So if “The Devil Went Down to Georgia” is be believed, you can fiddle duel the devil for your soul. My question is, does it only work with fiddles, or any contest? Saxophone duel? Guitar shred-off? Can you challenge the devil to a rap battle when he comes for you?
Even though I play piano I want to see someone fight for their soul with the tuba.
The Devil went back to Georgia and his thoughts were dark and cold
That Johnny kid had screwed him and he still needed a soul.
When he came across this young man blowin’ on a tuba and playin’ hits
And the devil took one look and said “You know what? Fuck this shit.”
“Kid, I know you won’t believe this, but I play the tuba too
“And if you wanna wager, well I’ve got a deal for you
“If I’m the better tubist, then I get to take your soul
“If you’re the best, you get this horn here, made from solid gold.”
The boy replied, “My name is Hans, and though it may be wrong,
“Your bet’s pretty intriguing, so I guess I’ll play along”
Hans, clean out your spit valves, and get ready for a show,
Two tubas feudin’ face to face; pick up your horn and blow.
‘Cause if you win, you get a brand new tuba made of gold,
And if you lose the Devil gets your soul!
(Oompah music intensifies)
The Devil opened up his case and said, “I’ll start, I guess.”
And fire puffed out from the bell as on the valves he pressed
He raised the mouthpiece to his lips, it made a wicked BLART
And a band of lederhosen demons joined in with him to start
(Roll Out the Barrel plays with extended tuba solo)
Hans looked the Devil in the eye, once he finished his piece,
Said “That’s okay, old man, but just you get a load of this!”
((http: // and skip to 2:20)
The Devil bowed his head, because he knew he can’t compete.
He dragged that heavy tuba down; it crashed by Hans’s feet.
He turned away from Hans and as he retreated he said,
“Forget this crap. I’m gonna try telemarketing instead.”
(Tuba outro)
Okay, someone 100% more black and 500% more educated in hip-hop than me needs to write The Devil Went Down To The ATL.