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Terrorist thwarted near my home town



Oregon bomb-plot suspect wanted 'spectacular show' - Yahoo! News

Today I don't feel safe. After 9/11 they had found an Al Qaeda training camp in Oregon and it was thankfully shut down. Alleged mastermind behind Oregon jihad training camp tries to block extradition to US | OregonLive.com
I've been breathing easier, but now I'm wondering how many more of these assholes are in my state...




Why don't you feel safe? This bozo didn't get even remotely close to doing anything. I'd venture to say that if there were indeed more of them I'd be willing to bet they are being watched, too.


Element 117

Dave, this is Matt. Bikers show up in his parking lot, and he loses it. /shrug.




Yeah, I gotta say... as far as terrorist plots go, this was kinda half assed.




Dave, this is Matt. Bikers show up in his parking lot, and he loses it. /shrug.
Ahahahah. *deep breath*



Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Oh good, the FBI manufactured another "win" to convince us we're all in mortal danger still.




Oh good, the FBI manufactured another "win" to convince us we're all in mortal danger still.
Basically this. Now every teenager with a grudge who doesn't look like us is part of an "Al Qaeda sleeper cell." Pfft.




Man, I miss when all the kids in the schools were ticking time bombs.




Soooo... the FBI managed to capture a dumbass kid with a van full of plastic? Good for them.

Also, who the hell would make a terrorist attack in Oregon?



Auburn State College Football fans? -heh-

Personally I was more disturbed to see a Scientology Church pop up in my old neighborhood....




This kid WANTED to do something. He just didn't have the means to do so. So the FBI acted as if they were a terrorist organization and helped him build fake bombs. When he attempted to set off fake bombs they arrested him.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand the kid WAS willing to go through with it but on the other were it not for the FBI giving him everything he wanted the kid would have been about as effective as the old drunk guy sitting in the bar half out of his mind muttering to himself about how things "ought to be" and how he could make people see the light if given a chance.

SO I don't think it's a completely manufactured terrorist plot, but it's by no means a real win by the FBI.



Why don't you feel safe? This bozo didn't get even remotely close to doing anything. I'd venture to say that if there were indeed more of them I'd be willing to bet they are being watched, too.
*THIS* bozo got caught cause he's a dumbass teen. What happens when a copycat manages to stay more secretive and DOES set something off?




Why don't you feel safe? This bozo didn't get even remotely close to doing anything. I'd venture to say that if there were indeed more of them I'd be willing to bet they are being watched, too.
*THIS* bozo got caught cause he's a dumbass teen. What happens when a copycat manages to stay more secretive and DOES set something off?[/QUOTE]

What if I slip and fall in the shower?

Oh my God! I'll be killed!




Why don't you feel safe? This bozo didn't get even remotely close to doing anything. I'd venture to say that if there were indeed more of them I'd be willing to bet they are being watched, too.
*THIS* bozo got caught cause he's a dumbass teen. What happens when a copycat manages to stay more secretive and DOES set something off?[/QUOTE]

The biggest problem is that the things normally used to make large bombs are generally watched. Since this kid couldn't just mix gunpowder with red rock to make a shit-ton of TNT (Minecraft reference!!) he had to go elsewhere to get hooked up with those who could help him. Trouble is, we know who these groups are and monitor them. So when dipshit reached out to them it raised a flag and he was put under surveillance. The story even says he tried to fly to Alaska and was not allowed to board a plane.

So this should make you feel safer, not less safe.

Besides, the chances are that you'll die of a car accident or fall in your home before you'll get blown up by a terrorist or shot by a mugger. If you let things like this deter you or scare you it really harms nobody but yourself.




Matt, take a breath. You are over reacting again.

Another terrorist attack MAY happen. MAY. Not WILL. Just chill out.




I just hate the fact we are losing so much freedom due to fear of a terrorist attack. The risk is minimal but the media and the government is leading us to believe another 911 is right around the corner so strip away basic rights in the name of protection from the infidel.




This kid WANTED to do something. He just didn't have the means to do so. So the FBI acted as if they were a terrorist organization and helped him build fake bombs. When he attempted to set off fake bombs they arrested him.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand the kid WAS willing to go through with it but on the other were it not for the FBI giving him everything he wanted the kid would have been about as effective as the old drunk guy sitting in the bar half out of his mind muttering to himself about how things "ought to be" and how he could make people see the light if given a chance.

SO I don't think it's a completely manufactured terrorist plot, but it's by no means a real win by the FBI.
If the police sell you drug (act like they are doing so) can you go to prison for buying? What about weapons?



If you are talking about entrapment entrapment occurs when authority figures persuade or dive someone to commit a crime they would not have otherwise committed. If the person was going to buy drugs/guns etc anyway or sell them then it isn't entrapment.




If the police sell you drug (act like they are doing so) can you go to prison for buying? What about weapons?
Yes. It's entrapment only if they coerce, bribe, or otherwise goad somebody into buying.

Edit: Makare beat me to it.




I won't lie to you Matt, there are very dangerous individuals out there, and they're all out to corrupt your precious bodily fluids.



