Thanksgiving/Black Friday Contest Thread

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Staff member
This thread is going to be specifically for the Thanksgiving/Black Friday Contest. It will be locked and only I will be able to post in it. Each time I answer a question I will post them here in a response. This way people who come in late can play along, too.

And for those who are not in the "know" a repost of the contest and the prizes. Please note that lurkers are more than welcome to play along. Just know that if you win you'll have to pony up your address to me so I can send the comics.

Here's what that day will bring:

1) I have hidden an item somewhere in the world. Every hour starting at noon CST I will answer 1 yes/no question from anyone. 1 question per person per hour. But of course you get the answers from others so there you go. What you need to figure out is: (1) What I hid. (2) Where it is hidden. (3) WHICH MEMBER OF THE FORUM I HAD HIDE IT! Prize will be discussed below.

2) Also starting at noon I will be on our Vent Server and will hit record. Not sure how long it's going to take to port over to Audacity or even if I can. I'll be testing this tonight. But if I can I'll have an all-day podcast style thing. If I can't set it up as an MP3 then it'll just be fun talking to everyone. Note that there is a limit of 15 people on the Vent server, so if we hit that limit we may have to kick someone every once in a while.


4) Also the whole time I will be in the #Halforums IRC page just chatting happily away. If the Vent is full go there and let me know you're in queue.

5) Winner of the mini-contest will get the following:

(a) The ability to pick my (safe for work) signature and avatar for the month of December.

(b) Mod for a day privileges. By this I mean you will have the ability to edit other people's posts, make snarky comments in colors, but NOT read the Mod area or ban people. It's for fun.

(c) The entire run of Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra.
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