Personally, that's the most I've laughed at a Critic vid in a while. It didn't hurt that
Spoony was all up in it.
I cracked up at the sped-up part, for some reason.
Zumbo Prime
I can never watch even 5 minutes of those. I just can't stand them.
Is it sad that I kept wanting to correct him on the whole reason the planet exploded? I even hate the movie so it's not like I was going to defend it or anything, I just kept thinking "It's not just an explosion!"
Enjoyed it, though I have to admit I'm starting to hate the way he talks. He's getting more and more shriek-y every episode.
I liked the episode but yeah, his voice is getting quite ear-piercing at points. Reverse breaking of the voice, perhaps?
I just have to say there's a sharp irony at the part where he complains about the over-acting