The Awesomeness of John Scalzi

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Earlier today I finished reading Old Man's War. Wow, what a great fucking book.

It got my attention when I read that Scalzi had won a Hugo award. Then I did some reading on him and discovered he's not only a prosperous sci-fi author, but also one of the first "famous" bloggers.

So I picked up his first and, apparently, most well known novel.. Old Man's War.

I absorbed it all in less than two days.

I love this guy now. I'm currently well into the sort-of sequel, The Ghost Brigades. Some awesome stuff too, although I miss the first person POV.

Anyone else read him, be it any of his books or his blog? I know Gabe from Penny Arcade illustrated the cover for one of his non old man's war-universe novels, so he must have some overlap into our little corner of the internet.
Well, I don't care if you haven't read the guy, I just finished the sequel in one fucking sitting.

Gorram did today go by fast. so yeah.. I've now read two books from the guy, in less than three days.

And I'm stoked to jump into the next one.

First some food, though.

I had not spent a whole day reading a book since High School. It's awesome.

Philosopher B.

Never heard of him. Sounds interesting, though. I'll check him out.


I second philopher b. You've peaked my interest. I've been meaning to get into some more sci fi. Been reading to much fantasy.
I liked Old Man's War. It's not super deep, but it's a good read with some interesting ideas. Kind of like a good sci-fi movie in book form. The Ghost Brigades is on my list, but I haven't gotten to it yet (currently reading China Mieville's Iron Council).
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