The One Appreciation Thread to Rule Them All

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I just wanted to be honest and finally tell everyone that I appreciate them, equally, from forum porn stars to newbie fluffers.



Staff member
These appreciation threads suck. And we have them like every three days.



So, again, appreciation threads about Shego/others= bad
Appreciation threads about the people who think appreciation threads are bad = good.

That's some crazy math right there.
So, again, appreciation threads about Shego/others= bad
Appreciation threads about the people who think appreciation threads are bad = good.

That's some crazy math right there.
Of all posters, I appreciate Crone the most.
Is it me, or is Ron Jeremy like the least attractive porn star ever? It's like watching a sex tape of Mario's unemployed cousin.

You know what? I would appreciate it if we ceased posting pictures of Ron Jeremy.


Sorry guys, Jandle Cack said his own name and tied himself up. You're safe now.
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