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The AMA that no one needs or wants!




Since all the cool kids are doing it I figured I should jump on the bandwagon and give you all what you didn't want. :)

*edit - After Chad Sexington's question I am starting to wonder if this was a smart idea. Oh well no one ever claimed I was intelligent.


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

Weirdest fetish you'll admit to! AND GO!




Have you read Friendship is Optimal?




Weirdest fetish you'll admit to! AND GO!

Obviouslyt it varies greatly depending on how it is done but I would say hentai and doujins. If you want a little more precise then I would say futa chicks with another chick.

Have you read Friendship is Optimal?

I have not.

I must admit that despite my knowing that there is some really good fan fiction out there I have never really gotten into reading them. I have occasionally read some but Friendship is Optimal is sadly one I have not read yet. Although I may look into reading it in the future.


Bumble the Boy Wonder

Bumble the Boy Wonder

Can you explain, in as little detail as possible, what a futa chick is?




You can make any famous toon a futa. WHO WOULD IT BE?




If you had five minutes alone with Barrack Obama, what would you do?




If you had five minutes alone with Barrack Obama, what would you do?
I really hope our questions mesh and he turns Michelle into a futa.




I may need to wait till I am not at work to answer some of these questions.

Can you explain, in as little detail as possible, what a futa chick is?
Basically it is a like a hermaphodite[DOUBLEPOST=1357926203][/DOUBLEPOST]
You can make any famous toon a futa. WHO WOULD IT BE?
I don't know, probably an adult Misty.[DOUBLEPOST=1357926263][/DOUBLEPOST]
If you had five minutes alone with Barrack Obama, what would you do?
Just for fun I would try to turn him into a brony.




Why did the chief of police take you off the case thus time?




Which pony is best pony?




How can I be an honorary browncoat too?




Why did the chief of police take you off the case thus time?

Apparently I am not corrupt enough.

Which pony is best pony?

Twilight Sparkle is the best because she is the nerd of the ponies. But Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are close seconds. Now if you count fan theories/back stories into account I would have to add Luna, Lyra, and Trixie to that list.

How can I be an honorary browncoat too?

Simply tell people you are one and hope no one checks to see if there is any truth to your statement.




If you could breed any two animals together and it would spawn a completely loyal pet, what two would you pick?




Explain to me, please, why are grown men watching My Little Pony so much now? I swear it was like overnight BAM bronies.

I'm not saying it's weird, I just don't get WHY.




If you could breed any two animals together and it would spawn a completely loyal pet, what two would you pick?
Can they be extinct animals?

If so I would go with a raptor crossed with a pterodactyl.

If not I would go with a cat and an armadillo so I could have an armored kitty cat.[DOUBLEPOST=1357948069][/DOUBLEPOST]
Explain to me, please, why are grown men watching My Little Pony so much now? I swear it was like overnight BAM bronies.

I'm not saying it's weird, I just don't get WHY.

It is because of the latest show they released is actually really awesome. Not to sound like a hipster but I started watching it back during season 1 before it snowballed into what it is now. I think some people watch it just to seem "cool". But for the most part it was well developed characters and the story lines are nicely done. The creators went into making the show with the idea of "make a show that appeals to all ages". So while there are some parts that are still kiddy (it is a kids show after all) it has depth and humor to it that has been sorely lacking from many cartoons as of late.


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

Okay so I got home and Googled futa, and, alright, so that's something.

If you had to play just one video game for the rest of your life... What would that game be?




Okay so I got home and Googled futa, and, alright, so that's something.

If you had to play just one video game for the rest of your life... What would that game be?

That is a hard one.

Part of me says Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time but I have played an beaten it at least 4 or 5 times. Animal Crossing would be nice since it has holidays and other such events that occur throughout the year but it can be simplistic. An MMORPG would also be nice but it would still get boring eventually. I think the best way to go would be a compilation title so I choose Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection which includes the following games.

Mega Drive/Genesis games (40 total)

Unlockable extra games




You're offered one and only one (round) trip to any place and time in the Universe. Think a TARDIS. Where and when do you go?




You are forced to choose a celebrity to kill and wear the skin of. Who is it?




You are forced to choose a celebrity to kill and wear the skin of. Who is it?
ask me some more of your awesome questions too!




ask me some more of your awesome questions too!
Hey, get your own unreasonable demands thread!




You can make stienman sleep with any celebrity you want. Who would you pick?








You're offered one and only one (round) trip to any place and time in the Universe. Think a TARDIS. Where and when do you go?

Can I just say I travel sometime into the distant future where we have alien contact and meet with the aliens? If not I guess I would travel to the future to get future technology so I can travel the cosmos back in my own time.[DOUBLEPOST=1357956052][/DOUBLEPOST]
You are forced to choose a celebrity to kill and wear the skin of. Who is it?

I not sure. I don't know much about celebrities and what not. I guess I will choose the first one off the top of my head and so I will go with George Lucas. He has plenty fo skin to make me a nice warm set of clothing and it would prevent him from butchering anything else I cherish.


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

I not sure. I don't know much about celebrities and what not. I guess I will choose the first one off the top of my head and so I will go with George Lucas. He has plenty fo skin to make me a nice warm set of clothing and it would prevent him from butchering anything else I cherish.
Plus you can totally make a "I thought he smelled bad on the outside!" joke




You can make stienman sleep with any celebrity you want. Who would you pick?

I guess I will be nice to him and choose Summer Glau.




/secret brofist


Bumble the Boy Wonder

Bumble the Boy Wonder

If you could transform, at will, into an inanimate object, what would you choose?




What's your favorite cheese? If you don't know different cheeses, what's your favorite beer? If you don't know many different beers or don't drink beer, what's your favorite candybar?




If you could transform, at will, into an inanimate object, what would you choose?
Does my mass stay the same or can I somehow pull excess mass from somewhere else? If my mass stays the same I will go with a mannequin so I can scare people. If my mass can increase /decrease I will go with an atomic bomb so I can threaten people.




What's your favorite cheese? If you don't know different cheeses, what's your favorite beer? If you don't know many different beers or don't drink beer, what's your favorite candybar?
For cheese it will vary depending on the quality but overall I will say either an extra sharp cheddar or blue cheese.

I don't know much about beer's but I seem to prefer lagers.

I don't eat much candy but if I do get some I will usually grab either Reeses peanut butter cup.




People had to google futas?

I feel like I may be more of a deviant than I thought (and I already thought I was one)


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

People had to google futas?

I feel like I may be more of a deviant than I thought (and I already thought I was one)
I guess my deviances are pretty vanilla.




If you could magically acquire one skill, what would it be?




If you could magically acquire one skill, what would it be?

Computer programming




Computer programming


15 minutes a day and then you're a programming. Congrats!






15 minutes a day and then you're a programming. Congrats!

I will definitely have to check this out
