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Tell me your craigslist story.




The backstory: I moved from a furnished apartment to a not furnished apartment. Suffice to say I'm lacking a few things that I would would be nice to have like a couch that does not smell funny, a breakfast table and some type of bed. My budget is between free and not too terribly expencive. This being the case I've decided to turn to craigslist for my furniture needs.

My question to you: what has been your exerience with this? Did you get totally ripped off? Did you score a sweet deal? If you had to do it again would you just buy a poor quality wal-mart thing instead? Did the nympho never show up and you suspect the ad was placed by the other dude in the hottub who came for the "NSA 3some"?

Alt. Question to you: do you live in the Austin/ central texas area with a 1) couch 2) futon 3) breakfast table 4) any combination of the above that they are looking to get rid of?




I used Craigslist and got a really kickass couch for $75.

My advice is don't even bother looking at the ads that don't have pictures. It's just a waste of time to drive over to someone's house and decide you don't like the furniture or that it's not even what you imagined it was.

Most of the people who sell furniture super cheap on Craigslist are just people who need to move really soon, so they're just trying to get rid of all the big stuff.

Thing is, some things you need to be quick on. Someone listed a HUGE sectional couch that looked really expensive for $20 and that got snatched up immediately.

In short, go for it.




My Craiglist story: I won a pair of Tori Amos tickets from the radio, only to find out I couldn't attend. I advertised them for sale on craigslist and got a response in under an hour. I had to drive to the Daly City BART station to sell them to the guy the next day. He turned out to be blind (hence the public transportation), and since they were promo tickets, seats were all the way in the back. Obviously, a vision impaired guy wouldn't care too much about sitting closer. I wound up seeing him again, of all places, on Mythbusters. He was the blind guy who was given driving instructions by sober, then drunk, Jamie.

Sorry that my story wasn't furniture-related. My new apartment here had a couch that was dust and spider-covered. Six months later, I still haven't used it for anything, not even as a shelf. I can't fit it out the front door to get rid of it either. I need a key for the back doors that connect to another apartment (like connected hotel rooms).

Alt. answer: My small college town had a newsgroup where people would say what they are tossing onto the street, you come and take what you want. Surely Austin would have plenty of college kids tossing stuff out, though it will likely be junk.




I got most of my current furnature from craigslist, and it worked out great for me. doomdragon is right in that you should only go for ads that have pics, but that's just common sense. Really, I got some great deals for some pretty damn good furnature.


How about a couple of short ones:

-Met a really cute asian chick through the personals section once. We got along great, until she admitted to having herpes. Fortunately, we hadn't gotten that far and I appreciated the honesty, but yeah, it wasn't something I could be a part of.

-Got to be an extra in a movie called Pinkville, that sadly was cancelled during the writers strike and never recovered.

-Got to be on a low budget game show called Man Up. Still haven't been able to get a copy of the episode I was in.




ThatNickGuy said:
How about a couple of short ones:

-Met a really cute asian chick through the personals section once. We got along great, until she admitted to having herpes. Fortunately, we hadn't gotten that far and I appreciated the honesty, but yeah, it wasn't something I could be a part of.

-Got to be an extra in a movie called Pinkville, that sadly was cancelled during the writers strike and never recovered.

-Got to be on a low budget game show called Man Up. Still haven't been able to get a copy of the episode I was in.
These all sound a lot like the "I found the prize-winning gray M&M, but my brother ate it" stories of yesteryears. =P




Well, I e-mailed some people about a $50 table w/6 chairs which sounds too good to be true but maybe they really are just looking to get rid of it. Also found a $40 wood frame futon. Hopefully we can snag 'em both and not get screwed over. I'm blaming y'all for giving me faith in the system if I do end up getting molested by thee guys all named earl!

Now that we got that out of the way, let's talk about the hookers. Who's tried it? Be honest. TNG I'm looking at you.


*shrug* Just personals, brother. Never paid for sex. Although, an ex-roommate of mine used to be a receptionist for an escort service. True story.




Seriously, all these "too good to be true"s are just people looking to get rid of the stuff. Hell, I found a huge, almost-new, fluffy recliner that worked perfectly fine for $10.

Around here, though, lots of college students are moving out of their apartments and are looking to get rid of their stuff, so there's a lot listed. For me, I know that whatever I get was probably bought new and used by students for a year or so. I guess elsewhere you could be buying the bed their grandmother died in. Dunno. :D :thumbsup:


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Yeah, a lot of 'too good to be true' can be people moving that don't have the time/truck-space to take stuff.




The Austin Freecycle group. Looks like you have to join to see what is being offered, though that is free too.



I'm trying to buy a cheapass bicycle on Criagslist for like 20 bucks to chain up outside 30th st. in Philly, but everyone on there seems to be trying to hock their piece of shit, 1970's era bike for 300 bucks.




Paid 60 for a working washer and dryer that has been in use in the basement ant my house for the last 3 years no problems.

I use CL to buy and sell stuff all the time. never really had a problem with it. Just do not be retarded.




I was on the opposite end of the sale when I moved from Boston to Louisiana. I had limited space in the Pod, so I sold a lot of really nice things on Craigslist for cheap. They were in a garage sale for the same price, but people kept trying to undercut my already ridiculously low prices too deeply. So I listed them on Craigslist, and I got what I wanted. Nothing wrong with the stuff. I just needed to unload it.




phil said:
Now that we got that out of the way, let's talk about the hookers. Who's tried it? Be honest. TNG I'm looking at you.
Let me tell you what Kenny Powers says about hookers:

Kenny Powers said:
A lot of people ask me if I have ever paid for sex. The answer is, yes, I have. Several times in fact. And it's actually kind of cool. You can negotiate practically anything and even do stuff in the moment that you never agreed to pay for and it goes by without much arguing.




I have never had a problem buying from Craigslist. Always insist on pictures if the deal sounds good but there are none in the ad.

So far I've gotten a 30 gallon aqarium for $20 and a 5 Cubic feet chest freezer for $20.

Selling has been hit or miss.

I have sold a closet organizer, celing fan, and dryer. I tried selling a newish set of truck tires and got multiple "I live in (another state) but would love to buy your tires and pay for transport fees, I will send you a money order, opps my assitant made the money order out for too much, please cash it and send me the remainder of the money"

TL:DR version (buying is good with pictures, selling be careful).



I've had great luck with illgeal paraphernalia over craigslist.




Check out Freecycle http://www.freecycle.org/ You usually get family type people and women on there

-- Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:36 pm --

I guess I should read before posting, someone already said Freecycle


I've tried buying a lot of stuff on there, including some tires once, but my secretary is hard of hearing and always makes the checks out for too much. So, I ask people just to cash them and then send the difference back to me, but everyone stops talking to me after that. Weird.









I got a 28 foot above ground pool and a really nice deck for nothing more than taking it apart and hauling it off. I have some stuff (an old 27 inch tv and a couple of recliners) that I just want gone and am going to use Craigslist for that.

My buddy and I went to Texas a couple of weeks ago where he was exchaning motor cycles with a guy who advertised on Craigslist. No problems there, either.

Of course there are horror stories: Woman was duped into changing adult male's diapers




Give ya 10 bucks for the tv. 15 if you bring it down here. Eh? Ehhhhhh? :unibrow:
