The Stan Lee Appreciation Thread

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It's time we have an appreciation thread that has some ACTUAL merit.

I submit this:

Seriously. Look at him. The man is 87 years old. He's a freaking living legend to the entire geekdom, and he's happy to prance around in costumes for a laugh.

I know a lot has been said about his "questionable behavior" back when he was editor of Marvel, but the truth is he's the man that revolutionized the entire comic industry... and he was FORTY! And he's still around making us all love him so.

I'm completely serious when I say I'm gonna be pretty depressed when Stan the Man dies. I know it's a morbid thought, but the man is 87!! I just... I want him to live forever. Please?

'Nuff said.


Getting an autograph from Stan Lee would be flippin awesome.
Iron Man is my favorite character from that universe.

Still interested to see how this plays out

Wonder if it will be like Batman: Gotham Knight



Now this is an appreciation thread I can get behind. I know he is all around awesome but I admit that whenever I see or hear about him I think of that part from Mallrats
"You know, I think you ought to get him some help. He seems to be really hung up on super heroes' sex organs." and I crack up.
Nowhere near as equally, no. Stan Lee is more or less a household name, but Jack Kirby is only known (and quite revered) among those familiar with comics. THAT'S what bothers me the most. Ditto for Steve Ditko.
Have you SEEN the robot chicken clip General Specific linked!?

I'm still laughing and I saw it yesterday! And that IS Stan Lee's voice!

Wasabi Poptart

Every time Stan says goodbye on Twitter with "EXCELSIOR!" I can't help but grin like a kid.
When we move, I'm thinking of getting a vanity plate with that on it. I have to giggle when I see it on Twitter, too.
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