Tell me a story.

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We've got the funny pictures thread, the awesome videos thread, a games on sale thread, etc, etc, etc.

But I like to read, and there's a ton of words on the intertron that can be consumed.

So this is the stories thread. Post a link to a great, fun, funny, awesome, etc story. If the story is shorter than a paragraph or two, and the copyright allows then go ahead and post it, but links are probably better. A short one line description of the story so people know what they're getting when they click the link would be much appreciated.

Here's a story Kris Straub wrote about a childhood tv show called "candle cove" which, it seems, was a fairly scary show for children. Written as a series of exchanges on a forum from members remembering watching the show as kids. Easy, quick read (5 minutes).

Candle Cove - Ichor Falls
Wow. That was super effective. I have new respect for Straub. Also, I have a new website to squander my time on, so this is a dual win.


Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful trip
That started from this comic strip
Aboard this tiny forum.

The writer was a mighty egotistical man,
The comic lame and a bore.
Five hundred users logged on that day
For a free forum tour, a free forum tour.

The users started getting rough,
The tiny forum was tossed,
If not for the courage of a fearless man
The community would be lost, the community would be lost.

The forum set ground on the new site of this uncharted desert page
With Dave
The Zenmonkey too,
The lesbians and their wives,
The Gusto star
The Chaz professor and Cajun Gal,
Here on Halforums Isle.

So this is the tale of the castways,
They're here for a long, long time,
They'll have to make the best of things,
It's an uphill climb.

The Dave and his admins too,
Will do their very best,
To make the others comfortable,
In the forum getaway nest.

No big names, no comic book stars no heavy traffic,
Not a single luxury,
Like Robinson Crusoe,
As primative as can be.

So join us here each week my freinds,
You're sure to get a smile,
From hundreds stranded castways,
Here on "Halforums Isle."
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