[Comics] The Goon

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I recently bought the first 5 TPBs(including volume zero) and I FREAKIN love the Goon. The universe in this comic is just so weird and Goon is just so freaking bad-ass I love it! Anyone else read it?
Hell yes, I do. Though, for awhile, I only had volumes 0 & 1. Then I introduced the series to a girl I was dating. She got so hooked on it, I wound up buying the rest of the series. I think I'm still missing the most recent volume (10? It has the Buzzard mini-series included).

I'm sure you've heard about...this?

Mind you, the movie is in Hollywood limbo. The trailer was put together to generate interest, but nothing has come of it, yet. :(
Damn straight dude! The whole series wow! I remember when I saw a commercial for that stupid hockey movie called the Goon thinkin' it was this. Really....really depressing.
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