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Thanks for the nightmare, Penny Arcade




This was linked on the front page of PA.

People never cease to creep me out.




is that the video they had that weird mommy and daddy are fighting fight about? I skipped the main news blurb and read their weird back and forth. It made me feel sad in my tummy :(




It's a documentary about people who have "Real Dolls" and treat them like real girlfriends... it's quite disturbing.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

The back and forth on PA was hilarious though. I can't tell if that was staged or a real "married couple" fight.


Steven Soderburgin

That back and forth seemed pretty genuine as it seems to reflect some of the attitudes that Gabe and Tycho have expressed almost in passing in previous posts and the podcasts.




Yeah, but they are also very creative and I wouldn't put it past them if they had staged this or at the very least did a stream of conciousness type posting (the whole Ambian thing seemed to come out of no where but got worked in very nicely).

-- Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:39 am --

Also, does this look like a guy who would have problems talking to girls.




bigcountry23 said:
Also, does this look like a guy who would have problems talking to girls.
In my experience stalking doesn't require much talking... :whistling:


I tried watching the video, but got a little bit into the interview with the first guy and him talking about he and his doll laying in bed together "looking into each other's eyes" and closed the video. Dude needs some therapy. He's associating the doll with a real person and that can't be healthy.

bigcountry23 said:
Ha! That's great. I remember something they posted a long while back where Tycho had jokingly expressed a desire to brush Felicia Day's hair. She subsequently showed up at their booth during a con with a hairbrush. Nice to see it really did happen. :D :thumbsup:



I personally don't find them any more disturbing than people eating peanut butter and banana sandwich or have fantasies with movie stars.

I mean what if these are actual androids? or even AI type of people you actually interact with? I guess it would be real dolls with movable parts and talks to you. It won't be much different. Also these people usually mind their own business and don't bother anyone. They won't reproduce cause well.... they are dating non-real women (or women dating non-real men) either way... let them be.



Chibibar said:
I personally don't find them any more disturbing than people eating peanut butter and banana sandwich or have fantasies with movie stars.

I mean what if these are actual androids? or even AI type of people you actually interact with? I guess it would be real dolls with movable parts and talks to you. It won't be much different. Also these people usually mind their own business and don't bother anyone. They won't reproduce cause well.... they are dating non-real women (or women dating non-real men) either way... let them be.

Yeah until one day one of those fuckers snaps and goes on a shooting spree... Are you blind? Could you not see how mentally unstable all of those guys were?

-- Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:14 pm --

bigcountry23 said:
Yeah, but they are also very creative and I wouldn't put it past them if they had staged this or at the very least did a stream of conciousness type posting (the whole Ambian thing seemed to come out of no where but got worked in very nicely).

-- Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:39 am --

Also, does this look like a guy who would have problems talking to girls.

Is this before or after he fed her some sugar cubes? :rofl:



Chazwozel said:
Chibibar said:
I personally don't find them any more disturbing than people eating peanut butter and banana sandwich or have fantasies with movie stars.

I mean what if these are actual androids? or even AI type of people you actually interact with? I guess it would be real dolls with movable parts and talks to you. It won't be much different. Also these people usually mind their own business and don't bother anyone. They won't reproduce cause well.... they are dating non-real women (or women dating non-real men) either way... let them be.

Yeah until one day one of those fuckers snaps and goes on a shooting spree... Are you blind? Could you not see how mentally unstable all of those guys were?
uh-huh...... that kinda goes with anyone really. I don't think the two item relate.

I think I'm more worry about real life stalkers who drool over gamers girls and hope to sleep with them or groom them (like people drool over Felicia Day) than a person who loves a doll. Why? cause the doll won't ever break a person's heart. A star might by doing something bad or getting married (like some girl just go nuts when their fav single star/rockstar/actor whatever gets married or something)

I personally haven't read any report relating real doll lovers and mass murderers (usually two different level of insanity) but hey.. I have been wrong many time I'm sure you have the study right in your pocket to show us ;)



Chibibar said:
Chazwozel said:
Chibibar said:
I personally don't find them any more disturbing than people eating peanut butter and banana sandwich or have fantasies with movie stars.

I mean what if these are actual androids? or even AI type of people you actually interact with? I guess it would be real dolls with movable parts and talks to you. It won't be much different. Also these people usually mind their own business and don't bother anyone. They won't reproduce cause well.... they are dating non-real women (or women dating non-real men) either way... let them be.

Yeah until one day one of those fuckers snaps and goes on a shooting spree... Are you blind? Could you not see how mentally unstable all of those guys were?
uh-huh...... that kinda goes with anyone really. I don't think the two item relate.

I think I'm more worry about real life stalkers who drool over gamers girls and hope to sleep with them or groom them (like people drool over Felicia Day) than a person who loves a doll. Why? cause the doll won't ever break a person's heart. A star might by doing something bad or getting married (like some girl just go nuts when their fav single star/rockstar/actor whatever gets married or something)

I personally haven't read any report relating real doll lovers and mass murderers (usually two different level of insanity) but hey.. I have been wrong many time I'm sure you have the study right in your pocket to show us ;)
In my mind, these guys are just as unstable as a celebrity stalker can be. Just because they use another medium to express their psychosis doesn't mean they're not fucked in the head. Would you consider someone that habitually looks at child pornography as someone who's problem isn't a problem because they're not actively seeking children to have sex with? By your argument it's alright to look and wank off to kiddie porn because you're not hurting anyone. This situation isn't all that far off. It's not illegal by any means, but that doesn't make it ok, if anything I'd say it allows these guys to delve in further towards their skewed realities of what a relationship is supposed to be like.

Listen to how these guys objectify women in the video. The reason they can't get a woman to love them is because they're fucking pigs. They don't want a relationship with another person, they want a submissive thing that bows to their every whim.



Chazwozel said:
In my mind, these guys are just as unstable as a celebrity stalker can be. Just because they use another medium to express their psychosis doesn't mean they're not fucked in the head. Would you consider someone that habitually looks at child pornography as someone who's problem isn't a problem because they're not actively seeking children to have sex with? By your argument it's alright to look and wank off to kiddie porn because you're not hurting anyone. This situation isn't all that far off. It's not illegal by any means, but that doesn't make it ok, if anything I'd say it allows these guys to delve in further towards their skewed realities of what a relationship is supposed to be like.

Listen to how these guys objectify women in the video. The reason they can't get a woman to love them is because they're fucking pigs. They don't want a relationship with another person, they want a submissive thing that bows to their every whim.
whoa whoa whoa.... two different things mate... looking at kiddie porns is just plain illegal vs having sex with "real dolls" (sounds weird without the quotes) If you are just talking about being mess in the head, might as well include everyone in this world really.

We all have our little fantasies and be a little mess up in the head. some people get turn on by peanut butter, some people get turn on by S&M, some people get turn on by dolls... all these things are not illegal to participate so I say let them be.

Now if you are talking about CP and stuff.. that is plain illegal and people should be dealt with (which I totally agree)

to some level people have some fascination or fantasy about somethings. I mean look at the Cosplay thread. There are some cosplayers that looks pretty hot and I wouldn't mind daydream about it.... to some people that is sick (cosplay in general) but I think it is fine. Look at the Baroness, this person doesn't actually exist (except in movies and cartoon) but she is pretty hot and I wouldn't mind spend time with her in a holodeck, does that make me mess up? my wife doesn't think so, you might think so since I'm fascinated by a fictional character some might dream about sleeping with her or just jack off to her (or just change it to any other actress or anything out there)

Heck I read people are turn on by smearing food all over their bodies.... is that mess up? I think so (waste of food) but some might not.

If an act is illegal to begin with like mass murder, torture, killing, CP, robbery and such... then lock them up or get them help, but if people are just minding their own fantasies while not breaking laws, then let them be.

I mean you can't tell me there are a bunch of girls (and possible guys) have posters of Twilight in their bedroom jacking off (which technically might be consider borderline CP which then kinda creeps me out) but what about if it is catwoman or poison Ivy or even harliquinn (they are kind hot).




Chazwozel said:
bigcountry23 said:
Yeah, but they are also very creative and I wouldn't put it past them if they had staged this or at the very least did a stream of conciousness type posting (the whole Ambian thing seemed to come out of no where but got worked in very nicely).

-- Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:39 am --

Also, does this look like a guy who would have problems talking to girls.

Is this before or after he fed her some sugar cubes? :rofl:

Dude, Ed will ban you :|

(also: edrondol=mr.Ed? It would explain the felicia day thing.....)




Chibibar said:
If an act is illegal to begin with like mass murder, torture, killing, CP, robbery and such... then lock them up or get them help, but if people are just minding their own fantasies while not breaking laws, then let them be.

I mean you can't tell me there are a bunch of girls (and possible guys) have posters of Twilight in their bedroom jacking off (which technically might be consider borderline CP which then kinda creeps me out) but what about if it is catwoman or poison Ivy or even harliquinn (they are kind hot).
If you're jacking off to cartoon/comic book characters, yes, you do have some issues to work out.

So, If I understand you right, the only reason CP is wrong is because it's illegal?

um... ok.



Bowielee said:
Chibibar said:
If an act is illegal to begin with like mass murder, torture, killing, CP, robbery and such... then lock them up or get them help, but if people are just minding their own fantasies while not breaking laws, then let them be.

I mean you can't tell me there are a bunch of girls (and possible guys) have posters of Twilight in their bedroom jacking off (which technically might be consider borderline CP which then kinda creeps me out) but what about if it is catwoman or poison Ivy or even harliquinn (they are kind hot).
If you're jacking off to cartoon/comic book characters, yes, you do have some issues to work out.

So, If I understand you right, the only reason CP is wrong is because it's illegal?

um... ok.
no there is more to than that... it is defaming kids and such.

but I am talking about ADULTS Chaz is talking about kids.

-- Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:00 pm --

It is hard to type the words what I am trying to express...

To me these guys and gals loving their dolls is no different that any ADULT Jacking off to Alice in Resident evil... same level.

It is pretty mess up to jack off to kids, murder, or tortures (if that makes sense) if you getting your kicks of hurting others then well.. you should seek help.


Philosopher B.

Eugh. I got to the bit where he kissed the doll. Couldn't make it any further than that. :bush: The shit about the tongues ... *shudder*



Chibibar said:
Bowielee said:
Chibibar said:
If an act is illegal to begin with like mass murder, torture, killing, CP, robbery and such... then lock them up or get them help, but if people are just minding their own fantasies while not breaking laws, then let them be.

I mean you can't tell me there are a bunch of girls (and possible guys) have posters of Twilight in their bedroom jacking off (which technically might be consider borderline CP which then kinda creeps me out) but what about if it is catwoman or poison Ivy or even harliquinn (they are kind hot).
If you're jacking off to cartoon/comic book characters, yes, you do have some issues to work out.

So, If I understand you right, the only reason CP is wrong is because it's illegal?

um... ok.
no there is more to than that... it is defaming kids and such.

but I am talking about ADULTS Chaz is talking about kids.

-- Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:00 pm --

It is hard to type the words what I am trying to express...

To me these guys and gals loving their dolls is no different that any ADULT Jacking off to Alice in Resident evil... same level.

It is pretty mess up to jack off to kids, murder, or tortures (if that makes sense) if you getting your kicks of hurting others then well.. you should seek help.
If it helps, I've always thought people that jerk off to cartoons a bit off, but seriously, watch the full 40 minutes of the video. These guys are treating the dolls like they're real people. They have some MAJOR self-esteem and borderline personality disorder issues. It is not normal to have a relationship with a doll. Better example: Wouldn't you think it weird for a grown man to be toting around a stuffed animal everywhere he goes and treating it like a person? Each one of these guys has something wrong with them. Three of them seem to suffer from horrible self esteem issues, while the other guys seem psychotic. The one guy is clearly having some kind of abandonment issues. My point is that what these guys are doing is not a healthy choice. If anything, these dolls worsen their already skewed hold on reality and how relationships between humans work. It's almost like their lifestyle is promoting a form of asperger's syndrome. I'd love to see MindDetective's reaction to their behavior as this would be his bread and butter. However, you don't need a Ph.D. in psychology to see that these guys have issues.




These guys definitely have issues (I consider the issue to stem from the fact that they think or act like the doll is real, not that they are turned on by it in the first place. Different people are turned on by different things and as long as no one was hurt or exploited I see no reason to complain). But having one psychological condition is not the same as having another. I'm worried about them leading fulfilling lives, but as noted, but I'm not worried about them hurting anyone. These aren't the kind of people who are likely to interact with humanity as a whole, and they won't reproduce. (I suspect they'll have a hard time getting permission to adopt either).




The third guy in the video, yeah, I'd definately worry about him hurting other people. He has a huge collection of guns.




I confess I did not watch much of it. I'm sure individual life-doll-ers are dangerous the same way every individual is dangerous, but unless someone provides a clear corrolation between the two I see no reason to assume one.




My original supposition was never that they were really dangerous.

However, their behavior can definately lead to dangerous actions. When a person falls in love with a doll for the simple fact that they lay there and just act as sperm recepticles, well, it's not that far of a jump to de-humanizing real women, which can lead to rape/murder. At least 2 of them display behavior that is pretty typical of rapists prior to actuallly committing the crime.



I might be getting a bit of deja vu...

Is this worse because it's not in japan? Or because it's not 2D?


I just watched it for the first time. Holy shit.

That is all.




The lack of radiation poisoning does indeed up the creepiness factor... but maybe they're all living near one of those nucular test sites... we can only hope.




Hey, look. At least we can be happy they are voluntarily removing themselves from the gene pool.




I really don't think these people are dangerous.

Sure they are a little weird, and a little unstable but they keep to themselves and don't really do anything. The whole 'wait for this fucker to snap' thing just sounds like an attack on anything that is different.

Frankly I think that a lot more harm comes from 'normal' people going out and getting smashed and then committing some sort of crime than from any of the type of weirdos who sit at home with their own weird little fetishes and never talk to them...
