The Hungover Thread

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Please keep the noise down and the lights dimmed in this thread.

Yesterday turned into an impromptu bad movie night when a plan to hang, watch a movie and drink some beers was hijacked by my friend's girlfriend who decided to rent "scary movies".

She rented Unrest which is, quite probably, the fucking WORST movie I have EVER laid eyes upon. I was painful, poorly acted, poorly scripted, piece of shit nonsense. Then Boogeyman 2 which was just barely better.

But she also got a whole bunch of wine bottles.. so we had so much fun drunkenly destroying the movie. And now my whole body aches. I need aspirin. And an IV.
This is a thread I should have made ages ago. I know you feel bad. I've been there. Can I get you anything? Some aspirin? Water? The head of the person that hit you with a frying pan while you slept?
I just took 1000mg of paracetamol. Better than aspirin, right?

---------- Post added at 01:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 PM ----------

I feel like my brain was smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick
You had Pan Galactic Gargle-Blasters?[/QUOTE]

Thank you for always getting my h2g2 references, Gen, I love you for that. Now go get the one I made in the drunk/high/wasted thread please?

Element 117

see, and I just upgraded whatever it was last night. smooth slurry sailing from ere
I feel BAD. It's not something I can pinpoint like "oh, my head hurts", it's just a general feeling of awful discomfort, y'know?

Alcohol is a hell of a drug.


This is my *boomstick*... note that it is currently encased in cement.. Please be quiet until the screws inside of my brain have finished drilling their way out, or the Advil Migraine medicine kicks in. Thanks much!

The rum in the daiquiri I had last night was about 3x stronger than my norm... and no, I still can't hold my liquor!


Staff member
Can one get a hangover from wafer biscuits, cola and chips? Movie night with friends last night... Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Legend, Hangover, Ironman and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull... in one sitting. Did not go to bed until 5am.
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