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The BBC speculating on declining crime rates on the US, guess what's at #9




It's aboot time: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13799616

9. A study released last month suggested video games were keeping young people off the streets and therefore away from crime. Researchers in Texas working with the Centre for European Economic Research said this "incapacitation effect" more than offset any direct impact the content of the games may have had in encouraging violent behaviour.
Yay science.




Jack Thompson's head just asploded.



It does makes sense. I mean people are so busy trying to get up the next level, the next weapon, the next stage and pouring HOURS if not days into a games (some even months like WoW or years!!) too busy to do crime when too busy playing ;)




Until they decide to kill their entire family when their internet gets shut off of course.



Until they decide to kill their entire family when their internet gets shut off of course.
A small price to pay to keep timmy docile ;)
