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Teacher tackle gunman as he start shooting at a school near Columbine




Wow... Go Dr. Benke. Don't mess with those math teachers :)





But I thought you had to have a gun to stop this sort of thing.






1 post! We have a new record! And a surprising turn of events it's Dave who gets the ball rolling!




I made it with the [troll] tags to show I'm totally joking.



Frankie Williamson

Professionally, I could never encourage someone to act that way. Personally, that dude is a fucking hero. Straight up.




Had a long rant about teaching back in the '90's when there were a lot of those happening, and the idiotic responses by administrators, but I cut it all out.

Good for the teacher doing the right thing.




Note to self: Stay the fuck away from Columbine.



Note to self: Stay the fuck away from Columbine.
well it is getting kinda scary (in any schools really)

I mean when it was "ok" to just shoot off children? Was there a new subliminal message or something? Was there a memo I missed? I notice that lately it is ok just to "off" your co-worker or students when you have a disagreement instead of old fashion of "duking" it out or something like that.

Or is the emotional stress now-a-days is greater than say... thirty years ago?




This has been going on far longer and more often than most people realize.


pril 7, 1982 Littleton, Colorado, United States Jason Rocha, 14 1 dead Jason Rocha, a 14-year-old student, shot and killed 13 year-old Scott Darwin Michael, a fellow student at Deer Creek Middle School in Littleton, Colorado. Rocha was charged as an adult and sentenced to 12-years in prison for the murder.[134]

damn the second shooting at that particular school.




Whoa. I'd never heard of the Bath killings before.




That one is much closer in motive and action to that asshole in Austin last week.

---------- Post added at 08:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 PM ----------


From my neck of the woods. I used to spend my summers just outside that town.

Ruled an accident, but once some nut confessed to doing it on purpose. I hope to God that the authorities were right and that he was lying.

I worked with an old timer that stayed home from school that day. Some 50 years later he was still suffering from survivor's guilt.



update: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100224/ap_on_re_us/us_colo_school_shooting

The guy scope the place out a day earlier and no one notice? you would think since it was so close to Columbine, that the faculty would at least get suspicious.




Parents go in and out of school all the time. proximity to Columbine has nothing to do with it.




update: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100224/ap_on_re_us/us_colo_school_shooting

The guy scope the place out a day earlier and no one notice? you would think since it was so close to Columbine, that the faculty would at least get suspicious.
He used the cover that he was an alumni.

I've visited some of my old schools when I got out of college.


Chad Sexington


I'm glad the US has some badass teachers this week. In Canada this week we've had a teacher get some kid pregnant in a town north of Edmonton (my city) and some teachers in Winnipeg giving a lapdance wherein the guy pantomimed oral sex on the woman in front of a gymnasium full of students.

So classy.

Kudos to his successful intervention!
