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The lost week...




The week between Christmas and New Years ranks as one of the lowest production weeks in the US according to a statistic I just made up and saved the tax payers 100 grand on.

For me it's going to be playing catch-up from taking last week off as best I can with 70% of the office gone. At the last place I worked we used this week to watch the entire Star Wars Saga and LoTR. That was a good week.

So my question is, what are y'all doing at "work" this week?




Took today off and have Friday off.

I'll have to work Tuesday - Thursday.



I was going to take today off, but I guess there's just enough for me to do. I'm backed up on some filing. I might take tomorrow off.




I work in retail, so this week has actually been very busy.

However, this is also the last week I work there before going to a new job, so I've been completely phoning it in.


Kitty Sinatra

I have this week off.

Three Cheers for the least productive week of the year. We need more of them.




Co-workers mother in law died. I get to work extra hours each day this week because of it to cover. And with the short staff, also means much more work that normal on top of it. Meh, money is money.




I have to work mon - thurs but it is usually super dead this week. On Christmas Eve we just spent the day watching movies and chilling.


General Specific

General Specific

I have to work mon-thurs and other than friday off, it's a regular week.



Frankie Williamson

After the hectic Christmas visiting I get to relax and not worry about shit until the 4th. Fucking A.



I am so bored...I might actually do some work today.





Officially, I only had to work about 3 hours yesterday at my main job for the whole week, but I am using lot of my vacation time to do some extra consulting. That seems a little fucked up now that I think about it, but the money is good. No work Thursday or Friday, I promise.

On the plus side, I am producing much science, bitches.




On the plus side, I am producing much science, bitches.
