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The Not So Rant, I Want To Be Serious (or not) Thread



The sky is RED.

There are FOUR lights.

(point of thread.. be serious .. or funny.)




---------- Post added at 02:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:31 AM ----------


Element 117





I thought we already had a random crap thread.






Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I thought we already had a random crap thread.
Got too crappy.





Dream Goddess

Dream Goddess

What do ya'll mean with the "four lights"? Is it a Star Trek reference?






Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

What do ya'll mean with the "four lights"? Is it a Star Trek reference?
I saw it in 1984 before I did in Star Trek... But guess wich one is more popular on the internet?


Element 117

What do ya'll mean with the "four lights"? Is it a Star Trek reference?
I saw it in 1984 before I did in Star Trek... But guess wich one is more popular on the internet?[/QUOTE]


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

What do ya'll mean with the "four lights"? Is it a Star Trek reference?
I saw it in 1984 before I did in Star Trek... But guess wich one is more popular on the internet?[/QUOTE]










Holy Shit did they throw those HARD.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly





Source! Context! Explanation! Want!




I honestly have no idea what's going on in that gif. The kid moved afterwards, though. At least we know he's not dead.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

That gif, if watched backwards, tells the story of a psicokinetic kid getting revenge over bullies... He does so with such a psychic force he barely saves his favourite book from being thrown at the kids.








Like an orc with an axe buried in his head, maybe the kid was just twitching. Also, maybe it's just me, but the gif does look a little sped up.


Dream Goddess

Dream Goddess

Chain of Command (Star Trek: The Next Generation) Thank you Wikipedia. ^^ Aaaand because it made me happy:




Just saw something interesting today.

It's rather warm up here in Finland, about 26 degrees Celsius where I come from. So, like any warm-blooded finnish man, when faced with such weather conditions I react in the appropriate way: go out to the bar terraces and have an unspecified number of beers.

So when I was on this terrace just a couple of hours ago, indulging in my bad habit of inhaling carcinogens in between pints, I heard this middle-aged lady in the table next to me gasp and exlaim how something was just horrible. Following her gaze across the street, I saw some 40 meters away a black-headed gull (BH) chick on the street, being attack by an adult black-backed (BB) gull. The way I figure it was that the BH chick had fallen out of it's nest, and it seemed like it was trying to take shelter underneath a parked car, while the BB was out to get him/her. What I assume was the BH mother was circling above, trying to protect her offspring, but there was little she could do; the BB was about twice her size. So I along with everyone else stood by watching as the BB attacked the BH chick, all the while the mother was circling above making mock charges and screeching in the way gulls screech when danger is about. The chick wasn't fast or tough enough, and under the attacks of something about five times it's size, eventually stopped moving and lay on the sidewalk. Then it looked like the victorious BB began to eat it's new kill.

The gentleman friend of the lady remarked how "she should take a veterinarian kit and go help the chick". When I was asked to comment in passing, I said how "it was unfortunate to watch but that it was the laws of nature in operation".
So... yeah. Nothing quite like seeing the animal kingdom in live action to remind one of the fundemental truths of existence.

That is all, apologies for my current state of inebriation. And of posting something like this after such a cute puppy video to represent the other side.




Even though I agree with you and think the circle of life is nothing to cry about.... in your place I probably would have gone over and kicked the bully gull away or something. Seeing a baby in danger, even if it's not my own species, overrides any rational reasoning I may have in such matters :/




Even though I agree with you and think the circle of life is nothing to cry about.... in your place I probably would have gone over and kicked the bully gull away or something. Seeing a baby in danger, even if it's not my own species, overrides any rational reasoning I may have in such matters :/
When male lions take a mate, they kill any offspring that the female had.


Dream Goddess

Dream Goddess

Just saw something interesting today.

It's rather warm up here in Finland, about 26 degrees Celsius where I come from. So, like any warm-blooded finnish man, when faced with such weather conditions I react in the appropriate way: go out to the bar terraces and have an unspecified number of beers.

So when I was on this terrace just a couple of hours ago, indulging in my bad habit of inhaling carcinogens in between pints, I heard this middle-aged lady in the table next to me gasp and exlaim how something was just horrible. Following her gaze across the street, I saw some 40 meters away a black-headed gull (BH) chick on the street, being attack by an adult black-backed (BB) gull. The way I figure it was that the BH chick had fallen out of it's nest, and it seemed like it was trying to take shelter underneath a parked car, while the BB was out to get him/her. What I assume was the BH mother was circling above, trying to protect her offspring, but there was little she could do; the BB was about twice her size. So I along with everyone else stood by watching as the BB attacked the BH chick, all the while the mother was circling above making mock charges and screeching in the way gulls screech when danger is about. The chick wasn't fast or tough enough, and under the attacks of something about five times it's size, eventually stopped moving and lay on the sidewalk. Then it looked like the victorious BB began to eat it's new kill.

The gentleman friend of the lady remarked how "she should take a veterinarian kit and go help the chick". When I was asked to comment in passing, I said how "it was unfortunate to watch but that it was the laws of nature in operation".
So... yeah. Nothing quite like seeing the animal kingdom in live action to remind one of the fundemental truths of existence.

That is all, apologies for my current state of inebriation. And of posting something like this after such a cute puppy video to represent the other side.
That made me cry.






Even though I agree with you and think the circle of life is nothing to cry about.... in your place I probably would have gone over and kicked the bully gull away or something. Seeing a baby in danger, even if it's not my own species, overrides any rational reasoning I may have in such matters :/
When male lions take a mate, they kill any offspring that the female had.[/QUOTE]

Yes. I know. I would obviously not come in front of a fucking LION... but a puppy or similar, I could not just leave to die.




Even though I agree with you and think the circle of life is nothing to cry about.... in your place I probably would have gone over and kicked the bully gull away or something. Seeing a baby in danger, even if it's not my own species, overrides any rational reasoning I may have in such matters :/
Well, I have to say that while the thing was kinda sad to watch, in the vein of how suffering is always sad, I don't really see the aggressor in this case to really be "a bully". Rather it is one wild animal trying to make a meal of another wild animal, something quite natural, especially considering how predators generally seem to prefer attacking the young or the weak as those usually can't run away as fast or fight back as well as a healthy full-grown individual.

If it was not a case of wild animals, then I could well intervene. A puppy on a leash outside a supermarket or some such likely belongs to someone, so property rights and simple decency and compassion would take precedence over the laws of the wild. With wild animals, what happened was sad but only natural in my opinion.

That made me cry.
* Offers a box of kleenexses and relates a tale how the chick is now "in a better place". *





Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly



Even though I agree with you and think the circle of life is nothing to cry about.... in your place I probably would have gone over and kicked the bully gull away or something. Seeing a baby in danger, even if it's not my own species, overrides any rational reasoning I may have in such matters :/

And then that baby bird goes on to make more retard birds that fall out of their nests and get eaten by gulls.


General Specific

General Specific

you really are Calleja's twin





Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

you really are Calleja's twin[/QUOTE]

I don't look like him anymore...

Wich means my sexyness meter has decreased significantly XD




That's another kid.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I'm sorry, we've already eaten all the sandwiches.
