About 10 pages drawn, with a steady work pace and a scanner that it finally cooperating. Pixel will relauch soon - maybe a few more months, but here's a sneak peek at the first four pages.
I did make a mistake in the last page with the panel buffers for panels 1 and 2. It will be fixed.
So Pixel has...not updated for almost a month. Had a few health scares in the family, and it's really derailed my progress there, so updates will be...sporadic at best.
On the other hand, I've started doing quickie four panel strips, and I seemed to have hit a groove. Writing those strips for Silver Jelly really triggered something in my "creative absurdity gland", let's call it, and I think this might be perfect for the front page. More details soon.
I haven't updated Pixel in nearly half a year now, and I'm getting the itch to pick it up again. I'm working faster than ever - hitting two Zaptronics a week, and I think I could juggle it all right now. I don't know what it is; it's not even the best comic idea I've ever had - I just keep coming back to this comic.
So...couple things. I can pound out my weekly Geek Life strip in a relatively short amount of time, faster than the traditional method. I also discovered that Comicfury is iPad friendly. Would anyone be interested in seeing this pick back up? I'd go digital to juggle it all, but I could definitely do it if there's interest.
So...I'm updating Pixel again.
I see shego and... is that bumble in the internet weirdos montage?
Yep. I had finished a big part of that one before the hiatus and only just finished it now. If I had done it now, Shegs wouldn't have been in it.
The car meets an unfortunate fate this week...
The digital jump has been both exhilarating and frustrating. I'm limited to a page size equal to the dimensions of an iPad, as there are no apps capable of piecing together pages into an infinite canvas. However, I can really experiment with the art, since I can undo anything I want to. Overall, I'm happy with the decision, and happy with the revamp to the site.
Now - previews! Who are these people? And does the fact that they're in color mean anything? (No.)