That's MR ZAPPIT Now!

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Staff member
After many an interview and rejection letter, I finally got a teaching job other than my daily sub work. It's only a few months for a maternity leave, but I'll be a junior high English teacher until May, which could be the break I've been waiting for.

Quite happy right now. Yay!


Staff member
Congrats! I think. I don't know if I could teach junior high. the kids are old enough to buck authority and young enough to not have the sense not to buck authority.
Congrats Zappit. Even if it only lasts for maternity leave, it will be nice to add that to your resume for experience.


Staff member
It's funny. I was sent in to do daily sub work the week leading up to them telling me I got the permanent job because that teacher needed to leave early. I'm already familiar with these kids - it's a pretty sweet gig, I can fairly say. Really no serious troublemakers.
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