In a free market, scarcity drives price. If you can’t get something you want, you pay what the market dictates in order to get it.
This principle should apply to domestic labour markets as much as it does to supply and demand for gasoline.
If the fast-food business is accurate in its claim there’s a scarcity of labour to fill their unskilled minimum wage jobs, wages should rise until those jobs become attractive enough to bring in Canadian workers who can fill them.
Instead, these employers import minimum-wage employees from foreign labour pools where even the worst wage and working conditions in Canada look attractive. This enables business to artificially depress wages here.
I'm glad this program is getting a review. We should be bringing in X amount of people per year (according to wiki, 280,000 in 2010, which may be fine), giving them permanent resident status so that abuse by employers is difficult, and we should have an honest debate as to how many that should be and why. Come because some element of skilled labour needs people and actually can't find anybody? That would be indicated because wages are skyrocketing in that particular industry. Then bring some in. Industry "claims" they need people because they can't find Canadians for unskilled labour? Let the wages show the real story (this is related to how there's not actually a STEM shortage in Canada or the USA, but that's another story).If Canada truly needs these workers, grant them landed immigrant status with the same rights, benefits and freedoms to sell their labour to the highest bidder that the rest of us supposedly enjoy in our supposedly free marketplace.
This is fully documented, legal, in the country. The only part that seems "illegal" is the loosening of the "we can't find a Canadian to do it" part to the point of they barely need to try and prove it. Has little to do with day labour, as they need a permanent employer.This is a new thing for you? Seems like it's been going on in the USA at least since the mid to late 70's. Migrant work, day labor, flat out undocumented immigrants. And that's not counting what we've done in China over that same time period.
Actually, even illegal immigrants are supposed to pay their taxes properly. We DO tax them fully; they just don't pay it, and often claim dependents that live in other countries. It comes up in court cases and they do get in trouble for it. People who would otherwise have been given relief have been deported on moral grounds because of cheating their taxes or not paying them. They get caught, eventually--the IRS is a slow but tenacious beast--but it makes no difference if they don't have the money. You can tax someone all you want, but if they're broke, they're broke, citizen or not.Ironically, this is almost better than the current situation here in America because at least these people can become Canadian Citizens if they stay out of trouble. Half the problem with illegal immigration in this country is that they don't pay full taxes but use substantially more public services. It's a net drain... but if we could make some of them citizens, we could tax them fully and recoup some of that cost.
Hey, even drug dealers are supposed to pay taxes.Actually, even illegal immigrants are supposed to pay their taxes properly.
Good illustration of the second half of my original post about the abuses. It is just bad for everybody except the owners (double entendre intended).While the restaurants are a problem, they have nothing on this nonsense: