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Summer Resolutions Support Group




So I have a pretty daunting resolution for this coming summer. My aim is to write two research papers and submit them for consideration in professional journals. I intend to do this one way or another but I thought that if anyone else had any goals they wanted to strive for this summer, we could all suffer together. If you've got a goal you want to work on, post it here and we'll update throughout the summer. We can cheer each other on and prod each other to get back on the horse when we fall off of it.

Who's with me?


Me: Write two academic papers
NR: Lose weight
Dave: Complete three big projects (1 down!)
Gusto: Paint
Officer_Charon: Get into shape, lose weight
ThatNickGuy: Finish noir novel
CanjunGal: Lose an inch around the waistline
CanjunGal: Write 10 chapters
Philosopher B.: Launch comedy site
Philosopher B.: Shop fantasy novel around to agents
CynicismKills: Start drawing again
Cheesy1: Find a new job
Cheesy1: Lose 90lbs
Rob King: Sell one written work
Rob King: Begin research into family history
SilverJelly: Lose weight
SilverJelly: Write thesis
Bowielee: Quit smoking (1 week and counting)
Null: Finish rewrite of graphic novel (by end of May)
Null: Finish zombie horror piece
Math242: Lose weight
Math242: Cut back on drinking
Morphine: Lose some weight
Ross: Get into shape
Necronic: Move
Soliloquy: Write two short stories
Soliloquy: Find a new job
Fade: Complete a RAPID grant submission
Azurephoenix: Bench 200 lbs
Azurephoenix: Fix up car
LordRavage: Finish draft of short crime novel

Woo! This summer is gonna rock!




Well, I was thinking of losing some weight... starting tomorrow.

*looks guiltily at the bag of chocolate raisins*




Chocolate raisins? My resolution is to fly to Finland and help NR eat them.

Seriously though, my resolution is to complete a few really big projects at work and do so well enough that when the restructuring is completed I will get my promotion. This is a very real chance and it means I'd be a Director.


Element 117

Activate plan beta, prepare plan delta for fall 2011, and proceed with stage seven of the current project.




Chocolate raisins? My resolution is to fly to Finland and help NR eat them.
Heheh, somehow I figured you were a raisin man, Dave :p




Paint. Anything. At all. Ever.


General Specific

General Specific

Chocolate raisins? My resolution is to fly to Finland and help NR eat them.
Heheh, somehow I figured you were a raisin man, Dave :p[/QUOTE]

He has an empathic connection to anything that wrinkly


Chad Sexington


Paint. Anything. At all. Ever.
I have a garage door that needs painting...




I'll tag in on this: after going on vacation, my nascent "get-back-in-shape" program fell by the wayside.

Today I went running, then hit the gym. It was.... painful, both physically and emotionally. I have REALLY let myself go, and in my profession, that is a big no-no.

So, yes, Ofc Fatass will be slimming down. The goal? 50 lbs in 3 months (or thereabouts... need to lose it HEALTHILY, after all...).




Hoping to enjoy the summer reading, watching movies, and just relaxing after this crappy school year.

BUT, my number 1 priority is to complete my noir detective novel. *grin*




If you guys are serious about your goals, I'll keep a list on the OP with our goals. There is nothing like public proclamations to help motivate one towards the goal.




Get a little reading for pleasure in. I'll be taking two summer classes, so we'll see if that happens. I also wanna rock climb a lot.

---------- Post added at 01:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 PM ----------

Ok here's a real concrete goal you can take down: I'm going to be very busy this summer, so I'm making it extremely realistic. I want to lose at least 1" off of my waist by the end of the summer. Hopefully it will be more.




Phase 1 complete. I just finished the first of 3 major projects. I just received and email from my Executive VP:

First off, THIS ROCKS!!! Congratulations to you on making this a reality! We have been wanting this for quite a long time and it is actually in front of me!

[FONT=&quot]We can talk more next week, have great weekend![/FONT]




If you guys are serious about your goals, I'll keep a list on the OP with our goals. There is nothing like public proclamations to help motivate one towards the goal.




If you guys are serious about your goals, I'll keep a list on the OP with our goals. There is nothing like public proclamations to help motivate one towards the goal.





Oo Oo, I thought of another one! I wanna write 10 chapters. (I'd like to do more, but I'm trying to be realistic with school and work.)




Oo Oo, I thought of another one! I wanna write 10 chapters. (I'd like to do more, but I'm trying to be realistic with school and work.)
Damn! I hope you do it!




Hey, Gusto... what kinda paintings do you do?




Freakin cool ones. You should check out his art page.




*checks Gusto's deviantart page*


Do you do character portraits?


Philosopher B.

I had a Gusto painting as my desktop for a while. Shit's bayootiful. :wub:

As for my summer goals ... I hope to launch the comedy website I've been stockpiling material for ... plus I want to query more agents about my fantasy novel (3 down, dozens to go ...), and maybe work on my horror novel.




I need to start drawing again. I want to start drawing again. Mostly, though, I need to.




I have two that I need to do:

1. Find a new job, because what I'm currently doing is not cutting it anymore.

2. Lose weight. I mean, a lot of weight. Like, 90 pounds worth of weight if possible.




I have two that I need to do:

1. Find a new job, because what I'm currently doing is not cutting it anymore.

2. Lose weight. I mean, a lot of weight. Like, 90 pounds worth of weight if possible.
If it's any consolation... I need to lose more than that. A lot more.




I need to start drawing again. I want to start drawing again. Mostly, though, I need to.
Or maybe my tremors are bad enough now that I can't draw a fucking straight line anymore.


Rob King

Rob King

Man, I have too many things that I could submit, but I've condensed some into this list of three for now:

Sell at least one written work, and finish at least five
Get into better shape
Begin research into family history




I have two that I need to do:

1. Find a new job, because what I'm currently doing is not cutting it anymore.

2. Lose weight. I mean, a lot of weight. Like, 90 pounds worth of weight if possible.
If it's any consolation... I need to lose more than that. A lot more.[/QUOTE]

If I, the layabout queen of carbohydrates, can lose 40, you two can do anything. I'm rooting for you both. :)




Man, I have too many things that I could submit, but I've condensed some into this list of three for now:

Sell at least one written work, and finish at least five
Get into better shape
Begin research into family history
I'm just going to add two per person right now in the OP. Let me know if you prefer a different two.


Rob King

Rob King

It's cool. It would probably get unwieldy with too many.

The ones you have are good, though.


Element 117

If you guys are serious about your goals, I'll keep a list on the OP with our goals. There is nothing like public proclamations to help motivate one towards the goal.






If you guys are serious about your goals, I'll keep a list on the OP with our goals. There is nothing like public proclamations to help motivate one towards the goal.



I don't want anything to do with plan beta.


Element 117

whatever. I don't need your stupid club. I'm going to go start my own!


Chad Sexington


What about my resolution to have Gusto paint my garage?




Since this is an encouragement type thread, I'll just post this here. I'm taking the Praxis tomorrow, my goal being to not have to retake either test in the Summer. So wish me luck. I tried to go easy on the studying tonight since I've been working on that for a long time now. I feel like I've retained a lot. Still nervous.

---------- Post added at 11:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 PM ----------



Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I have to write my master tesis and lose weight... And if I can write the film I've been developing in "advanced script class", that's even better.




Jelly, your thesis... how much do you have already?


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Jelly, your thesis... how much do you have already?
15 pages...




Jelly, your thesis... how much do you have already?
15 pages...[/QUOTE]

Do you have a deadline? And is it "real world" ("Oh my God, gotta finish!") or "academic" ("Meh, if it's not ready, I'll finish next semester")?




Freakin cool ones. You should check out his art page.
I had a Gusto painting as my desktop for a while. Shit's bayootiful. :wub:

*checks Gusto's deviantart page*


Do you do character portraits?
I dunno man, maybe! PM me.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Jelly, your thesis... how much do you have already?
15 pages...[/QUOTE]

Do you have a deadline? And is it "real world" ("Oh my God, gotta finish!") or "academic" ("Meh, if it's not ready, I'll finish next semester")?[/QUOTE]

Academic, Thanks to god.




I'm about a week in on quitting smoking.




I keep seeing this thread title and thinking it says "Summer Relations Support Group".

For a split second I thought everyone was super horny.




We're not? *confused look*


Rob King

Rob King

I keep seeing this thread title and thinking it says "Summer Relations Support Group".

For a split second I thought everyone was super horny.
Oh man. Let me tell you a story. But first, a spoiler alert: Rob King does not get laid in this story. Ever.

Actually ... that was the whole story.




Sin... I'm a guy. And I'm single. And even with the thing I mentioned in the rant thread... hell yes I'm super horny.

All the time.

Well, except when watching CSI (Miami, NY, whatever). Unless there's bikini shots.

Mmmm... Bikini shots...


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I'm a guy. And I'm single. I'm super horny.

All the time.
:uhhuh: You and me both, Rangerman.


Element 117

I'm a guy. And I'm single. I'm super horny.

All the time.
:uhhuh: You and me both, Rangerman.[/QUOTE]

You two could totally solve that problem. Or with each other, in which case ladies might pay you.




Uhhh... Yeah, thanks for the advice, Cr... Andr... X.

Also, SJ, some tips:
- Never start "tomorrow".
- Pace yourself. Try to get a little writing done everyday.
- If possible, set aside a definite time when you work for the thesis.
- And most importantly, remember to have fun as well. I ruined last summer by constantly fretting about the thesis.




1) finish re-writing the graphic novel I'm working on with Mangler. Deadline: May 29th, so it can be ready for release on August 21st.

2) finish the zombie horror fiction piece I was working on for Joe Alfano (you might know him as Webtroll).


Element 117

Uhhh... Yeah, thanks for the advice, Cr... Andr... X.
Amy. Say it. Hell, there's even a link in my sig of a flash sound file. Go on. Saying my name kills bureaucrats in lifetime appointed positions. It gives kitten their magical laser eyes. Etc.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Uhhh... Yeah, thanks for the advice, Cr... Andr... X.

Also, SJ, some tips:
- Never start "tomorrow".
- Pace yourself. Try to get a little writing done everyday.
- If possible, set aside a definite time when you work for the thesis.
- And most importantly, remember to have fun as well. I ruined last summer by constantly fretting about the thesis.
Thanks for the advice! It probably works better than my current strategy of drinking beer, eating chips and hiding under a blanket.


Element 117

well I do have plans, that I need to pull off this year, or I suppose life will be a lot less...complicated next year. But aside from plan beta and delta, now that stage seven is underway ( What I lovingly call 2010: The Year of Men) I was thinking this might serve better as a stickied thread, unless there was going to be a resolutions subforum?




*checks Gusto's deviantart page*


Do you do character portraits?
I dunno man, maybe! PM me.[/QUOTE]






I'm measuring my waistline tonight if I can find my tape, posting the # here (gulp) and tryin' to move dowwwwn from there. Been doing pretty well on keeping reasonable portions. I didn't even buy any fattening festival food, which is a first.




*checks Gusto's deviantart page*


Do you do character portraits?
I dunno man, maybe! PM me.[/QUOTE]



I saw it, Gusto. Sorry about that. Had some exams to finish... and yesterday my computer frickin' fried. It got better.




Heehee no worries.





That's how long I jogged today without stopping. I jogged a total of 10 minutes out of the the 35 total I was able to do. I started out not being able to go more than 30 seconds at a time. I rock! I made myself a very healthy dinner, and I'm about to go and brush my teeth and use Listerine so I don't do any late night snacking while I study. WOOHOO! It's been a very very good week so far.

Current waist size... not sure yet, exactly, cuz I can't find my tape.




Woohoo! I was bad at lunch but had a responsible breakfast and dinner myself. Good job on the exercise, though, cause you have me beat on that.




Well, I got myself to the point where, if I don't incorporate some manner of challenging movement into my day, I feel nasty. So it's almost as if I have no choice.




Well, I got myself to the point where, if I don't incorporate some manner of challenging movement into my day, I feel nasty. So it's almost as if I have no choice.
That's a good habit to get into.




This week was damned near a total bust. :( I let myself make excuses and not go exercising. HOWEVER! I have someone who has a copy of the WHOLE P90X workout that they are hooking me up with... I figure I will give that a shot.

I have, however, completely cut sodas out of my beverage selection. It has been pretty much exclusively water all week, and (mostly) healthy eating.

When you consider that I tend to grab things I can nom on whilst rushing to calls, that is not such a BAD thing, eh? Eh? *hopeful look*




i'm in

objective 1: lose 20 pounds
objective 2: not being drunk every other weekend




The soda thing's a good start, Charon. :)




Yo, Gusto. Sent you a PM about the character portrait. Lemme know if that interests you, and I'll scan some references for you (i.e. doodles).




Yo, Gusto. Sent you a PM about the character portrait. Lemme know if that interests you, and I'll scan some references for you (i.e. doodles).
Send me some reference pics and I'll see if I can find the time. I've got three paintings in various stages of completion and a lot of other crap taking up my time right now BUT WE WILL SEE.




So I found my measuring tape! And as much as it pains me to post this... 34.5 inches. :oops: Was worse last year, though. So the teeny little goal I've set for myself is to lose an inch of that. Hopefully it'll be more. I think I've finally gotten into a good "groove" with my diet. Found lots of ways to incorporate more veggies, haven't touched any sugary drinks, and exercise had been going well til my foot started hurting. But I can still do other stuff til then...




I want to Max my sit ups in the APFT, that means I have to do 86 in 2 minutes and decrease my run time from 14:45 2mile to 13:30 2mile. I hope everyone is having good luck with their goals!


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Digitally Paint. Anything. At all. Ever.
Modified to make it pertain to my circumstances:nerd:


Wasabi Poptart

I want to Max my sit ups in the APFT, that means I have to do 86 in 2 minutes and decrease my run time from 14:45 2mile to 13:30 2mile. I hope everyone is having good luck with their goals!
I know Navy standards are a bit different from Army, but my husband improved his sit ups to 148 in 2 minutes for his PRT about a month ago. He's also the PT coordinator for his command (for now, since he'll be detaching for the new command in about a month or so). If you want, I could get him to pass on some of the ab exercises he's been doing. I know he does a bunch of different core strengthening exercises, like planks and a slow motion bicycle.



My goals for the summers are

1. Lose weight via work out (5 weeks now) and hoping to run at least 5 miles. (I can do 2 miles now and 1 mile daily)
2. Write AT LEAST 3 chapters on the stories I'm working on
3. Work on a webpage that my wife and I are thinking


Element 117

plan beta is in motion. Current project is finished. Plan delta on deck., though some interesting options have appeared.




Thanks Wildsoul, I'll take any ideas. I do a lot of core exercises before I leave the gym and every morning after P.T. but sit ups have always been my weak spot.



Thanks Wildsoul, I'll take any ideas. I do a lot of core exercises before I leave the gym and every morning after P.T. but sit ups have always been my weak spot.
I started the 200 situp program and 100 push up. I'm on week 5 and doing good. (push up still weak vs situp)




Yeah, my push ups are fine I can do about 130 in 2 minutes, and my sit ups aren't bad I am sitting at 68 right now, but I would like to max my APFT once before I get out, and it is more of a challenge now that I have the highest max scores out of any age bracket.


Element 117

Doc, what's your time on an eight mile run?


Wasabi Poptart

Doc - I talked to him last night. We were trying to find some examples online of the exercises he's doing with not much luck. His suggestion to me was to take some pictures of him doing them so you have a visual representation to go with the description. That'll have to wait until the weekend. But it is coming!




Wasabi, if you're just going to PM those, could you fire them my way, too? I would appreciate it.

Amy: 8 miles? :confused: The couple of times we did something like that, it was one of those "unpleasant surprise deals," so nobody timed those for us.
"We're coming to the barracks now..." "NOPE! Keep going, squad leaders!" "DAMMIT!"


Wasabi Poptart

Wasabi, if you're just going to PM those, could you fire them my way, too? I would appreciate it.

Amy: 8 miles? :confused: The couple of times we did something like that, it was one of those "unpleasant surprise deals," so nobody timed those for us.
"We're coming to the barracks now..." "NOPE! Keep going, squad leaders!" "DAMMIT!"
No problem, Off. Charon. I'm probably going to just post them in this thread. Mr. Wasabi isn't usually shy.



I haven't exercise in two days :( since I fell off the roof and hurt my back (only a sprain) I should be able to walk normally tomorrow and back on track :)

I have cut out soda from my diet to 1 can a week. YAY! eating mostly healthy food (no fried stuff) and try to cut down carbs :(




My 5 mile time is 40 minutes, I have only run 8 miles once and it was in a formation of 130 people all singing cadence...good times :)




:confused: Jesus.

---------- Post added at 10:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 AM ----------

Also, I had a huge Pepperidge Farm cookie yesterday to celebrate the Praxis. BAD SEEJ!




I didn't post it before but it was my summer resolution to lose some weight.

I don't know how much I currently weigh nor do I want to know but my pants feel much looser! =D
I hope soon I can say the same thing about my bras. *Sparkle of illusion in her eyes*



I didn't post it before but it was my summer resolution to lose some weight.

I don't know how much I currently weigh nor do I want to know but my pants feel much looser! =D
I hope soon I can say the same thing about my bras. *Sparkle of illusion in her eyes*
my wife tells me that hip and bust goes hand in hand (at least for her) so that can be a good thing.




P90X and workout plan: acquired.

Monday is D-Day. Sunday night, I drink a gallon of water and pray heavily. *grins*




Although my waist hasn't shrunk yet I have other good news. I went really fast up 3 flights of stairs today--something that used to leave me completely winded--and it was so easy! I didn't realize how much jogging has paid off til now. I feel very proud. ^_^



Although my waist hasn't shrunk yet I have other good news. I went really fast up 3 flights of stairs today--something that used to leave me completely winded--and it was so easy! I didn't realize how much jogging has paid off til now. I feel very proud. ^_^
YAY! I got my wife to walk a whole mile today (originally 3/4 a mile but she lost her glasses somehow - don't ask me how, and we had to backtrack the whole park. Each loop = 1/4 mile. So we did 4 loops today instead of 3 woohoo!)




That's great! :) Once you hit a mile I find it's easier to expand on it.



That's great! :) Once you hit a mile I find it's easier to expand on it.
Yea. I just need her to go a little faster since we are on a time limit on week days. I figure we can do a mile a day and maybe 2-3 miles on weekends.




I have a pinkish blue canvas, a red-orange canvas, and a teal canvas. Once I have a few minutes between work and other crap I'll have to add to them.


Wasabi Poptart

Ok I have the pictures of Mr. Wasabi. I will upload them ASAP. I have a paper I need to finish writing, so I'll probably shrink them down and post them when I take a break.




I have a pinkish blue canvas, a red-orange canvas, and a teal canvas. Once I have a few minutes between work and other crap I'll have to add to them.
Can't wait to see pictures!




Late entry: I joined a gym last week so I can finally get in shape. Got a year-long membership.

Goal 1: Consistently go 3-4 days per week.

Goal 2: Get back up to my former jogging pace (5 km / 3.1 mi jogging non-stop every time I'm on the treadmill) by June 5th (at 1.75 mi now).

Goal 3: Build upper body (I'm one scrawny bastard).

Goal 4: Jog 5 miles non-stop by Sept. 1st.

Goal 5: Add 5-10 pounds of muscle by the end of 2010 (I'm about 10 pounds underweight at the moment). This ties in a bit with Goal 3.




Good luck, Ross! :)


Wasabi Poptart

Disclaimer - Try these at your own risk. If you feel like you cannot do the full set of exercises once you start, then take a break or move on to the next one. Mr. Wasabi is not a personal trainer. The U.S. Navy just lets him pretend he is one. Talk to your doctor prior to starting any exercise routine, so on and so forth.

Now, Mr.Wasabi says prepare for pain.

Ab Exercise 1 - The Sit & Reach:
You may have seen this before, where you reach between your legs for some imaginary object that is just out of your grasp. In this version you reach upward instead.
Start laying flat on the floor, arms extended up, legs bent and your heels as close to your butt as you can get them.

Come up as if you were doing a crunch, but reach upward like something is just out of your grasp, keeping your arms parallel to your legs.

Return to the starting position. Work your way up to 3 sets of 10.

Ab Exercise 2 - Leg Lift Crunch
Start laying on the floor. Your arms are behind your head to support your neck. One leg is bent with the heel against your butt while the other leg is extended straight.

While doing a crunch, lift your extended leg straight up. Do the crunch to your leg.

Work up to 3 sets of 10 for each leg (3 sets lifting your right leg, 3 sets lifting your left leg).

Ab Exercise 3 - Modified Bicycle
Start out laying on the floor with your hands behind your head. Your left leg is extended straight out while your right leg is lifted and bent at a 90 degree angle.

As you do a crunch, bring your left leg up to a bent position while extending your right leg. Do the crunch to center rather than toward your leg.

Return to the start position with right leg bent and left leg extended. Work up to 3 sets of 10 for each leg (3 sets starting with right leg extended, 3 sets starting with left leg extended).

Ab Exercise 4 - Bruce Lee Sit Ups
Start by laying flat on the floor, arms can either be over your head or at your sides, both legs extended on the floor.
Sit up, raising both legs off of the floor so your body forms a V, at the same time raise arms so they cross the outside of your knees.

Hold this position for 1 minute if you can. Hold it. Keep holding! Don't forget to breathe! Ok relax. Try to do three - 1 minute sets. As your strength and endurance improves, try to hold it as long as you can.

I do have some more for you guys, but it is getting late and my kids get me up at 0'dark-thirty.




Thanks Wasabi family, I will start doing those at the end of my work out. The modified bicycle is the only one I have done before.




Thanks Wasabi family, I will start doing those at the end of my work out. The modified bicycle is the only one I have done before.
This. Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Wildsoul/Wasabi! Some of these are similar to some pilates that I have done, but need to get back in to. Cheers!




I.... am going to die. P90X showed me today just how pathetic my conditioning's fallen. *grimace*

I may die, but I'll do it in the push-up position, dammit!


Wasabi Poptart

Thanks Wasabi family, I will start doing those at the end of my work out. The modified bicycle is the only one I have done before.
This. Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Wildsoul/Wasabi! Some of these are similar to some pilates that I have done, but need to get back in to. Cheers![/QUOTE]

You're welcome! I will post the others later, when he's home from work, so I can be sure of the descriptions. He also wanted me to tell you guys that if you are just starting out doing the first three of those exercises, in as many reps as you can handle even if it's just 3 or 4 in a set, should get you going as far as strengthening your core.




I.... am going to die. P90X showed me today just how pathetic my conditioning's fallen. *grimace*

I may die, but I'll do it in the push-up position, dammit!
Pin my medals upon my chest, and bury me in the leaning rest!




I started the Insanity work out today.

I'm going to echo Charons sentiments: this is going to kill me. I couldn't even make it through the last two work outs. :p I hope I get better at it. :)

I also danced for a full hour today! I dance a teeny bit every day (15 mins)...this is the first time since junior high that I forced myself to dance a full hour.

All in all, feeling good. :)











Push up improvement: Hopscotch push ups and 5 second push!




Hopscotch? 10-9? Are those plyometric pushups?




First day being able to walk at my regular exercising pace for more than 15 minutes. My foot has finally mended! Although I'm gonna keep the yoga up, too. It's very enjoyable.

Littlesin, that's great! Dancing's a good workout.




They are plyometric: Start in the regular pushup position, go down bounce up, put left hand forward right hand back go down, then reverse, bounce up, and go to close hand position go down back to regular pushup.

---------- Post added at 11:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 PM ----------

5 second push ups are start out in the leaning rest, go to down position count to five, then come back up then count to five :)



I think I'll join in

I've got four goals for this summer:

1) write these two short stories that I've been mulling around in the back of my mind for a while, now. One's a sci-fi story (which I haven't started) and one's a fantasy story (which I've got a good amount done with, but need to edit it so that it's actually interesting to read.)

2)find a new job, now that my internship's over (i'd prefer to finish at least one of my stories first, though)

3) get started on a graphic novel project a friend and I want to do (a clockpunk fantasy about the transition from the medieval age into a technologically advanced world)

4) get more work done on this screenplay that I've been thinking about for years (a post-apocalyptic neo-noir story.)


Element 117

sixty two minutes.




What was your goal again?

After avoiding my writing goal and focusing completely on my other one, I'm using the rest of the night to buckle down. So away I go!


Wasabi Poptart

Time to feel the burn! This next set of exercises will work more than just your core muscle group. They are also a little higher on the difficulty scale.


Exercise 1 - Modified Side Plank
Start in the side plank position. (Mr. Wasabi is a bit bent at the middle in this series of shots, btw. What you want to do is keep your body in a straight line from head to foot.)

Next, raise your top leg.

Put your right foot in.

Take your right foot out.

Put your right foot back.

And to center again.

At this point you might be shaking all about. But this ain't no hokey pokey! Do 10 reps of these and then switch sides (front, center, back, center counts as 1 rep btw).

Exercise 2 - One Legged Squats/Pistol Squats
Stand straight, arms extended at shoulder height, and raise one foot about 3 - 6 inches off of the floor.

Now bend the leg you are standing on and sit as low as you can, keeping your back straight and lifting your raised foot higher.

Push yourself back up to the starting position. Do 2 sets of 10 reps, alternating which leg you stand on and which you have raised.

Are you cursing yet? :heh:




I do those 2 pretty frequently :), and I always curse during P.T.


Wasabi Poptart

That's music to the P.T. Coordinator's ears from what I know. LOL! He tries to push me like that when I'm exercising, but I get the giggles when it hurts instead of cursing.




OK, now that the semester is officially taken care of, I can attend to this thread. I updated the list of goals people have announced. If you meet a goal, I'll strike it off. If you were forgotten on the list, I missed your announcement. Let me know and I'll add it.

Today I begin the arduous writing process. The first step is to begin organizing my sources. *dread*




Took the APFT This morning... I've been slipping overall score of 275/300, PU: 77 (I stood up after I maxed them), SU: 63, Run Time: 13:41 2mile. No real improvements =/




Took the first steps today in organizing my thoughts and the relevant past research. I'll finish sorting articles tomorrow and then I have a hell of a lot of reading to catch up on.




You can do eet! :)




Update time!

Yesterday I reviewed 12 articles (taking notes) with the intention of repeating that today. I am doing a pretty thorough review of the literature in order to get a solid grasp on what is known and what is not. It will likely take me about 2 weeks to get through all of the literature if I keep up this pace. I'll plan for three weeks.




Get NSF CAREER grant.

Also, proposing an NSF RAPID grant to support research on the oil spill, which is a big part of the reason I haven't been on here. Someone's gotta clean up this thing.




8 chapters to go, and still Summer's just begun! Woot! Also, I broke 20,000 words tonight... finally.




I haven't had a whole lot of time to paint (much to Amy's chagrin) but I have been drawing and doodling a lot more so I guess I'm on the right track...!?


Element 117

painting = drawing doodling = art making.

post it.

I did not fall off the climbing wall today.




Ahem. I have lost six pounds. I think the Insanity, while it damn near killed me, helped shave some of that weight off. The walking and calorie couting is helping even more.

So, in short, GO ME.








Yes indeed, go you! *respek knuckles*

Checked my weight this morning... I've lost 10 lbs since I started the P90x program, and that's with me slacking the first week and basically blowing off the second week (hangs head in shame). I'm re-doing week 2 (provided my back hasn't gutted this week, as well *grimace*) and I'ma see how things end up.


Wasabi Poptart

Awesome LS!

And you, OC....how's that 2 foot long sammich tonight? *lifts a brow at him like only a mom (or Spock) can*




Digesting nicely, now that there's 10 fewer pounds to hold it back *grins*

Honestly, I think most of the loss is coming from simply cutting out the sodas and counting calories.



Frankie Williamson

Cutting sodas lost me like 80 pounds when I first decided to try to join the RCMP.




Daaang, Lilsin, well done! :)




We had our second wedding reception (for those that didn't want to fly to Oregon) this last week and visitors came to town. I got very little done. :( Tomorrow I kick it into gear again, though.




Cross-posting my recent painting news from my Art Thread:

So tonight I finished a painting!

The interesting thing about this one is that I kept switching between focusing on the top and bottom, and even sometimes the side edges, and as such, I kept rotating the canvas on the easel. As a result, I can't tell whether it looks better in portrait or landscape, or which side should be on top, or anything!

So here's the picture I took. One of them has the flash on to get a better idea of the colours, but it's clearly still wet and reflective. The other doesn't have the flash so the colours look a little more washed out, but it gives a better idea of the actual brushstrokes. I'll take a better OFFICIAL picture when it's dry.




Looks like fire.




Looks like fire.
I get that for most of my paintings actually. :p

I don't really wanna clutter this thread with a whole lot of my stuff so if people wanna visit my Art Thread and comment I would be very appreciative. :heart:




I like it. If the wife goes for that style, I might have to commission a piece...

In my world: I was analyzing data earlier this week and it wasn't coming out well, as in delaying my writing until possibly the fall. I struggled with how to construct a narrative to explain the results I was getting and ultimately ended up redoing some new analyses on a lot of the experiments I will be reporting. This was a very different approach than I had been considering but it provides a clearer understanding of what I want to convey, it demonstrates consistent results in the data (which I was struggling with using a poorer analytic method), and it consolidates a lot of the methodological problems I thought I had. In summary, my research looked like a mess and I fixed almost everything with one single change and no set-back in my writing whatsoever. In fact, I have a clearer understanding of my research and can draw stronger conclusions than before. Progress!




I like it. If the wife goes for that style, I might have to commission a piece...
Oh HO!

Well pass iyt a long then, and thanks for the kind words. Whatever keeps me workin' helps. :)




Re: my resolution: I decided to skip the CAREER grant for now, and go for a RAPID grant instead. I've pitched it to the marine geoscience director at NSF, and he's interested. This is my little pitch by the way. It concerns the oil spill





Is it too late to join in on this?









In that case then... I have two summer goals.

1. I've been working on this for a while... but I want to be able to bench press 200 lbs... hopefully this summer is the time!

2. I really really REALLY want to get my project car that's been sitting idle for the past year and a half fixed up, tuned, stereo installed and ready to rock and roll instead of just taking up space in my garage.




Added to the list. Update us with your progress!




The first week of school did a number on the routine I'd put together. I'm having to make adjustments, but I think that all will be well.



I want in on this.

I have been toying with the idea of a novel for some time but I end up getting distracted and losing interest. It seems to be my MO to my creativity. I want to just write a short crime fiction novel. I have put down about a thousand words and still pretty good about it. I want to keep going and have it done before the end of the summer.

I will try to keep some of the teeth gnashing to a minimum but hopefully this thread will see me through.

I most certianly will be here cheering on everyone with their summer projects.

Unleash your resolutions and may we fight together to the bitter end of summer!




Ravage: I, too, have toyed with the idea of cranking out something in the literary mien. However, I tend to get distracted by the shinies during it. I can't even finish a NaNoWriMo, FFS.

Is there a Writer's Corner in the Artist's section of the board? I hadn't checked....



I checked. No writers corner. I would like to create a thread but it seems the artist corner is where creative art goes to die. But general discussions on projects and helpful ideas would greatly benefit our storm torn minds. Maybe a stciky thread on the creative process instead of "Here! I made this. Tell me things.".

The novel (Or novelette) is in the serial killer vein. I have been doing alot of research. So far I am having fun with it. Now I just need to keep that going.




I checked. No writers corner. I would like to create a thread but it seems the artist corner is where creative art goes to die. But general discussions on projects and helpful ideas would greatly benefit our storm torn minds. Maybe a stciky thread on the creative process instead of "Here! I made this. Tell me things.".

The novel (Or novelette) is in the serial killer vein. I have been doing alot of research. So far I am having fun with it. Now I just need to keep that going.
Just remember, many serial killers are actually societally well-adjusted, perhaps with a particular quirk or mannerism that most people just write off as being "just that thing they do." *grins*




Grrrrrrrrrrr. One of the most frustrating things about my weight goal is the diet part, not the exercise part, I've decided. I have little windows of the day where I'm actually home and can make a meal, but after my last illness when I could barely eat I get full really fast. So basically I can't finish meals. Then in the middle of class or work I get hungry. Now, I always keep healthy snacks in my backpack, but it's just aggravating. Why can't my stomach just let me finish a reasonable portion of beans and rice that will get me through a 4 hour period?




See, you need to take those rice and beans and concentrate them into bar form. Only then can you unleash their awesome power.




See, you need to take those rice and beans and concentrate them into bar form. Only then can you unleash their awesome power.
*compresses 10 lb. of beans and rice into a bar, eats*

Hmm.... *dials phone* Hospital please?







Last night I drew the image on the foreground of my dry canvas, and this morning I went to the local art store to get more mineral spirits, canvases, and a couple tubes of paint.

Tuesday or Wednesday will be foreground painting day, and [probably] Friday will be re-inking/detailing day. :)

Then I can start a NEW one. ;)




Grr... haven't been too careful with what/how much I'd been eating for the past week. Back on track now, but I'm aggravated that I was careless. Kinda jumpstarting this week by altering my diet to include way more vegetables. I definitely feel better today than I did this time last week.




I fell off the damn wagon with soda. Dad bought 6 2-liters of ginger ale and I caved and had a couple glasses. Shit. Well, time to start over on that.

Also, Wayfinder #3 was out in print this last weekend, featuring a short story I wrote for it.




It's hard to pass up ginger ale. Good luck getting back into your good habit. :) We can motivate each other. Tell me to quit being such a weenie and I will reciprocate.




Bleh. NSF (nicely) turned me down. They said it wasn't really their type of project. The director did offer a few suggestions for grant money, including a private fund from BP. I also found a BAA that specifically addressed my project type. Oh well. Round 2.




Over the last two days, I wrote 1300 words out of what will be an 8000 word manuscript. It is all very rough but putting in a good 600 words a day does feel like progress. That translates to about 2 pages double spaced each day, btw.





Well I'm on track with writing, but I haven't made much head way with my waistline. No change... although, on the bright side, no getting bigger, either. Made some modifications to my routine last week. Hopefully it'll make a difference.


Rob King

Rob King

Rob King: Sell one written work
Rob King: Begin research into family history
I've submitted to a few places, but everything thus far has been rejected without comment. In the meanwhile, I'm preparing to submit something for a literary contest at the end of the week, and am working on an application to be accepted for a writing retreat/workshop in the fall with several published writers.

I did start my genealogy, but I wouldn't call that one finished yet, since I've only just begun.




I have the second draft of my introduction written. It still needs some polish but is really getting there now. The student I am writing this with is working on the next section and I will shortly begin the section after that. Since I may be taking a trip to Europe beginning the end of July, we may have only about 3 weeks to really frame up a solid first draft. It doesn't need to be submitted by then but we will want it almost completely written, if a bit rough, by the middle of July.




CajunGal: Lose an inch around the waistline
:D I did it.

Lost inches in my legs, too!


Wasabi Poptart

Congrats CG!




Congrats, Seej!



Grats, I had/have to lose a few inches to get into the navy, I think currently for Monday I need to lose another inch so I can be in by the body fat measurements they do.




Congratulations Cajungal... :)

Guess it's time for my update.

I haven't done squat on my car unfortunately so that one has fallen to the wayside for now.

However... with my other goal, I've been working out constantly and my max press on the bench is now about 185 pounds. Not much higher than my last personal best, but I've built a lot more muscle this time around, just need to condition it and train it. 200 lbs, you're mine!!!!




All right! :) That's impressive. You're almost there!




I guess I painted at all this summer. The result is... mixed. I like it some days and other days I don't.

I'm starting a new painting in the next couple days; that is, I've been planning it and preparing for the last week or so, and in the next couple days I'll be actually applying it to a canvas.




Sent around the first draft of my paper for some feedback. The goal is to send it out in the first half of September and I may be on track for that. As it gets closer to completion, I am getting more and more nervous. How many rejections will I receive before I publish? I'm not going to let that get to me, though. Starting in September I'm going to start on my next paper (which will be half as long.)


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

SilverJelly: Lose weight
SilverJelly: Write thesis
Nope and nope... :S




Guyz...I am now 249 pounds!

Edit: I can't remember but I think I was 265-270 in June. I'm now a size 20!




That's fantastic! Congrats, Lilsin :D




Much congratulations and felicitations, Sin!




Congrats, Sin.

To follow up on mine, I spent this summer proving I was right so that I could get funding. Basically doing the work before getting paid to do the work. I met with some industry people in town here Friday, and it went well. Their advice was to screw the grant route. Get a patent and sell it, they said. I don't know about all that. Money is nice, but I'm not quite so capitalist as they are.



So I bought a Yoga DVD and it has really helped with the weight lost, flexibility and strengthening workouts. Which is big cause my shoulder has really been hurting lately but this greatly helps that as well. Go me lost about 10-15lbs and ~6 inches from my waist.




Glad your meeting went well, Fade. :) I hope you can get your grant!

Good job, Crono! I loooooove yoga! I have to be careful when doing plank, though. I really hurt my wrist the first time I tried.




Getting back to the brushes tomorrow. FINALLY have a day off, giving me the peace and quiet I need.
