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Thanks to asshole hunters, I have a new dog




I live in rural Florida. Every year, during hunting season, this area is overrun with asshole hunters.

Now, not all hunters are assholes, but there are plenty that are. Where I live especially, which is best described as "in the woods", I will regularly find abandoned deer carcasses, meat stripped, and the head and rest of the gory mess chucked onto the side of the road, usually right next to my driveway.

The other big problem comes around this time. Awhile after hunting season, the asshole hunters have all left to go back home, and they've abandoned all the dogs they acquired while they were here. Bulldogs, especially, saturate this area, so I'm not unfamiliar with abandoned dogs showing up at my front door after being dumped near my road. This morning, I woke up to find this in my yard.

I can't keep it. I don't have room to keep it, and I don't want another dog. But I also can't just let it starve. It's very people friendly, very affectionate, and is overall just a big goofy playful puppy. There aren't any animal shelters around here, so hopefully I'll be able to find someone that wants it. In the meantime, my housedog is very upset that I'm sharing her food with the stray.




Try posting ads on craigslist asking if anybody wants it. If anyone has other suggestions, I'd like to hear them too, as we currently have a stray dog living in our yard that we can't afford to keep feeding but don't have the heart to take her to a shelter where she'll probably be euthanized.




Damn it Halforums.

These abandoned pet stories are tearing me up.

Way to go, Poe. Hope you can find it a good home.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I wish I could take a dog, but we're not allowed to have them.

Adorable looking dog though.




That is an absolutely beautiful dog. If I were your neighbor he'd have a home. You should have no problem placing him.


Wasabi Poptart

Damn it! I thought this was going to be about people hunting for assholes.




Damn it! I thought this was going to be about people hunting for assholes.
That's next week.


Philosopher B.

Yay! I mean wait, what. :Leyla:




Damn it! I thought this was going to be about people hunting for assholes.
That's next week.

Oh shit, Poe's breaking out the bedroom eyes.

And I'm getting slightly aroused.




You sure do got a purty mouth...


Wasabi Poptart
