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Text messages going to email instead of to phone




My wife and I both have iPhone 4s, and about 8 out of 10 texts from her go to my email rather than to my phone. I've tried googling for an answer to why this is happening, and the only thing that comes up are posts from people who WANT this to happen. I don't. If it goes to email, I don't get it until later. The reverse is not true, either. All of my texts go to her phone. Anybody else have this problem? I've looked at her phone, and everything seems to be the same as mine. Any suggestions?




How is she texting you (what app, using a real text number or an email text number, etc)?
Are you both on AT&T or some other network?
Do either of you use google voice or some other phone service?
Added at: 13:02
If she has multiple numbers for your contact in her phone, is she always texting the right number? Multiple contacts for you?




Both iPhones, both AT&T, both through the normal Messages app. It happens rather sporadically, too. I thought it might be happening when my phone has no signal, but it does it even when I seem to have signal.
Added at: 18:04
I have google voice, but I turned it back off through the Voice interface some time ago.
Added at: 18:05
As for multiple contacts, we've just had one long message session.




I'd go to the AT&T tech counter and have them check it out. If you get them via email then it means AT&T somehow has your email attached to your phone number. It's strange, quite frankly.



Hi! I am having this problem also. When my mom send mean text, it does to my email. Have you solved your dilemma?




Double check your google voice settings on the web site as well.



I'd go to the AT&T tech counter and have them check it out. If you get them via email then it means AT&T somehow has your email attached to your phone number. It's strange, quite frankly.
I am RECEIVING texts just fine. It's when I SEND them that they go thru as e-mails. I went to AT&T and they didn't have any idea why it was doing this. Called Apple and found out my 90 day telephone support ran out 2 days ago and they wouldn't help me unless I bought the Apple Care Protection Plan or paid $26 for a one-time support. GRRRR!




I don't have an iPhone but I did a quick search and found a possible fix


Go to general and scroll down to messages. Click into this. You'll now see iMessage at the top is on. Scroll down until you come to received at. Click into this. At the bottom says caller ID click into this and choose phone number instead of email. Simples!




I forgot I started this thread. It stopped not long after I wrote this.
