I'm currently babysitting my parents dog, a tiny Pomeranian/dachshund mix named Molly, while they're off on a cruise. She's a wonderful dog, but as it turns out, she has to go outside every morning at exactly 5:30am. I know this, because she told me, by standing on my chest while I'm asleep and whining in my face until I get up and let her out.
What is there to do at such an ungodly hour other than look for something to make a quick breakfast out of? And what better breakfast than leftover pizza? Now, I don't normally mind cold pizza, but this is bacon, mushroom and banana pepper (with extra cheese), which are absolutely the best toppings that can be placed on a pizza, ever. FACT. It deserves a chance to go back to its former glory, but we all know that once a pizza cools, it will never again be the same as it was hot, yet still I had to try.
I thought about the two main ways one goes about reheating pizza. The microwave is an option, but it leads to super soggy pizza. The sauce in the middle heats very quickly, but by the time the cheese has melted, the sauce has boiled into the crust and left it floppy and disgusting. Aha, but what about the toaster oven? Opposite problem, toaster ovens (or conventional ovens if you insist) simply don't get as hot as pizza ovens do to heat it through quickly. By the time the sauce is hot, the crust and cheese are burnt.
But then I had an epiphany. What if I microwaved it until the sauce was hot, and then finished it in the toaster oven? No, that can't be possible, can it? You can't toast something that's been microwaved, it's just not done. It's insane, and I'm pretty sure it's probably illegal. But bacon and banana peppers were calling to me, I had to know. About 40 seconds in the microwave was enough to bring the sauce of a few slices to the perfect temperature. As I carted them to the toaster oven, I began to look around, certain that any moment now police would crash through my kitchen windows and arrest me for food terrorism. Throwing caution to the wind, I slid my slices into the toaster oven, waited just over a minute until the cheese was nice and melted, and then extracted my bounty.
It was magical. The crust was nice and crisp, but not burnt. The cheese was wonderfully melty, and the sauce was just the right temperature. MY PIZZA LIVES AGAIN! My life is forever changed by this knowledge, and the world, often dark and bitter, somehow seems a little nicer today.
Pictured below is the perfect slice of reheated pizza, for the entire world to enjoy.
Ok, I don't have a picture, because I ate it.
I should probably go back to bed at some point.