Taking my mom to the hospital

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Yeah, this thread is a distraction while I ride in the back seat, on the way to the hospital. She's having chest pains.

Someone kidnap Tom Brazelton.


Why, is your mother a celebrity?

Little humor to help. Is this going to be another trend we set? These things like to infect the forum and spread. First Calleja, now Ravenpoe.

Best wishes though, hope it turns out to be minor.
It'll probably turn out to be indigestion, but better safe than sorry. She says it hurts a lot, and it's scaring her. We had her take an aspirin as well.


Staff member
Good luck, Poe. We're here for you if you need us.

In fact, I'll send you a cute little kitty.
At least you were able to recognize the signs and get her treatment. Stay strong.

Finding out something awful has happened to you mother is possibly one of the worst feeling in the world.
I'm not that worried. Well, obviously. a little, but it wasn't a super serious heart attack. I called my grandmother, who is a nurse, to come drive us to the hospital, and I made her swallow some aspirin on the way. Doc said we did everything right, and cardiologist is going to see her in the morning.

Thanks for the support guys. If anyone wants to send me hearts and kitties, go ahead.
Take care, brah. As previously stated, it's great that you were able to recognize the signs and get her in to the hospital before it became more serious.
Gah! I'm sorry to hear that. It sounds like all will work out well. I don't want to jinx anything, but I'm glad things are looking a little up. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Oh, and I would send you a kitty or something but I'm poor. Pretend I sent you one instead.
So, update, and it's good news all around.

She did have a heart attack. Yesterday, first thing in the morning, the cardiologist examined her and ran more tests, and they found a blockage in one of her main ventricles. We would later find out it was 99% obstructed.

They gave her an arterial catheter then, and put a stint in to open the blockage. Everything went well, and today she was discharged and could go home. She'll have to change her lifestyle, however, and she'll need to quit smoking (which will be the hardest part for her).

Thanks for the support from everyone. I stayed pretty calm during the whole ordeal, but certainly a part of that was being able to vent here while it happened.


Im so glad poe-who-says-he-is-not-mine-but-totally-is.

Text me if you want to talk.
Wow... just read this...sorry to hear that you and yours had to go through this man. Will be keeping you and your family in my prayers and thoughts and I'm glad she's doing better.


Glad to hear the good news.

As for quitting smoking, I've heard good things about those new fancy electronic cigarette thingies.
Wow, I just read this.

Poe, I'm happy she's been in good hands. It's quite the experience to have someone in distress. I brought my brother to the hospital (i was 16 and on my temp license) after he was complaining of a severe headache while we were in a hardware store shopping for stuff to use to continue the work in his basement. I was freaked out as hell. After I pulled up to the emergency spot and was walking to the door with him, he collapse on the floor and fell into a coma for 9 days. He had a brain hemorrhage and only survived because he was so close to the hospital. High blood pressure, chain smoker, recently divorced fucks you up badly. I went to go see him after school every day until he came out of it and when he did, he though I was his cousin! He lost the memories of the last 10 years of his life. It was a long recovery but with a good family and a lot of support you can make miracles happen.

All the best to you and your family.


Glad shes doing well. Man, I wish I could go back and be a cardiologist. Those guys make some buku bucks.
My Dad went through 2 heart attacks around 15 years ago. One happened in his doctor's office during a stress test. He had angioplasty done both times. He's nearly 82 now, and is in pretty good shape.

I think his young cardiologist retired in that time...
My Dad had a heart attack when I was a kid. I know it can be a frightening experience. I'm glad to hear she'll be okay.
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