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Swiss - Speeding ticket fine is a percentage of your wealth?




Wow... 290k fine with estimate wealth of 20million. that is around 1.45%


General Specific

General Specific

A statement on the court's Web site says the driver - a repeat offender - drove up to 35 miles an hour faster than the 50-mile-an-hour limit.
Repeat offender (more than likely because he can pay any little $100 fine without any trouble) and going 85 in a 50. Yeah, I agree with the court on this one. It's a bit of a stiff fine, but I'm sure they've got his attention now.



I'm not sure that I approve of punishing people differently for the same crime, even if it is based on something like wealth.




We had a similar case here in Finland in the late 90s. Don't know what the situation is nowadays, legislation-wise.




I'm not sure that I approve of punishing people differently for the same crime, even if it is based on something like wealth.
There's a reason why % are used when one wants a more accurate result for a lot of stuff.

But only using it for repeat offenders is probably the safest way. After all it shouldn't be about the money but about stopping it from happening again.




I'm not sure that I approve of punishing people differently for the same crime, even if it is based on something like wealth.
But... they have more money than you? Don't you want them punished? :p

In all seriousness if this guy is getting constant speeding tickets then a higher punishment is cool, not sure about that amount though...




I've always been in favor of percentage fines. To the well-off, a $150 ticket is nothing, where to others, they have to sell stuff just to afford that and make rent or something.




I've always been in favor of percentage fines. To the well-off, a $150 ticket is nothing, where to others, they have to sell stuff just to afford that and make rent or something.
See, age is my thing. If you are 20 and you accidentally run over someone doing 20 years in prison is nothing since you have your whole life ahead of you but if you are 60 it should be like 1 or 2 years since you are so close to the end.




Because you know, age and money are equivalent in so many ways.




The problem is someone with that much money can basically shrug off the consequences because they mean nothing to them. You can't just shrug off prison terms. The amount is excessive though. I say just take his license away if he's a repeat offender. If he drives without a license, take the car away.


Kitty Sinatra

Yeah, but somebody who's in prison from 20 to 40 has lost their most productive years; that's lousy for the state. ;)



Frankie Williamson

I've always been in favor of percentage fines. To the well-off, a $150 ticket is nothing, where to others, they have to sell stuff just to afford that and make rent or something.
See, age is my thing. If you are 20 and you accidentally run over someone doing 20 years in prison is nothing since you have your whole life ahead of you but if you are 60 it should be like 1 or 2 years since you are so close to the end.[/QUOTE]

Now I see that I am ludicrous for taking that post wrong. Doh.


Kitty Sinatra

I'm the only one who gets you, espy.



For repeat offenders I think it would be better to have some kind of extra non financial penalty like community service or just taking away their licence, that way there is no discrimination involved.




I'm the only one who gets you, espy.
You always have. You always have.




35 miles an hour faster then the speed limit means you instantly lose your license here. You can get it back after a while, but as a repeat offender that will most likely be a long while.

Tiny fines don't hurt rich people, it's pointless as a deterrent. The idea of a percentage is nice, but it should only be used for the smaller stuff. 35 miles faster is way too much of a breach to be simply dealt with by a fine if you ask me.



Percentage fines? Nice idea, but I can see them being a bitch to calculate if they apply them more generally.

On the plus side, filing your tax returns every time you get busted would certainly be an extra disincentive...



Speeding ticket fine is a percentage of your wealth?
This guy would probably make the government millions-




I'd love to see what sort of consequences there would be for this guy. He deserves to have his keys taken away permanently, destroyer of history that he is.

