I'm bored and supposedly studying in the law library. But I felt it was time we gave the Jusker his own appreciation thread for some reason (mayhaps insanity?).
So everyone post what they love about El Juski.
I love the fact that his name makes me think of Juice Boxes, and those make me happy.
I love our secret trysts.
Fun Size
I'm a fan of his site, and his shiny, shiny red cup.
I like how I drove him to renounce his mod status.
Philosopher B.
I like how peaceful he looks when the wind from the open window brushes across his cheek every night as he sleeps.
I appreciate him posting less.
I enjoy getting him started about Kurt Vonnegut and looking at his funny cartoons.
The Lovely Boehner
He's okay
Allen, who is Quiet
I've seen worse
He creates pure awesome.
Rob King
I appreciate that he sometimes forgets to close his blinds.
He did those dickerdoodle things with that other person right? They were interesting.
His doodles were epic and eviscerating at the same time.
Hah! I still have my punk orange doodle.
juski rawks my sawks awf
Juski impressed me with the phrase "Hell yes time cat" but then disappointed me because Timecat was not a character. I imagined him to be the enemy of Spacecat. This was not the case though.
I appreciate the fact that I posted in this thread before Juski
Juski impressed me with the phrase "Hell yes time cat" but then disappointed me because Timecat was not a character. I imagined him to be the enemy of Spacecat. This was not the case though.
Juski impressed me with the phrase "Hell yes time cat" but then disappointed me because Timecat was not a character. I imagined him to be the enemy of Spacecat. This was not the case though.
You n' me kid we can go places, though. I got the brains, you got the looks, let's make lots of money. Howzabout this for onna yer comics there. Re create Dune as directed by David Lynch but in the place of Paul we put Bomberman. Gamers'll eat that up. Bam, 1 million bucks.