Export thread

Thanks, everbody.



So I was bummed out today, walking around Big Lots in town to buy some merchandise to kill the pain, when on the store radio, they start playing "I do the Rock" by Tim Curry. I instantly recognize the song and think, "Wow, this is the most ridiculous song I've ever heard being played in a store," and my day was brightened. I then realize that the only reason the song caught my ear was due to the fact that there's been a link to it in Philosoper B's sig for awhile, and then I started thinking about the rest of you guys and gals.

I've been drifting around with the herd for a few years now. I have no idea what inspired me to hop into the pvp forums and stay there, as I'm not much of a forums guy. Case in point, I've been here for how many years and nobody knows who I am. :p It's my own fault. I don't post much, but I do usually hit up the forums at least once or twice a day to see what's going on. You all have been keeping me company for quite awhile, and I just wanted to say thank you. To Philosopher B for his Tim Curry, to Dave for all the work he's put into keeping this alive. To everybody else who's doing whatever it is that they do, Thanks.




Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

you're welcome dude

also, post more if you feel like it







Group hug guys.


Philosopher B.

Also, I'd wager more people know you than you'd think, I remember y'all being around since the Image days.




Aw General, I remember you from 2 boards ago! Glad you're here.




I love Big Lots. They've got Jones soda in the glass bottles for like 2 fiddy.

Oh hey OP I think you're ok too man.

This whole board is pretty schway most of the time.



General, one of the krewmembers who didn't want me gone from that board, here's lookin' at you kid.
