I know I asked this before but I'd like to ask if any of you would be willing to play this game in COOP? You'll need to have a real version with the multiplayer patch. I promise good times!
I wish they'd just fucking release this game on Grand Old Games, Direct2Drive, or Steam. Lord knows there are enough people out there who want to play it and it's not like they wouldn't make money off of it.
I'd love to I just never tried playing it again after the first time I tried it on XP like 2 PCs ago. Could never get it to work properly then. Maybe I'll dig it out and give her a go.
Actually, that's a point, I haven't tried that game on Vista or Win 7, how is it on those OSs. I do have an XP VM I could run it off if worse comes to worse, but I'd prefer to play it in the native OS.
There's a massive issue if you got a dual or quad core, the game will stop working. You'll have to CTRL+Alt+Tab and set the processs to ONE CPU and it'll work fine. As far as XP D9 goes.
If any of you want to give it a go, I'd love a nice COOP impossible mode game sometime.
I found the local network code to be problematic at best so I don't know how well you have going to do over the internet. This is one of the games that I really wish would get released by a digital download service like GOG.
It's an amazing game even all these years on... it just takes a little bit of playing around to get it running in windows vista/7
Well, I've searched all my boxes that I brought from the last move, it appears that SS2 and Dungeon Keeper 2 are in my storage boxes. It'll be at least a week before I get out to the storage shed, but I do want to grab that software box as it also has my copy of Win 98 that I want to put on a VM on my computer.
Man, SS2. God DAMN that's a good game. Silent Hill is the only other game that freaked me out as much and that was mainly because it was so damned hard to defend yourself.