Eddie Thawne (the show's version of Eobard Thawne) has already been cast and he'll be played by Rick Cosnett. It also looks like they'll be having Killer Frost as another villain confirmed for the show.The cast continues to fill out for CW's new project based on the Flash. Entertainment Weekly is reporting that Tom Cavanagh has been added as “a rock star in the world of physics, the mind and money behind Central City’s S.T.A.R. Labs Particle Accelerator. He becomes a pariah after the lab’s explosion, but he charts his path to redemption when he discovers that his failed experiment had the unintended consequence of creating the world’s fastest man (Grant Gustin).”
io9 is reporting that John Wesley Shipp has also been added in a recurring role. No word on what the role is, as of yet.
Professor Zoom?
I guess to tie her powers into the lab explosion. I'm a little surprised, though, that they went with that instead of just sticking with Captain Cold there. In fact, I'm a little surprised there's no word yet about any of the Rogues.Killer Frost? Why would you use Killer Frost when you have the greatest cold-based villain as part of your rogues gallery?
Speaking of the rogue's gallery, is it too much to hope for to have Mark Hamill cast as the Trickster?I guess to tie her powers into the lab explosion. I'm a little surprised, though, that they went with that instead of just sticking with Captain Cold there. In fact, I'm a little surprised there's no word yet about any of the Rogues.
EDIT: Did a little more research and apparently one Rogue has been confirmed for the show: Hartley Rathaway, the Pied Piper.
That's no surprise.EDIT: Did a little more research and apparently one Rogue has been confirmed for the show: Hartley Rathaway, the Pied Piper.
I doubt he'd go back to that role.Speaking of the rogue's gallery, is it too much to hope for to have Mark Hamill cast as the Trickster?
Well, it seems like WB is a bit more open to more "comic-booky" stuff like costumes for the Flash considering the more sci-fi/standard comic book elements of the character. Also, they would be warming up to more traditional comic book elements considering how Arrow has worked its way to a more superheroic form.WB released the first photo today of the main actor playing The Flash.
I'm honestly surprised he's in a suit at all. WB seems terrified to do anything with costumes. I expected another show where they tried to avoid superhero stuff like costumes or code names and just call it Runner or Keystone or Speed Force or something.![]()
Also, I don't know why the chin...thing (whatever you call it) bugs me so much. They have it on Flash in the New 52 as well and it just looks stupid to me.
Huh. They actually went for the whole "lightning bolt and doused in chemicals" origin for Flash. Cool.
Probably because it was the same costume designer.Looks like I'm always late.
Looks good. I kind of wish the boots were gold, but it's so much better than we could have gotten I'm just going to be happy with it. I like that it's very much the Flash, but also shares a similar thematic look with Arrow's suit.
Do you want to make Batman sadder? 'Cause that's how you make Batman sadder.I don't know, I just can't seem to get myself excited about anything involving the DCU lately. Comics or otherwise. I feel like you can only be punched in the face so many times before you stop stepping up to the table.
Don't think Dan Didio has any say over the TV series.... that's probably why.I do find it interesting that DC is having more success with their television series than they are their movies. Arrow (and Smallville to a lesser extent) gets quite a bit of praise, even among the comic book community. Personally, I never got into it, but I can see what people like about it. And I don't know, that trailer was kinda fun, if hokey. Certainly hokier than anything you'd ever expect from the grim dark films.
Yeah, that actually doesn't look bad. It looks like they may have done a good job of creating something that feels distinct from Arrow.And now a trailer;
Looks fun, I will check it out.
A lot of them have gone metahuman, though, for example Captain Cold. I don't know if that's still true or not, but for awhile there he'd dropped the blasters and went all Iceman.Huh. That looks like a lot of fun. I'll definitely check it out. At some point, I need to catch up on Arrow as I'm still around the 9th episode. It just didn't grab me. This...looks like it has a better chance of grabbing me. Of course, Flash is in my top 5 comic book heroes, so I might be a little biased.
That said, I do have a minor qualm: Weather Wizard is a metahuman rather than a guy with a weather wand. That's what I always liked about Flash's rogues: they were all just chumps with science gadgets who robbed banks. It's not enough to turn me away, but it is something that bugs me a little.
I love seeing him in things, but I can't ever see him enter a scene without hearing "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey little brother."It's nice to see John Dorian's brother finally got a job.
Seasons one pays off in the end in a big way though, and unlike Agents of shield you're rewarded for watching from the start, they don't just retool it to tie into a movie.A lot of them have gone metahuman, though, for example Captain Cold. I don't know if that's still true or not, but for awhile there he'd dropped the blasters and went all Iceman.
Also, agreed on Arrow. Though from what I've heard, the first season's pretty a pretty slow burn, and all the goodies are in season 2.
It is I'm pretty sure. Starting with the n52 a lot of them were meta humans when they showed up. Story wise, not originally, but Captain Cold had an evil mad scientist do it to them after they lost to the Flash one to many times.A lot of them have gone metahuman, though, for example Captain Cold. I don't know if that's still true or not, but for awhile there he'd dropped the blasters and went all Iceman.
Man, you just straight up hate that show, don't you?Seasons one pays off in the end in a big way though, and unlike Agents of shield you're rewarded for watching from the start, they don't just retool it to tie into a movie.
Yeah. That's why I don't know what the spoiler in the link is yet.There's been a pretty consistent talkback/review thread on /co/ about the pilot, but I've been avoiding it. Don't want to spoil anything and I should probably watch Arrow first.
Here is a screenshot from the pilot (via Cosmic Book News). It may simple be a great Easter egg, but it might actually be a...
A word of warning about the link -- it does contain more spoilery information than the picture posted here.
Actually, they did use Solomon Grundy on Arrow...just not as a zombie. Rather, they had Cyrus Gold as an acolyte of Brother Blood and dosed up with a drug that gave him super strength and invulnerability.Well first we have to see if Solomon Grundy shows up on Arrow or not... if they're willing to do that then there might be a chance for everyone favourite Flash villain....
The Top?!everyone favourite Flash villain....
You're clearly not remembering what happened to Cyrus Gold... he got some nice green goo on him, right before being buried under a ton of rubble... hint, hint, nudge, nudge.Actually, they did use Solomon Grundy on Arrow...just not as a zombie. Rather, they had Cyrus Gold as an acolyte of Brother Blood and dosed up with a drug that gave him super strength and invulnerability.
I had forgotten that. Whether they actually go through with that and make him a zombie, though, is something else. Honestly, I don't expect them to go all the way if they do bring him back. It feels like they'll be more open to doing stuff like that for the Flash TV series, in my opinion.You're clearly not remembering what happened to Cyrus Gold... he got some nice green goo on him, right before being buried under a ton of rubble... hint, hint, nudge, nudge.
I didn't view that so much as a veiled reference. I viewed it as an origin story. I fully expect to see a gray Solomon Grundy in season 3 on Arrow. He won't be a magic-based zombie, but he'll have been presumed dead and been buried. Because of the additional chemical exposure, he'll be immune to the mirakuru cure.You're clearly not remembering what happened to Cyrus Gold... he got some nice green goo on him, right before being buried under a ton of rubble... hint, hint, nudge, nudge.
Yes, that's what i was saying, that they set it up so they can bring in a" closer to the comics" version of Solomon Grundy...I didn't view that so much as a veiled reference. I viewed it as an origin story.
He's not a zombie, he's a rotting mutant... and they're walkers in The Walking Dead... who cares what they call them, as long as they look right.Whether they actually go through with that and make him a zombie, though, is something else. Honestly, I don't expect them to go all the way if they do bring him back.
He's just being flashy.That looks nice but if he ran in a straight line he'd get places faster.
Hopefully, they're realizing they can try and succeed *budget limitations taken into consideration* where the WB movie division keeps farking up (the Nolanverse being it's own separate thing) in trying have some of the success financially and creatively that the DCAU has had.[DOUBLEPOST=1409091889,1409091846][/DOUBLEPOST]A costume and overt superpowers. What's CW coming to?
Wait, I'm doing it wrong, aren't I?
But then he'd get there too fast...That looks nice but if he ran in a straight line he'd get places faster.
He's a weird mix of both, plus the epilogue of the pilot eliminated any real doubt.Calling it now, gotta be Harrison Wells. He's just too much like Hunter Zolomon in the Geoff Johns Flash run.
The Flash: Stars Wars' Mark Hamill to Reprise '90s Role as The TricksterI doubt he'd go back to that role.
Apparently, the plan for this take on Trickster is that he's an anarchist terrorist con man who helps Barry when a wannabe Trickster hits the scene.
Which is more or less the role of the old Trickster in the comics. Kind of. There was a new, younger, hipper Trickster hopping about that first appeared during Geoff Johns' run on the title. I get the feeling that'll be their inspiration.Apparently, the plan for this take on Trickster is that he's an anarchist terrorist con man who helps Barry when a wannabe Trickster hits the scene.
Honestly, I'd suggest giving it a second chance. They've been doing a good job of capturing the right feel for the Flash, along with some good takes on characters, such as Captain Cold. I will say it suffers some when it comes to the Barry and Iris dynamic, but bad romantic business seems to just be a regular symptom of most CW shows, unfortunately. The two-part crossover they did with Arrow was good and nicely developed a relationship between the two heroes akin to Batman and Superman.Which is more or less the role of the old Trickster in the comics. Kind of. There was a new, younger, hipper Trickster hopping about that first appeared during Geoff Johns' run on the title. I get the feeling that'll be their inspiration.
I keep wanting to give the show a second chance because I see a lot of people really digging the show. Including Mark Waid. And Flash is probably my third or fourth favourite superhero, even if my Flash is Wally, not Barry.
Check it out, Nick, it's a fun show and their Barry borrows a lot from comics Wally. My seven year old insists on watching it with me every week and Flash is now currently his favorite super-hero because of the show.Which is more or less the role of the old Trickster in the comics. Kind of. There was a new, younger, hipper Trickster hopping about that first appeared during Geoff Johns' run on the title. I get the feeling that'll be their inspiration.
I keep wanting to give the show a second chance because I see a lot of people really digging the show. Including Mark Waid. And Flash is probably my third or fourth favourite superhero, even if my Flash is Wally, not Barry.
At least Gotham isn't on CW. Oh snap.If you gave Gotham a second chance, there's no excuse for not doing the same for Flash.
Yeah, it is on the channel that destroyed Firefly.At least Gotham isn't on CW. Oh snap.![]()
His future computer is named Gideon...Harrison Wells is H. Wells, or H.G. Wells, implying he's a time traveler anyway. That being said, Thawne was in the pilot as a separate character.
I have to agree. Watching Barry Allen as he took on the Reverse-Flash had some good drama to it, along with finally getting to see this show's take on the Reverse-Flash in action as the monster he is.DAMN, that was actually quite exciting. If you are not watching this show START NOW!
If Wells is Dr Zoom, how was he in 2 places at once and kick his own ass?
Considering what we saw at the end...If Wells is Dr Zoom, how was he in 2 places at once and kick his own ass?
I have to agree. Watching Barry Allen as he took on the Reverse-Flash had some good drama to it, along with finally getting to see this show's take on the Reverse-Flash in action as the monster he is.
So, looks like Harrison Wells is the Reverse-Flash. We've already known about him being from the future or at least knowing it, but I wonder what his endgame is going to be, considering his interest in the Flash's disappearance in the future?
My guess is possibly something akin to Zoom, namely trying to turn Barry into a better hero through the twisted method of causing more tragedy to him. That said, his talk of destiny does seem to play a bit closer to Eobard Thawne and the ring he had to unlock his costume room looks like the Flash's classic costume ring. Perhaps Wells is a Flash from another timeline? Or just a descendant of Eddie Thawne?
I still don't think Wells is Zoom - but I'm fairly certain he's going to create Zoom using that Tachyon Device. Maybe he'll use Eddie Thwane as a pawn? No one would cause Barry to push his limits more that Professor Zoom.
The Zoom Barry fought this round was clearly from the future and mentions that "we've been doing this a long time...". Zoom beating the shit outta Wells means he harbors some hatred for the man and him leaving Eddie alive suggests that it's his past self.
I like the idea that Wells is Pariah. But who knows. I love this show.
Well, if it's Future Eddie in the suit then he won't be Professor Zoom.
Well, if it's Future Eddie in the suit then he won't be Professor Zoom.
Doctor Fate isn't even a doctor though!Well, if it's Future Eddie in the suit then he won't be Professor Zoom.
Better question:I seriously can't wait for the Trickster episode.
Caitlin becoming Killer Frost when?
Hopefully never on both counts. Also do those really need to be spoiled?
Oh c'mon...Hopefully never on both counts. Also do those really need to be spoiled?
Mirror Master when???Another cast member has been added: Peyton List (from Mad Men) as Lisa Snart, also known as Golden Glider.
Soon, friend. Soon.Better question:
When does Cisco become Vibe
http://tvline.com/2014/12/16/the-flash-season-1-cast-nicholas-gonzalez-cisco-brother-dante/Nicholas Gonzales will also appear in "Rogue Time" as Dante Ramon, "Cisco’s handsome and charming older brother, who is used to being the family favorite. Dante is a gifted pianist, but he never reached his potential and secretly resents Cisco’s success. When the brothers are thrust into extreme circumstances, Dante must rely on Cisco if they’re going to survive."
Is that the Professor Zoom that get beheaded at the end of season 1? (it's Eobard)Eddard Thawne.
Pretty good take on him compared to the comics. Not exact, but close.Someone got a shot of Devon Graye on-set as Axel Walker, a copy-cat taking on the Trickster name.
Yeah. I'm almost a little surprised just how faithful they got with how goofy it looks. My favorite touch, though, is the t-shirt. It's basically a black and white version of the Trickster's costume top from the '90s live-action series.Pretty good take on him compared to the comics. Not exact, but close.
So far, so good.That whole episode was awesome. Flash really does have the best villains. I have not caught up with the show, but I hope they do Captain Cold right. He is probably one of DC's most complex characters, and one of its best kept secrets. Piper, too, while we're at it.
He's also a Gorilla which I imagine is incredibly hard to pull off looking good on a TV budget. Best to keep him as of the camera as much as possible I imagine.I haven't watched any Flash since the first episode, but I admit that I LOVE how they're playing up Grodd like a horror movie monster. He's a 600 pound psychic gorilla. You SHOULD be fucking scared.
Not God... GRODD!He's also a Gorilla which I imagine is incredibly hard to pull off looking good on a TV budget. Best to keep him as of the camera as much as possible I imagine.
Between this and Arrow introducing the Lazarus... Springs, it looks like DC/Warner is finally embracing it's comicbookyness...Yeah, that was an incredible episode. I've been loving this season so far, but this one was special.
But only on television, by the looks of things.Between this and Arrow introducing the Lazarus... Springs, it looks like DC/Warner is finally embracing it's comicbookyness...
As long as we get some Grundy it will do... for now.But only on television, by the looks of things.
Actually, we did get Solomon Grundy, just not called by that name back in season 2 of Arrow. Of course, maybe they could end up bringing him back in that Mirakuru serum working more wonders on him than originally thought.As long as we get some Grundy it will do... for now.
And, if it's successful, maybe they'll eventually get it right on the big screen side too...
The episode ended with some glowing green liquid dripping to where Cyrus Gold was buried under rubble... that's what i was referring to.Actually, we did get Solomon Grundy, just not called by that name back in season 2 of Arrow. Of course, maybe they could end up bringing him back in that Mirakuru serum working more wonders on him than originally thought.
Ah, alright. Well, considering that Arrow will soon have a villain who can channel plasma energy in the form of Deathbolt and Ray Palmer is now suited up as the Atom, it wouldn't surprise me if we see Cyrus Gold return, perhaps with an extra kick to him.The episode ended with some glowing green liquid dripping to where Cyrus Gold was buried under rubble... that's what i was referring to.
This production company sure loves some ex-companions.More news on that mysterious Arrow/The Flash spinoff. Two of the "first-time" heroes have been announced and casted. We'll be getting Arthur Darvill as Rip Hunter and Ciara Renee as Hawkgirl.
It takes a bit to ramp up and it's definitely a CW show but as it gets going and does some world building it gets better. It's by no means the second coming of shows but it embraces the character and his rogue gallery very well. I would say try and stick it out, the show is very rewarding if you recognize that it's actually a DC property being presented in a non-NU52 way... that's a rarity now a days.Giving this show a second chance and watched the second and third episodes today (introduced The Mist and....Multiplex, I think?).
And it's still...okay. I really don't see the great show that people keep raving about. It's not bad, don't get me wrong, but the way people talk about it, it's like the best show ever. The stories and acting are still your typical trying-too-hard CW fluff and the villains are incredibly bland.
I guess the stuff with Harrison Wells is interesting, but it's just not doing it for me.
It's weird, because I love The Flash. He's my third favourite superhero. But I just don't see what others see.
I honestly don't know what to say, I mean, it's miles better than both SHIELD and Arrow, and only gets more interesting as the show goes on. It's easily the best superhero show on TV right now.Giving this show a second chance and watched the second and third episodes today (introduced The Mist and....Multiplex, I think?).
And it's still...okay. I really don't see the great show that people keep raving about. It's not bad, don't get me wrong, but the way people talk about it, it's like the best show ever. The stories and acting are still your typical trying-too-hard CW fluff and the villains are incredibly bland.
I guess the stuff with Harrison Wells is interesting, but it's just not doing it for me.
It's weird, because I love The Flash. He's my third favourite superhero. But I just don't see what others see.
Eh, saying it's better than SHIELD or Arrow doesn't help much since I gave up both of them long before the end of their first seasons.I honestly don't know what to say, I mean, it's miles better than both SHIELD and Arrow, and only gets more interesting as the show goes on. It's easily the best superhero show on TV right now.
Seriously. Stick with it and you'll find it to be good. It's done a great job building its world and has been really embracing the Flash's cast of characters well. This last appearance was particularly good, not only for how it expands and informs the main ongoing story, but also in the fun of Mark Hamill once again playing James Jesse, the Trickster.It takes a bit to ramp up and it's definitely a CW show but as it gets going and does some world building it gets better. It's by no means the second coming of shows but it embraces the character and his rogue gallery very well. I would say try and stick it out, the show is very rewarding if you recognize that it's actually a DC property being presented in a non-NU52 way... that's a rarity now a days.
Well, I can say that you're really missing out then, Flash and SHIELD both are good shows. Yes, like any show they have moments of weakness, but both have grown into really solid, good story shows.Eh, saying it's better than SHIELD or Arrow doesn't help much since I gave up both of them long before the end of their first seasons.
Basically all three shows get better every episode, but if you're willing to drop them before the first season ends they just might not be for you.Eh, saying it's better than SHIELD or Arrow doesn't help much since I gave up both of them long before the end of their first seasons.
I actually laughed out loud when Flash called Cold and his goons a Rogues Gallery. It was great.To be fair, comic book wise, SHIELD really only started embracing the combicbookyiness in the current season, most likely because the entire arc of the first season was built around building to the events of Winter Soldier. But this season we're getting powers left and right and the introduction of the Inhumans.
Honestly, behind Spider-Man and the X-men, Flash is tied with Batman for the next in line of my favorite comics, so believe me, I have some high standards for the character (though, to be fair, my favorite Flash was Wally West, not Barry Allen). I love this show from bottom to top. I hope they get in Mirror Master so we can have the full rogues gallery. I want to see the full Capt. Cold, Capt. Boomerang, Heatwave, Trickster, Pied Piper, Mirror Master dustup with the Flash.
Also, they get points from me for keeping the Pied Piper gay.
Yeah. I was hoping they'd at least give her tricked-out in-line skates or something. Actually, by giving her that gold gun, she's sort of more like Goldface.Just noticed I forgot Weather Wizard in that group.
I could do without their version of Golden Glider, though. She was always a weak sauce character anyway.
Flash has arguably the second best rogues gallery in comics. Easily one of the deepest.Just noticed I forgot Weather Wizard in that group.
I could do without their version of Golden Glider, though. She was always a weak sauce character anyway.
They really need to let him play Jay GarrickSo Barry's Dad...
Is he the Flash that put the Trickster in jail for 20 years? Since he was the Flash that was on 20 years ago.
Mark Hamill was terrific. It was clear that it was fun for him to step back into this role, and I like the dynamic they did with James Jesse and Axel Walker. I hope we see more from the two of them in the future.How great was Mark Hamill in this weeks episode? This show has been great at letting the Rogues chew scenery.
I am your father
The stories and acting are still your typical trying-too-hard CW fluff
I blame Laurel.Man, why is it mind-control/shapeshifter episodes mean everyone needs to be insanely stupid all of a sudden? So many stupid decisions they'd never make in any other episode.
To be fair, having never experienced shapeshifters one might be excused from not thinking about it as well as they could...Man, why is it mind-control/shapeshifter episodes mean everyone needs to be insanely stupid all of a sudden? So many stupid decisions they'd never make in any other episode.
There's that, Iris and the other girl stopping in that perfectly framed "he can escape here" spot (and thinking handcuffs would be enough to stop a SHAPESHIFTER COME ON GUYS), and how Everyman was just awful at pretending to be other people.To be fair, having never experienced shapeshifters one might be excused from not thinking about it as well as they could...
But it would have worked better if Barry turned around, then did a "oh, wait" face right before being knocked out... that way he doesn't come off as holding the stupid ball...
Yeah, aside from the enjoyable business in Starling City, this basically felt like an episode to pass the time until we get some more Reverse-Flash action.There's that, Iris and the other girl stopping in that perfectly framed "he can escape here" spot (and thinking handcuffs would be enough to stop a SHAPESHIFTER COME ON GUYS), and how Everyman was just awful at pretending to be other people.
I don't mind characters being stupid sometimes, but this whole episode basically dropped everyone's IQ by like 30 points to make sure the show lasted a full 45 minutes.
Yeah, I mean next week's preview looked awesome as hell, and I really hope it makes up for the 90% of this episode that was pretty garbage.Yeah, aside from the enjoyable business in Starling City, this basically felt like an episode to pass the time until we get some more Reverse-Flash action.
Hopefully. The next episode we've got looks to have a big confrontation with the Reverse-Flash, and the following episode after that will be the first big use of Gorilla Grodd.Yeah, I mean next week's preview looked awesome as hell, and I really hope it makes up for the 90% of this episode that was pretty garbage.
If we're lucky? Never.Hopefully. The next episode we've got looks to have a big confrontation with the Reverse-Flash, and the following episode after that will be the first big use of Gorilla Grodd.
Also, how much longer before we see Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow gain their respective super identities, do you reckon?
I imagine we will see at least one of them by the end of the season -- just not in the original timeline. I think the Flash will go back, change the past, and return to a present that is worse than the one he left.Hopefully. The next episode we've got looks to have a big confrontation with the Reverse-Flash, and the following episode after that will be the first big use of Gorilla Grodd.
Also, how much longer before we see Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow gain their respective super identities, do you reckon?
I'm thinking that we see Cisco become Vibe sooner, especially considering how much they seem to be pushing his work with soundwaves.It seems to me that if we do get one it'd likely be Cisco, if nothing else he's the more interesting character by a mile.
I'm not sure if there has been a definite answer, but one of the showrunners has said that there is the potential for crossovers with Arrow and Flash, suggesting that it is.Well that looks like fun. Do we know if it shares a universe with Arrow and Flash, or is it a separate one, like Gotham and the late Constantine?
That part retroactively bugged me 'cause it was just there without any real mention of it! Like we can't not talk about this just a little bit. But instead he was just all "WELP! Exit: stage left!"Oh and my favorite moment of the finale...
Jay Garrick's helmet tumbling through the wormhole.
That part retroactively bugged me 'cause it was just there without any real mention of it! Like we can't not talk about this just a little bit. But instead he was just all "WELP! Exit: stage left!"
I hope it's explored more in the next season and that we get a "Flash of Two Worlds" situation.
I swear to God we'd better get a 90's Flash cameo if this happens, complete with "Dad?".
Oh my god.
Imagine if John Wesley Shipp turned up as Jay Garrick from an alternate universe.
No that's right. Cold's issue is he doesn't want to escalate with the authorities. Kill a civilian it's business as usual, kill a cop and the entire force is going to come down hard.Season 1 is on Netflix, so I decided to catch up. I was really disappointed in Captain Cold. They did briefly attempt to make him calculating, but there wasn't any of the famous grudging respect. Plus it seems to me they reversed his position on taking lives from the comics, or am I crazy? He won't take a cop's life, but he will take a civilian's?
How far have you watched, or have you seen the whole season? It's clear they're building up Captain Cold into how he normally is in the comics.Season 1 is on Netflix, so I decided to catch up. I was really disappointed in Captain Cold. They did briefly attempt to make him calculating, but there wasn't any of the famous grudging respect. Plus it seems to me they reversed his position on taking lives from the comics, or am I crazy? He won't take a cop's life, but he will take a civilian's?
Flash is "Superman" to Arrow's "Batman." The entire show moves faster than Arrow, they're not afraid to move through plot lines other shows would drag out. Like Joe not knowing about Barry's new super powers.Fox just started showing Flash season 1. Just the first episode so far.
1. Wow, things sure went fast as far as introductions and stuff go, certainly compared to Arrow
2. If this is supposed to be the "cheerier", "more colorful" show compared to Arrow, I'm not seeing it in this first episode.
So, um... we need to talk about what happened in last nights episode.
KING SHARK was not only teased, HE SHOWED UP!
This was something that I was bothered by as well. I've heard it said that all stories about time travel are inherently broken, but the Flash storyline was more broken than most. It didn't make any sense even by its own rules. (And, I know, if you go to the comics, the answer is likely "something, something, Speed Force", but that doesn't make it any less frustrating.)So finished season 1. So let me get this right. We spend a whole episode telling Barry that he can erase his mothers death but that he won't remember any of this, establishing the fictional time travel rules. Which they immediately break when Wells is erased but it has no effect on the current timeline of which Wells was a part.
which makes me wonder how long before we see
Killer Frost, but I like Caitlin like she is. It will be really difficult to make her transition to a villain. Though I'm guessing it has something to do with Ronnie disappearing
Whoa. I look forward to a reappearance. For science.They could sidestep the issue by making Killer Frost from Earth-2.
Also, technically, we already have, thanks to the speed force montage
View attachment 19582
(via Collider)
Danielle Panabaker discussed the character recently:
And they recently released a better image of the character.
View attachment 19583
(via SuperheroHype)
I had this theory that she was already her E2 counterpart planted by Zoom but E2 Well's watch disproved that.Yeah, I like how the camera lingered on Caitlin for a moment when she said, "I don't think any of us would turn evil if we got superpowers."
I believe it.Guys, a crazy idea occurred to me about Zoom...
What if it's Earth-2 Henry Allen?
Guys, a crazy idea occurred to me about Zoom...
What if it's Earth-2 Henry Allen?
I believe it.
That would be likely, given the way they've been Easter Egging the 90's series.Guys, a crazy idea occurred to me about Zoom...
What if it's Earth-2 Henry Allen?
The shows are meant to be watched in tandem. You can't blame them for your personal viewing habits.We're now coming up near the end of season 1. One of the problems is that we still haven't gotten all of Arrow season 2. Just had the episode wherethe Atom first shows up. Soooooo...They don't even bother with spoilers, do they? Felicity rattles off a whole list - Black Canary, a death, Ollie gone to the League of Assassins,... and of course, the Atom itself, being her boyfriend. O-kay then.
"Personal viewing habits" =/= "What they're broadcasting and selling in Belgium". Season three of Arrow is simply not available by any legal means here. Can hardly blame me for that.The shows are meant to be watched in tandem. You can't blame them for your personal viewing habits.
Yeah, but they don't take small foreign markets into consideration when they make their shows. Blame your broadcasters."Personal viewing habits" =/= "What they're broadcasting and selling in Belgium". Season three of Arrow is simply not available by any legal means here. Can hardly blame me for that.
Yeah, I like how the camera lingered on Caitlin for a moment when she said, "I don't think any of us would turn evil if we got superpowers."
So, is Superman a thing then?
Season 2 has been dealing a whole bunch with Earth-2 and established the multi-verse. They don't need to worry about a shared universe.So, is Superman a thing then?
Because if that's the case, stuff from The Flash season 1 shouldn't have been as unbelievable as people in Central City treated it.
Right, somehow I forgot about the multi-verse (I was caught up, I swear). Okay, we'll just have to see how they play it. Will surely be more interesting than the movies. So far Earth-2 appears to be much, much stranger than Earth-1.Season 2 has been dealing a whole bunch with Earth-2 and established the multi-verse. They don't need to worry about a shared universe.
I'm also assuming that they're having Flash from the TV show, and not just Grant Gustin playing Flash from Supergirl's Earth.
Didn't know that. I admit I haven't watched every episode of Arrow, so maybe there is some stuff in the show.Green Arrow did make a mention of Oracle once, "but that name is taken."
You need to go faster.For most of you, it's time to begin season 3.
For me, it's time to resume the second half of season 2.
Six episodes to go!You need to go faster.
One of the most satisfying things in that episode wasSix episodes to go!
Last night watch s2e17, "Flash Back."
Barry: I have to go back in time to learn how to go faster.
My wife: You're an idiot.
Everyone: You might alter time and it could go really badly.
My wife: Yeah.
Barry: I gotta try.
My wife: FUCK YOU!
Welcome to The Flash as a character since forever.These time travel plot lines are getting really old.
That's one of the things I like about the show. It's willing to do this kind of crazy stuff, and it's fun giving the actors chances to go back to old stuff, be different, etc.Welcome to The Flash as a character since forever.
I read a lengthy article yesterday, don't know where it is now, where Berlanti and others mentioned that they were struggling to figure out what Supergirl was as a show at first, and it took them until about halfway through the season to really find that. Their aim for season 2 is less speeches, more leading by example.It's just nice to have a superhero show that feels like a comic in the best ways. Supergirl had a pretty good first season and I'm hoping season 2 works out as well.
That was a nice episode.
But Wally ...
Any guesses on how many episodes before he's off to find Dr. Alchemy?
Yeah it's done for a week or two, I think. SHIELD is done till the end of the month.There was no new episode last night?!
This election sucks.
We're annoyed too, especially when it was said that wouldn't be the direction they were going this season, and ...ANOTHER fucking speedster as the big bad? Seriously? Fucking SERIOUSLY?
They know Flash has more than just speedsters for big bads in his rogue gallery, right?
We're annoyed too, especially when it was said that wouldn't be the direction they were going this season, and ...
Julian is Alchemy. FFS now three season in a row it's guy they know is secretly villain, and three seasons in a row the big bad is a speedster. The Flash has so many great villains, come on.
I'm not comics expert on the Flash, but I thought Savitr wasn't faster; he had some other deal that let him work around the Flash's speed?
I don't think he was faster, but he DID know more Speed Force tricks that Wally (who was Flash at the time) didn't know. Like healing yourself immediately or absorbing the speed from oncoming objects like a thrown knife or a bullet.
And sadly, I saw Alchemy coming miles away. As soon as they revealed his name as Albert Desmond, I knew it'd be him because that's Alchemy's real name in the comics. I thought they might do a curveball, but NOPE.
Am i the only one wondering why the Dominators are naked?But I'm pumped for the big crossover next week. Supergirl, Flash, Legends, and Arrow vs alien invasion--this is gonna be fun.
I haven't watched promos; I just assumed it was going to be Thanagarians since they've been mentioned on Supergirl, not just shows with Hawkgirl.Am i the only one wondering why the Dominators are naked?
I mean at least with the Martians it made sense in that they're shape-shifters.
An alien invasion whose motivation is to force us to let go of our compulsion to hide our bodies with dead animal and plant matter?Maybe nudity is why they're invading.
Dare to defy.An alien invasion whose motivation is to force us to let go of our compulsion to hide our bodies with dead animal and plant matter?
Like some sort of nudity zealots on a crusade through space...
Without giving too much away, season 3 seems to be promising an end to time travel shenanigans and now only dealing with the consequences of their last hurrah that season 3 begins with.I just finished season 2 on Netflix and have seen none of season 3 (I doubt I will watch it...read on!)
This show drives me crazy. It is trying to stay afloat purely on the charisma of the actors. And they no doubt have lots of it (until they get mopey). But the techno-wizardry is completely off the scale in this show. I can believe the speed force and metahumans, etc., but they lean so hard on whatever is convenient to move the (sometimes nonsensical) plots along, that I end up rolling my eyes through half of the episode. On top of all that, their rules for time travel are convoluted (and contradictory? Probably. It is hard to tell, but if it serves the plot!) He can pop back in time on a whim but cannot run faster than Mach [whatever the plot calls for]? Grrr... And the time wraiths were such a deus ex machina, which they invented out of thin air for the show, then used just keep the hero from doing something wrongOf course, they end season 2 with the promise of more time travel shenanigans, so I am probably out. The characters are pretty darn likable but they never let them off the leash to grow or be truly challenged, except for Barry sometimes. It starts to feel a little claustrophobic when every plot revolves around the team and team work and we're stronger as a family. I so want to like this show but I think on balance I don't. I might check in and see if season 3 is worth it, but my hopes will be low.directly...he still got them to come drag off Zoom...great idea, Barry! Let's bring more of those things into the world!
This'll probably be a spoiler for both shows for me (all three? Was Arrow involved too?) but how did the cross over work? different universe?
That's probably why it's not even named Invasion. I think Supergirl was in production earlier than the other shows so they could only wiggle it in here and there without disrupting the Supergirl season. I expect her trip to Earth Prime will be barely referenced in later Supergirl season 2 episodes, much like Flash's trip to Earth-3 was barely referenced in the rest of The Flash season 2.The Supergirl crossover night should not count.
According to others who've been watching this season of Legends, this is apparently the usual for this version of Vixen. She'll get rhino spirit going, and then just go do kick flips and punches. SO lame when the special effect is more expensive than having her fighting style change to reflect the animal spirit she's channeling.That relates to Zero Esc's point about Vixen doing this big fancy shot. I got all excited to see what she'd do...and then she just ran into the battle and didn't do anything special. Why waste that much time with a cool (and expensive) special effect if you're not doing anything special with it?
Supergirl's was a good Supergirl episode, but yeah, had nothing to do with the crossover except to delay Alex coming out to her mom and distracting Hank Henshaw. Otherwise, the scene where Barry and Cisco appear in Kara's apartment is the exact same scene as at the end of the Supergirl episode.So yeah, I don't know. As someone who only watches Flash, this was largely disappointing for me. If you're someone who watches all three (or four, if you count Supergirl), this might've been more enjoyable. If they hoped to use this to get people to watch the other shows more, they definitely missed the mark on this guy.
Yeah, season 2 is better. Also, it's not just Eobard Thawne as a major villain. It's a group that (at least in the promotional material) is known as the Legion of Doom.It has made me consider giving Legends season 2 a chance. Watched season 1, wasn't too impressed, but season 2 apparently has Eobard Thawne as a recurring villain, so I feel like I'm making a mistake by not checking it out. Definitely not watching Arrow though.
I think that came down to your first point of them being unsure if they could use Supergirl, and they needed a reason for her not to immediately solve every problem.I kinda get the feeling that they weren't sure if they were going to be able to use Supergirl, so her part was added rather than being essential to the plot. And it was kinda annoying, because there were a lot of moments that could have used her abilities.
But there was one thing that bugged me most, and admittedly, I've never watched Arrow or The Flash, but all of Supergirl and most of the first season of Legends of Tomorrow, but
What the hell was up with Ollie's bullshit, "I'm not feeling sure of myself, so you need to be side-lined, Kara"? What logic was that? You want the most powerful person on your team to step back because you're feeling impotent? I really, really wanted Kara to super-kick him in the nuts right there. And I know Barry wasn't reliable after "Flashpoint", which they mentioned 50 MILLION TIMES OKAY WE GET IT, but he was clearly smarter than Ollie to bring her in. Ollie needs to sit back and shut the hell up, angsty Batman-wannabe.
Totally agree with you on both the Flash/Supergirl cross-over and not understanding why people hate Felicity. Didn't people also really dislike Thea, and now she's Speedy? I'm some-what confused with the CW characters.I think that came down to your first point of them being unsure if they could use Supergirl, and they needed a reason for her not to immediately solve every problem.
I liked the crossover in parts, but not in others. I think they can and will do better. Right now my favorite crossover of any of these shows is still the Supergirl episode with the Flash, because putting Kara and Barry together is like putting two puppies in the same room.
I don't get why people hate Felicity Smoak. Having not watched much Arrow, she's mine and my wife's favorite Arrow character. I know people criticized one set of episodes of Arrow being the Felicity Smoak Show--I'll need to find out which season that is.
I kinda get the feeling that they weren't sure if they were going to be able to use Supergirl, so her part was added rather than being essential to the plot. And it was kinda annoying, because there were a lot of moments that could have used her abilities.
But there was one thing that bugged me most, and admittedly, I've never watched Arrow or The Flash, but all of Supergirl and most of the first season of Legends of Tomorrow, but
What the hell was up with Ollie's bullshit, "I'm not feeling sure of myself, so you need to be side-lined, Kara"? What logic was that? You want the most powerful person on your team to step back because you're feeling impotent? I really, really wanted Kara to super-kick him in the nuts right there. And I know Barry wasn't reliable after "Flashpoint", which they mentioned 50 MILLION TIMES OKAY WE GET IT, but he was clearly smarter than Ollie to bring her in. Ollie needs to sit back and shut the hell up, angsty Batman-wannabe.
That sounds like a completely different character. Sheez ...Ollie in this universe ends up taking a good number of Bat-mannerisms so the distrust of Super beings didn't seem that out of place to me.
Felicity does some dumb stuff last season that really put her on everyone's shit list.
First of all near the end of season 3
Her and ollie start dating which just feels a little out of place. like it felt like it was mostly to please the shippers and stuff.
Then in season 4
She stays with him through a lot. Hell, she gets shot and paralyzed from the waist down and stays with him through that. What breaks them up is that Ollie finds out he has a son from a fling ~8 years ago. The baby mama says that if ollie tells anyone ANYONE that she won't let him see his son ever again. So ollie doesn't immediately tell Felicity about it and she finds out and leaves him because he didn't risk never seeing his son again to please queen smoke. And the dumbest part is that during the break up she regains the ability to walk because science and WALKS AWAY DID YOU SEE THE SYMBOLISM WALK-AWAY get it?
And that's why Felicity can suck a bag of dicks. Or really that's why the writing for the show can suck 3 bags.
To be fair, this was an INVASION, not a Crisis. Anything officially named a Crisis is when Flashes need to be watched closely.Though on a side note I'd like to say it was nice to get through a crisis without a flash getting killed.
Or Flash making it worseThough on a side note I'd like to say it was nice to get through a crisis without a flash getting killed.
'cause he's gotta go back like...oooooone more time to REALLY set things right...right?Or Flash making it worse. Barry said no more time travel, but I'm just counting the episodes until he breaks that.
You mean reverting everything to the original timeline that had Flash, Batman, Superman, etc the general Justice League? I think that'd be a crappy finale, to just undo everything.'cause he's gotta go back like...oooooone more time to REALLY set things right...right?
Though seriously the whole show is a time aberration if we want to put this into Legend's of Tomorrow terms. Reverse Flash went back in time and set the particle accelerator off a few years early in season 1. I wouldn't be surprised if the show ends with them undoing that.
You mean reverting everything to the original timeline that had Flash, Batman, Superman, etc the general Justice League? I think that'd be a crappy finale, to just undo everything.
No one can stop the show from resetting.#DareToDefy
To be fair, they wanted it to be a sort of culmination of all the time Ollie lied to "protect" them, they just failed at conveying it well.Then in season 4
She stays with him through a lot. Hell, she gets shot and paralyzed from the waist down and stays with him through that. What breaks them up is that Ollie finds out he has a son from a fling ~8 years ago. The baby mama says that if ollie tells anyone ANYONE that she won't let him see his son ever again. So ollie doesn't immediately tell Felicity about it and she finds out and leaves him because he didn't risk never seeing his son again to please queen smoke. And the dumbest part is that during the break up she regains the ability to walk because science and WALKS AWAY DID YOU SEE THE SYMBOLISM WALK-AWAY get it?
And that's why Felicity can suck a bag of dicks. Or really that's why the writing for the show can suck 3 bags.
Oh for sure. Like I understand the idea of one more big lie being the straw that breaks that cammel's back. HOWEVER I feel like this was one of the few lies that was 100% justified. The person behind the lie even explained it to them and took the responsibility but it was still not good enough.To be fair, they wanted it to be a sort of culmination of all the time Ollie lied to "protect" them, they just failed at conveying it well.
“With our Flash and our Supergirl being ‘Glee’ alums, how could we not have them go up against another ‘Glee’ favorite like Darren Criss?” said executive producer Andrew Kreisberg. “We have been blown away by his talent over the years and we can’t wait to see what he brings to the Music Meister.”
What was really annoying was him asking about changing the future... WHEN THEY ALREADY CHANGED THE TIMELINES A MILLION TIMES, AND THE WHOLE SHOW IS AN ALTERNATE TIMELINE CREATED BY PROF. ZOOM!!!!!This was an episode of good and bleh, the bleh mostly being Barry being an idiot for the sake of CW drama.
You mean Iobard Thawn?What was really annoying was him asking about changing the future... WHEN THEY ALREADY CHANGED THE TIMELINES A MILLION TIMES, AND THE WHOLE SHOW IS AN ALTERNATE TIMELINE CREATED BY PROF. ZOOM!!!!!
Nah, i'm talking about his identical twin doppelgänger, Eobard.You mean Iobard Thawn?
Well, at least that makes sense, as Barry was altering the past too by fighting Prof. Zoom in his house there. To actually bring back things to the unseen original timeline he should stop him before he got there.Even his correction was still going to have fractures.
You keep saying Zoom, but he didn't go back to Barry's past. He was at Barry's house in the present to kill his dad. Eobard went back to kill his mom.Nah, i'm talking about his identical twin doppelgänger, Eobard.
Well, at least that makes sense, as Barry was altering the past too by fighting Prof. Zoom in his house there. To actually bring back things to the unseen original timeline he should stop him before he got there.
Of course, considering Legends, the timeline is being fractured bi-weekly.
That's assuming that time works the way the villains are saying it does. Even the Time Masters may not have been right in their assumptions about things.But yeah, taking Legends into account, everything should be entirely fucked by now.
Oh, sorry... i was using the original comic book names, where Professor Zoom, the Reverse-Flash is Eobard Thawne, a crazy guy from the future that's obsessed with Barry Allen. While Zoom is Hunter Zolomon, who is actually Wally West's "Reverse-Flash" (and who's powers where actually making time go slower).You keep saying Zoom, but he didn't go back to Barry's past.
Comic books!Oh, sorry... i was using the original comic book names, where Professor Zoom, the Reverse-Flash is Eobard Thawne, a crazy guy from the future that's obsessed with Barry Allen. While Zoom is Hunter Zolomon, who is actually Wally West's "Reverse-Flash" (and who's powers where actually making time go slower).
I think he stole speed and was able to give it to people or something.Isn't Savitar supposed to not actually be fast, but do some weird stuff to appear fast?
They haven't met who I mentioned, in the show at least.Hey, you know what would be real twist? If it was just some guy they haven't met yet...
I'd like to say this is too obvious, but that seems to be the way this show goes. It's my guess at this point.People have their theories as to who Savitar is under there. Most popular prediction:
that it's Future Wally
Bad choice of words on my part... should have included "or someone not related to then etc"They haven't met who I mentioned, in the show at least.
It's already the 3rd speedster, making it also the 3rd (well, 4th, if you include Malfoy) "guy we already know, that we thought was a friend" is just so predictable.But I know what you mean. I could see that for a villain of the week, someone taunting "you and I have done this forever, Flash" and then it's just some rando. I can't see them doing that for a season's big bad.
Yep. They've played that hand way too many times at this point.Bad choice of words on my part... should have included "or someone not related to then etc"
It's already the 3rd speedster, making it also the 3rd (well, 4th, if you include Malfoy) "guy we already know, that we thought was a friend" is just so predictable.
A whole lot of those folks have stage/musical backgrounds, Kara, Barry, Musical Meister and some others are Glee Alumni. CW has done a pretty good job at hiring folks that their demographic would actually watch superhero shows, whereas they normally wouldn't.Watched the musical episode last night...
John Barrowman has the best damn voice that I've heard in a while. Oh, and Wynn could really sing as well.
I guess they just found the only characters from the Arrowverse that could sing and cobble them into this show.
I guess only Kara can sing from all the women in the shows.
Well, they kinda showed it to us several times already this seasonHOORAY-post redemption Snart! Seriously, just fucking bring him back to life all ready. Pull a doppeldoll for all I care! ALSO--who esle saw Iris getting stabbed coming?
This was an excellent finale
until they tacked on a Crisis end and it hit every branch falling down the bullshit tree.
I'll probably watch, but I wouldn't blame anyone for jumping ship after that tacked-on shit of an ending.Honestly, I don't know if I'll bother with the next season.
Looking around online, the rest of the finale wasn't even that well-received, so I get what you mean about your son's enjoyment making it easier to overlook issues if you had them. I had no problem with the rest of the episode. It sucks that someone died, but it wasn't like some Joss Whedon throwaway pointless; it was a hero's death.Say what you will about the Flash finale but my 9 year old son absolutely loved it. I don't disagree with opinions on the ending, but having a kid next to you cheering and gaping in shock at some of the moments makes it easy to give the show a pass. It suffers, as all the CW shows do, from CWitis.... which is the need to keep the status quo (re: relationships) the status quo. Can't have the characters relationship growing and developing as that would ruin the shipping tension. Removing those types of decisions would make the shows much better overall but there's zero chance of them breaking what is obviously been a successful formula.
It has, just not used by the Flash.Heh. Has the ring not been in the series yet?