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Superman/Batman: Public Enemies trailer



[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_OvtI_qMig:gx0puoo7][/youtube:gx0puoo7] For all those folks who haven't seen it


Well....it looks cool.

Unfortunately, they're adapting from a huge, nonsensical piece of crap for a storyline. Think I'll skip this one, entirely.




Whenever I read Batman with Superman I can't shake the feeling that it's a like... DIFFERENT batman than when he's solo. He acts... weird.




Actually looks very nice.




Say what you will, I enjoyed that comic.


Gusto said:
Say what you will, I enjoyed that comic.
Your MOM enjoyed that comic!


....like I said in the Yahtzee thread, creatively drained.

Honestly, I thought the whole story started out well, but let's look at the facts:

(Now with special spoilery boxed action for those that don't want to be spoiled of the movie!)
[spoiler:1p05v1o7]1) The Metallo storyline introduced in the beginning disappears after the next issue. It's basically used as a stepping stone to get the two of them together.
2) The Superman/Batman combo-bot (whatever it was called). Nuff said.
3) Luthor's entire set up to frame Superman was using a kryptonite asteroid. How is that framing Superman when even a sliver of it would kill him?
4) Luthor goes from being the president to insane criminal for no apparent reason. Since when would he jump to using Kryptonite-induced Venom (the super-steroid)? I buy that it would make him insane, but why did he start taking it? Then, of course, there's the fact that while he was president, DC did jack shit with all that potential.
5) The giant battle with all the villains was just Loeb doing his usual of playing with all the toys, even if they didn't make sense and dilluted what greatness they had just to give Bats and Supes some token one-page spread of beating them (Mongul, Lady Shiva)
6) As far as the asteroid goes, the day was saved with a kind of deus ex-machina with Captain Atom.
7) The inner monologue between the two was fun at first, but man, it got tiresome quick.[/spoiler:1p05v1o7]

All in all, I have nothing against someone that likes the story because it DOES have some fun moments. But the story is completely ridiculous with a lot of nonsensical or out of character moments. There are worse comics out there to be sure (Mark Millar's Wanted, for example) and I owned the trade for a long while. But...yeah, the more I thought about it, the less I liked it.




Calleja said:
Whenever I read Batman with Superman I can't shake the feeling that it's a like... DIFFERENT batman than when he's solo. He acts... weird.
Supes prob uses his super-hypnosis to change his personality... then makes him forget using super-kisses.
