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That Guy with the Glasses.com




We are all familiar with Doug Walker, the Nostalgia Critic, and his web site. I'm not here to talk about the NC though.

I want to know who else you love from the website. There are dozens of contributors to it, all of them with unique shticks and senses of humor.

I have four favorite reviewers: Linkara, SpoonyOne, Benzaie and Paw.

So, discuss ypur fav reviewers, maybe even post links to your favorite videos. I'll be doing that soon as I the baby stops using my other hand.




Spoony is only affiliated, as is Linkara. But yeah, Spoony is my fav, followed by Sage, as he's the only reviewer on the site that actually acts professional.




I like Little Miss Gamer, and the Lee & Z podcast she does. I'll occasionally watch Still Gaming (the Lee part of the podcast), but only if the game really interests me.

I've been trying some of Linkara's "Atop the Fourth Wall" but he seems really repetitive in his style and criticisms, I'm not sure I'll continue.

Spoony's long multi-part review of FF8 was hilarious, but I haven't watched much else.

Angry Joe is an idiot and I feel stupider for having watched any of his work.




I never really watched the others reviews, except for the nostalgia chick, who is my favorite of the two.




Spoony is my favourite on the site.

I also enjoy Linkara and the Sage.

I miss the Nostalgia Chick, she used to be great.




I have to admit that I haven't watched any of the other videos other than NC.




I haven't watched anything but NCritic and a couple Nostalgia Chick (though I wasn't too impressed with her), but it sounds like some others might be worth checking out. I'll have to do so.




I look at Linkara's blogspot and Spoony's site for their stuff, but I found them through Channel Awesome. Spoony rocks.




I actually only watch the stuff people link on here. I really should check out the site someday.




Spoony is my favourite on the site.

I also enjoy Linkara and the Sage.

I miss the Nostalgia Chick, she used to be great.
What happened to her? she haven't updated since june...




What happened to her? she haven't updated since june...
She's busy with film school and a job or something. She's bi-coastal as well, spending time in both California and New York. She talked about it in one of the Totally Awesome podcasts, I think.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I think she's been hopping around the country.

I have not watched any but Critic and Chick, both of whom I adore, but I've meant to check out Spoony. Actually, I did see one Linkara review. Can't remember which, but he really more relied on the unintentional hilarity of the shitty comic he had than any of his own comments, which was fine. That's something Critic could learn to do on occasion, because there are certainly times I'm watching one of his reviews where the movie/show is doing something so silly/attrocious/wrong-headed that I'm laughing without hearing his own joke on it.




Spoony is the one I follow religiously. He tends to make his reviews worth it, especially his SWAT Lets Play and FF8 Review.




I find the glasses guy utterly unwatchable. This seems as good a time and place as any to mention it. :humph:




I absolutely loved Paw's Let's Play of King's Quest V, and his top 9 music countdowns.

Spoony's Phantasmagoria was great, I'll have to check out the FF8 stuff.

Still Gaming gets on my nerves a bit, don't like the format. LMG is pretty funny, but NChick is the funniest reviewer on the site, in my opinion. MarzGurl is frightening on several levels, and I usually can't get past enough of the scary to find her funny.




Never watched anything other than Critic and Chick. Probably check out the others during some "grind time" on WoW.




NCritic, NChick, and Linkara are the only ones I really watch. I have yet to check out Spoony, but I think I will now that everyone seems to love him, I will give him a shot.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I find the glasses guy utterly unwatchable. This seems as good a time and place as any to mention it. :humph:
What an insightful and intriguing post! Surely it has never been stated before!




What an insightful and intriguing post! Surely it has never been stated before!
My thoughts exactly.




i watch the nostalgia critic stuff, and linkara. occasionally i might watch random videos of others, if its something i recognise.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I watched a little of the FF8 thing for that reason. After a minute or two, I realized we agreed on all points and I didn't watch any more.



Frankie Williamson

I think people following stuff like the Nostalgia Critic guy show just how accepting of utter mediocrity the internet is.




I think people following stuff like the Nostalgia Critic guy show just how accepting of utter mediocrity the internet is.
Or that, you know, people have different senses of humor than you.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

The time has come.




Spoony is the one I follow religiously. He tends to make his reviews worth it, especially his SWAT Lets Play and FF8 Review.
I LOVE Spoony! I should go ask him why he's not in my fantasy football league any more. :(




Or that, you know, people have [strike]different[/strike] inferior senses of humor than you.
There you go...




Watched the Spoony Experiment on the Final Fantasy 8 review 8part series.

Seriously, wow. Good stuff. I'll be checking out the rest of his reviews soon.




On a whim I watched a video with the cryptic title of "GYMDK: IK+", and I ended up laughing out loud twice. That jumble of letters stands for Games You Might Don't Know reviewing the game International Karate +, and I'll have to check out some of Benzaie's other videos in the future.

*Presses the T key, just out of curiosity*




On a whim I watched a video with the cryptic title of \"GYMDK: IK+\", and I ended up laughing out loud twice. That jumble of letters stands for Games You Might Don't Know reviewing the game International Karate +, and I'll have to check out some of Benzaie's other videos in the future.

*Presses the T key, just out of curiosity*
Benzaie is fucking hilarious. Everything he says is like a double entendre or just flat out pervy. He also has this bizarre sense of humour that seems to run rampant in most of Europe. He's mt favorit french man ever.

The only thing that irks me is that people comment on his videos and complain that they can't understand him. I can understand him just fine, open your fucking ears!




UGH! Stay away from the new series from the "Distressed Watcher". His schtick is reviewing movie trailers and he sucks at it. Good grief is he wordy. He just keeps talking and talking and talking. He explains, in detail, every other joke, until he grinds it into dust and it's lost any chance of actually causing a laugh. Not only that, but he's obviously spent waaaaay too much time debating religion in internet forums. He needs to stop that before making funny videos and spend some time engaging in normal conversations.



