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The Angels2200 Official Handbook



The following link contains information compiled from many years of fan fiction, side stories, short films and roleplaying, resulting in a rich handbook which both compliments and expands on the existing comic. Pretty much anything you need to know should be found in the following link, and many thanks go to all the contributors, especially Mark 'Vexus' Pitts for pulling the whole thing together.




Wait, where's Whiskey's comm code?




It's on the wall of the ladies' enlisted head. *grins*

In all seriousness, a very fine showing by the fandom. Applause for all the work that went into this! (I even contributed 3 paragraphs, though it was a looooong time ago when I wrote about the rank structure... *grins*)


Just Me

Just Me

Great work!
I skipped through it and it already was pretty interesting and fascinating, so now that the weekend starts I will start to read it at length, giving it all the time it deserves.



DL'ed the handbook. Great stuff! One question I have, and pardon me if I am being dense and missed something obvious, But where do I find the "Angels: Epsilon Eridani" mentioned on page 95 in the timeline? Is there another portion of things I missed or haven't seen the link to?
Anyway, thanks.




...where do I find the \"Angels: Epsilon Eridani\" mentioned on page 95 in the timeline?
Angels: EE refers to the role playing game we had going for a while back on the old forums. You can read about it here: http://coldcatstudios.org/angels/rpg_res/ee_story.html
