside and hop on a train to Croatia. There, I'll spend a few days in Zagreb, stop in Split, and then catch some sun on an island called Hvar. Then it'll be time to rush back up to Zagreb and catch a plane to Barcelona.
After that, finally, it will be time to return to the states. I'll have about a month at home and then I'll be moving to LA at the end of July. I guess at some point after that I'll need to find a job.




Changing jobs and selling my house.
Ugh, I only hope we can sell our house.




Je parlerai francais... by the time I leave. I'm there to study French through the Explore program at UQAM. I finished French 112 at my university this past semester. If you're interested, I'd be keen to meet a fellow forumite! I'll buy you a drink!
Sounds like a plan. Where will you be staying?

BTW your forum nickname has me at a loss, what did you change it from, I'm having problems putting the name together.


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

Sounds like a plan. Where will you be staying?

BTW your forum nickname has me at a loss, what did you change it from, I'm having problems putting the name together.
I'm staying in Res at UQAM. I used to be Garbledina, but during the Truth or Dare thread, I had to both change my name and start a sex blog. Then the forum was updated to this new style where I can't control my name change, and I'm pretty sure I would break phil and makare's hearts if I changed it back anyway.




Ugh, I only hope we can sell our house.

Good luck in this market.




Good luck in this market.
One thing I have going for me is that real estate never dropped in this town. Even Forbes mentioned Lafayette, LA and Boston, MA as places to buy back during the bust.




A friend of mine recently just went and did a few weeks of French in Quebec as well. Weird. She didn't go to Montreal though.
It all makes me wish I spoke more French. I'm always slightly jealous when I meet people with more than a basic grasp of two languages. A friend of mine immigrated to Montreal from South Korea, so he knows Korean, French, and English. Amazes me. I also used to work with a dude who spoke, fluently, English, Spanish, French, German, Mandarin, and a sixth language I can't remember now. THAT guy amazed me.

As for me? Working full time to start paying off some debt. Hopefully by August I'll have landed an Animation gig. Might be moving to Toronto, might be moving to Ottawa, we'll see.

Heading to Ottawa next weekend.




Good luck in this market.
We're acquiring a rental license just in case.


Philosopher B.

Things I would like to accomplish by the end of summer: repair my declining mental health, finish my sci-fi YA novel, revise it, query agents, and figure out what I want to do in regards to returning to college. Oh, and finish the screenplay I'm working on, but I'm about twenty pages from that at the moment.




I'm staying in Res at UQAM. I used to be Garbledina, but during the Truth or Dare thread, I had to both change my name and start a sex blog. Then the forum was updated to this new style where I can't control my name change, and I'm pretty sure I would break phil and makare's hearts if I changed it back anyway.
Ah there we go! I knew something was up.

Well, let me know by means of PM on how we can keep tabs and it's on like donkey kong. We can go somewhere to eat or drink, since you're relatively close to downtown near Sherbrooke things are quite accessible.

A friend of mine recently just went and did a few weeks of French in Quebec as well. Weird. She didn't go to Montreal though. It all makes me wish I spoke more French. I'm always slightly jealous when I meet people with more than a basic grasp of two languages. A friend of mine immigrated to Montreal from South Korea, so he knows Korean, French, and English. Amazes me. I also used to work with a dude who spoke, fluently, English, Spanish, French, German, Mandarin, and a sixth language I can't remember now. THAT guy amazed me.

As for me? Working full time to start paying off some debt. Hopefully by August I'll have landed an Animation gig. Might be moving to Toronto, might be moving to Ottawa, we'll see. Heading to Ottawa next weekend.
Ottawa is a fantastic city, I get to visit some friends there a few times a year, being so close to Montreal. It's nice and pretty though I'll boldly state, I haven't gone to a place worthy of a good meal yet.

I speak English, French, Italian fluently and functional in Spanish, German and Armenian.

I think I reached my quota on languages.




Ottawa is a fantastic city, I get to visit some friends there a few times a year, being so close to Montreal. It's nice and pretty though I'll boldly state, I haven't gone to a place worthy of a good meal yet.

I speak English, French, Italian fluently and functional in Spanish, German and Armenian.

I think I reached my quota on languages.
I got to visit Ottawa once, on Canada Day 2001. Admittedly, it being Canada Day means my perception was significantly skewed, but it was nonetheless a beautiful city. I would love to move there. Guess I'd have to be a Senators fan then.

I only speak English, et je ne parle pas en francais. Ontario's French curriculum is awful. We conjugated verbs from grade 3 to grade 9. The only people I know who speak French are either Quebecois, Francophone Canadians, or took French Immersion.




This year, probably not much, may do a trip to Austin/San Antonio, but not any big travel plans.

Next Spring Break though... Walt Disney World for 6 nights/7 days.




I'm going to try to get out backpacking a bit more this summer. I want to make it up to the Boundary Waters at least once, and possibly hit up a bit of the Superior Hiking Trail. The North Country Trail is about 20 minutes from my house, so I'm going to try to wander along that as often as I can. Which is actually what I'll be doing this weekend.


Wasabi Poptart

Free zoo day next Saturday! YAY




going on a two week tour of Scotland in early September before the baby presumably arrives. Probably a bit of camping in June and July/August.


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

My plane for Montreal leaves at 6:30 tomorrow morning. Excited/nervous. Spending a month there should be pretty fantastic, though, and it's not the first time I've travelled for a long time alone. Not only that, but this time I'll be really learning the language, instead of muddling through on a few phrases as I did in Greece and Turkey. So! Off I go, to finish packing.
