The Glove & Boots Appreciation Thread

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So listen. I've become a big fan of Glove & Boots, a regular YouTube series featuring two puppets: Mario and Fafa. And I know a great deal of you guys would also love them. They've got some amazing puppetry for a simple YouTube series and the humour is great.

Here's one of my personal favourites:

And right now, Fafa and Mario are at war. They're trying to win the some sort of internet award, but they're currently getting Justin Bieber's DJ. Worse, after Fafa the Groundhog took the lead, Bieber's DJ beat him back...on Groundhog Day. Now, it's war. And as a big fan, I need your help. The next video below has instructions on how to vote. Please do. Bieber's DJ cannot win, damnit.

Yes. I love these guys, one of the creators linked their first video on reddit and I've been subbed to the channel ever since. Hilarious stuff, especially the Valentine's special.

I think he was hoping for a thread that shows appreciation to women wearing boots and gloves. Looks like he was also hoping that's all they'd be wearing.

Also hair dryers, I guess? Man's gotta have his fetishes.
To be honest, I first misread the thread title as Girls & Boots, but after I noticed, I still figured the comment worked.

I did not notice the hair dryer. Is it because I just quickly looked for the raciest-not-vulgar picture I could find? Is it because I was super focussed on said picture? A little bit of column A... A little bit of column B.
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