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The funniest thing I've seen all week


General Specific

General Specific

OK, I was out running errands today and on my way home, I had to take the interstate. There was a car, stitched together almost literally that had a big cardboard sign on the back of it proclaiming:
Yes, with an O, not an A. Scrawled on the back of the car were various things like "Call me girl!" I didn't get a good look at the driver because I was too busy trying to control my car while laughing uncontrollably.

The real problem with my story is that I had left my phone at home and so do not have any pictures to back up my story. I checked the mighty internet and only found one reference on a random person's twitter page in Tampa, FL. So, anyone between SC and Tampa that happens to be out on the interstate, keep an eye peeled, you may see him too.
