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The Worst Weather




Think your weather is bad? Then tell us about it!

Post a description of how bad your weather is to this thread. It can be about how miserable your weather has been this winter or how rotten your weather is all the time. The description must be of the area in which you are currently residing. The winner is the person with the most effective post. The deadline for entries is midnight (EDT), March 7th. Results will be announced March 10th.

The prize is small, tangible, and has no monetary value. Bragging rights are also included.

The contest will be judged by a group of forumites who can't possibly win this contest -- @WasabiPoptart , @bhamv3, and myself. (@Cheesy1 has also been invited to judge but has not responded as of yet.) Want to be a judge? You must be willing to contribute to the prize pool and live in an area with generally nice weather. (Send me a PM.)




I'd just like to point out that I live in an area with dormant volcanoes, annual typhoons, and a monsoon season that makes scuba gear a good investment. I'd crush this competition if I was allowed to enter. :D

(Although, yes, when it's nice in Taiwan, it really is quite nice)




I'd just like to point out that I live in an area with dormant volcanoes, annual typhoons, and a monsoon season that makes scuba gear a good investment. I'd crush this competition if I was allowed to enter. :D

(Although, yes, when it's nice in Taiwan, it really is quite nice)
taipei weather.jpg

Yeah... I think that, until your weather starts trying to kill you, you're not eligible to enter the contest. :)




As a Canadian those numbers are scary.




75 degrees and cloudy today.





Note, this is the same type of fog that we had a few years ago that caused a 20 car pileup and killed 4 people on the bridge between MN and WI.

This is also on the back of receiving a total of about 30 inches of snow in the last 2 months.




I didn't take into account the wind chill at all, but I'll just post some temperature related numbers. I'm sure other areas have had it worse. I got all my info from here.

Since December 1st, 80 days so far, we've had:
61 of those days started below 0 degrees F
26 of those days started below -20 F
12 of those days never got above 0 F
75 of those days never got above 32 F




Sure, have a contest like this right when Omaha is starting to warm up and be livable.




We're suffering the Year Without Winter - it hasn't frozen yet. You may think this is pleasant, but as we all know, the longest summers are followed by the longest and darkest winters. This is where the White Walkers will set out from.

But no, this year I'm afraid I can't compete, unless you include "the mosquitoes! They're all STILL ALIVE!" as a reason to hate the weather.




Bubble181 said:
We're suffering the Year Without Winter - it hasn't frozen yet. You may think this is pleasant, but as we all know, the longest summers are followed by the longest and darkest winters. This is where the White Walkers will set out from. But no, this year I'm afraid I can't compete, unless you include "the mosquitoes! They're all STILL ALIVE!" as a reason to hate the weather.
I think that's a good reason to hate the weather. After we had massive flooding in September, the little buggers started breeding again and we had 2 extra months of dealing with them and I was ready to insecticide bomb the whole state, and all the people who bitch about the city spraying with them.




This was the end of my driveway yesterday afternoon:

Might be a bit difficult to judge height, but that snow is piled over 7 feet high. When I got home, there was a 4 foot high wall preventing me from accessing my driveway. There is nowhere else to put snow.




There is nowhere else to put snow.
The city sent around dump trucks and end-loaders yesterday to pick up the 7+ foot snow piled next to the driveways and haul it away.
Then it snowed another 6" last night.

Note: If I do enter this contest, this is not my entry.





Talk to me in August.




Talk to me in August.
What, you get a lot of snow in August? I didn't think you were far enough South for that.



Celt Z

Celt Z

We got another inches of snow this morning. Our total is creeping close to 60" so far this winter. Tomorrow, we're supposed to see temps above 40F for the first time since January! And then maybe 50 F on Friday!.... and then next week it's supposed to drop again with more snow on the way.
EDIT: Almost forgot: our state ran out of road salt last week. We've had blizzards in April in my lifetime, so we are most likely not close to done with the snow.

We're a mid-Atlantic state. Our weather isn't supposed to be like this, or not this extreme, in any case.

But at least we have warm, wonderful summers! Without any major stor.... oh, wait.

SUPERSTORM SANDY. (And Lesser Hurricane Irene.)

And when we're not getting knocked over by hurricanes, we get infestations of these pests:




The only thing they don't mention is how bad the vog (volcanic haze) has been in the last week and will be thru Thursday. My daughter's got an awful cough from it. Kona low is yuck for that and humidity. But it's not snow.


I don't really wish bad weather for anyone, but in this case may the worst win! :)




The general pattern this month: Snows really bad, next day most of it melts, next day nice and clear, next day it rains, repeat. Its either really tough to shovel, or really wet and slippery.




This was the end of my driveway yesterday afternoon:

Might be a bit difficult to judge height, but that snow is piled over 7 feet high. When I got home, there was a 4 foot high wall preventing me from accessing my driveway. There is nowhere else to put snow.
That's why you need a tractor! I've got another pile the same size.


I like big piles of snow though, they're fun to play in. When my niece, nephew, and fiancee's daughter were here we all we went digging in them. We made tunnels and rooms and slides inside of the pile. The best was this quote I overheard. "It's just like minecraft, except for real!"




Oh yeah. Prime playtime was growing up in a city that had its own ice arena. The snow would pile up in the public park behind it anyway, and then the zamboni would come out and dump more snow on top of that? Good times.



Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

I walked outside today and I felt just a little uncomfortably hot, it was awful.




After a few nice days in the the 30's, we get to end the month of February like this:





I am already dealing with spring hay fever.




I am already dealing with spring hay fever.


General Specific

General Specific

I live in South Carolina. Three weeks ago, it snowed. Then it warmed up and was average (~60F). Then a week ago, we had more snow and ice. This week it is going to break 80 and possibly set record highs. Finally, Saturday, March 1st, some forecast models are calling for more ice/sleet.

If you live somewhere cold and it stays cold, you get used to it after a bit and know how to deal with it. But to have the temperatures seesaw back & forth like that is just stupid. Especially in an area like this where we do not have the infrastructure to handle cold weather. Which is why if it snows just a bit, we shut everything down.




So we are already up to 78" of seasonal snowfall, breaking most records, and the longest period of continuous snow on the ground on record.

Today we wake to a nice day, just below freezing. Heading into work we get dumped on with two inches of snow in an hour period.

This snow includes thunder and lightning, btw. First time I've ever experienced it. A bit surreal.

However, this will turn to rain and slush over the day, and we are going to end up with the worst possible conditions tonight as the slush turns to solid ice.

Worst weather? Maybe not. Oddest weather?



Celt Z

Celt Z

This snow includes thunder and lightning, btw. First time I've ever experienced it. A bit surreal.
They've been calling that "thunder snow" around here. It's happened a few times in recent years, and it is weeeeeeeird.




Our rainfall is at 15% of what it should be. There is discussion of rigid water use rationing and restrictions. Farmers can't keep their crops watered properly. The rivers are literally drying up. A lake near my house has almost completely evaporated and been filled with soil.




They've been calling that "thunder snow" around here. It's happened a few times in recent years, and it is weeeeeeeird.
Not as much fun while driving in the freeway, I assure you. Normal thunderstorms flash in the peripheral vision, but this causes all the snow to be bright white, so it was a very brief white out where I couldn't see anything. While on the freeway. Going 80.

People slowed down after the first one.




I feel like the state of Colorado is going to blow away after the last few days.




Not as much fun while driving in the freeway, I assure you. Normal thunderstorms flash in the peripheral vision, but this causes all the snow to be bright white, so it was a very brief white out where I couldn't see anything. While on the freeway. Going 80. People slowed down after the first one.
Was at work through the entire thundersnow incident (though I heard about it from coworkers, etc.), getting ready to climb into my car and go home. We shall see what the evening brings.





The evening brought several hundred pounds of water laden slush to my driveway when the plows went through. Trying to cast 30 pound shovel fulls of slush on top of the existing 6 foot piles of snow was not as fun as I had hoped.

But I got it and the slushy snow from the morning cleared and that will prevent the layer of freezing ice I'd otherwise expect overnight.




I also dug a channel through the plow scree to allow the driveway to drain to the street before it all freezes over.

Tomorrow morning is going to be SO much fun on the way to work.





Talk to me in August.
I will never miss the southern humidity.

I'm in SoCal, I'm not sure I ever get to bitch about weather until it's a nice, dry 110F outside and I can bake cookies on my dashboard.




Yesterday afternoon through this morning, everything was shut down, including the plows. I took my dog out this morning and he ended up diving into snow up to his head.




Luckily most of the storm skirted past us. We did get plenty of ice yesterday, but not nearly as bad as some got.




We haven't gotten a whole lot of snow (the southern part of the province has gotten much worse) but it's cold and gray. Really gray. The sky is gray; the snow is gray; the trees are gray; the sun is gray; my mood is gray.

This winter needs to be over.




Had to get my wife's car out of the ditch this morning. Hopefully the rear axle isn't damaged by the yanking.

In other news, Harbor Freight's 9,000lb come-along falls woefully short of it's goal, but their 3,500lb trucker chains handled much more than that handily.




We haven't gotten a whole lot of snow (the southern part of the province has gotten much worse) but it's cold and gray. Really gray. The sky is gray; the snow is gray; the trees are gray; the sun is gray; my mood is gray.

This winter needs to be over.
We went from a total white out this morning to sunshine and blue skies. Go figure. It's still cold as balls, though.



I bought four new tires for my car in August, but opted out of the "cover everything" insurance because surely we won't have the most awful winter ever that turns every road into Swiss cheese.

So, I spend 40 minutes changing a flat this morning...




It's -20 for 6 months of the year.







And why is this the worst?





let's all agree everyone here in the frozen north of minnesota wins atm, THE MAJOR HIGHWAYS ARE STILL SORTA UNDER ICE! I dont know when we are suppose to have clean dry roads again!

EDIT: oh and you poor bastards in Wisconsin as well...




Still recovering from what appears to have been my first ever migraine, I still managed about 10 minutes outdoors, appreciating the rose blooms starting to bud and narcissus and tulips opening up in the nice spring sunshine. Now I have to go lie back down again for a few hours...This weather is the worst :p





This is just the Jan bill. Tax refund? What tax refund?






The hike in gas prices really came at the worst possible time. I know people who were hit with bills like that too. It sucks that there is pretty much nothing you can do about it.




Wtf. We are on lng and our bill is only in the 300's.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk




That would be why my Mamaw has two Franklin stoves in her house...




Wtf. We are on lng and our bill is only in the 300's.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
@PatrThom might have a different situation, but I think in MN it's mainly propane. http://www.startribune.com/politics/statelocal/243027921.html
I only use propane for my stove, so I don't have to worry too much. I filled up my 100lb tanks last fall and they should last at least a year or two. People who use it for heating are having a tough time though.




Yeah all of our stuff runs on lng so you have a point. I feel bad for people getting gouged.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk




It's just a normal bill, for normal (piped in) natural gas. Previous month was about $450, and we were thinking, "That's unexpectedly unfortunate, but now we know and can take steps and so next month will be better." And then we get that monstrosity. I get the feeling that by the time the previous bill came we were already deep enough into the next billing period that we'd already accrued plenty of usage.






Fucking groundhog.







There has been a shortage of natural gas in the upper midwest for a month or so now, due to the temps.




Holy shit. My gas bills during the winter are like 250 bucks tops.




You used to kill and eat it. You're hypocrites!




-40 windchill today... the wind has been nuts lately.

I'm thinking the freezing slush we got last week was a good thing. It froze a good chunk of the snow so the drifts aren't as bad as they could be. I found out how much ice is on the snow the hard way. I got up on top of my snow pile, and tried to jump into the field. I figured I'd drop into a couple feet of snow. Instead I hit the ice, my feet flew out underneath me, and I fell on my back nice and hard. Too bad someone wasn't recording it.




Wel whaddayaknow. The first butterflies already. D'awww. :whistling:




We've been seeing robins for the past few days already.





We've been seeing robins for the past few days already.

Not all robins are migratory birds; you can see them in most latitudes year round.




Well, a meteorologist with the national weather service called it for the AP, and Time picked it up, so I guess that's about as official as it can get:
This winter has been among the worst in years for many parts of the U.S., but a new weather index finds that it’s been especially bad for one city in particular.

On a relative basis, Detroit is experiencing the most extreme weather of any city in the country, the Associated Press reported Tuesday. That report was based on an index created by National Weather Service meteorologist Barbara Mayes Boustead.

Boustead’s analysis, based on cold temperatures and snowfall, found that Detroit is in the middle of its harshest winter since 1950. Detroit has had 6.5 feet of snow so far this winter and 100 days of below-freezing temperatures.

New York, Milwaukee and Duluth, Minn. also topped Boustead’s extreme weather index—those cities are experience their fourth worst winters—while Minneapolis-St. Paul, Louisville and Cheyenne, Wyo. are experiencing winters that rank in their respective top 10 worst.

Much of Detroit’s extreme weather this winter can be attributed to geography and bad luck, the index’s co-creater Steve Hilberg explained, as a change in the jet stream has directed arctic winter air towards the city.

Read more: Detroit Is Having Its Worst Winter in Years | TIME.com http://nation.time.com/2014/02/25/detroit-winter/#ixzz2uYfPFg00




I read that report, and I concur. It's not supposed to go back above freezing for about a week from today, and we're supposed to get another 6-10 inches of snow in that time.





Tonight is the worst of the week though. -10F and that's before wind chill. My cars might not start tomorrow. Our furnace is well over 20 years old, so I've got a few backup plans should anything fail.

I almost worry about the chickens enough to consider putting them in the garage. It should be around 15F to 20F in there overnight. After tonight, though, temperatures should rise to 0F, so it shouldn't be too bad. Don't have anything to contain them, though, and that's where my electronics workshop is. Poop is not good for oscilloscopes. Actually I have a heat lamp we used when they were chicks, I'll just set that up outside. Their coop is already mostly sealed, and that extra 300W would probably be enough for them. Given that they're no longer laying, though, unless they start again in the spring this might be their last winter anyway. The Plymouth Rock chickens have definitely stopped laying, and they stopped prior to winter. The New Hampshire chickens are still laying, but only one every other day. They'll probably pick up the pace again, but the Plymouth Rock, I think, were bred more for meat production than laying. Finding a butcher that will handle them for us is probably going to cost more than buying chicken from the store, and three year old chickens aren't as good, by some measures, as the months old chickens you get from the store. Less hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides though. Anyone want some pet chickens that provide no value other than manure, and cost $3/month to feed?




Pshhh. That's just relative to what they usually have.
Frost in the ground is now going more than 7 feet deep around here. Normally it doesn't go deeper than 5. A record number of water lines and septic systems are freezing up because of it. It's just god damn cold.




I'm actually glad there's still eighteen inches of snow on the ground, because it acts as insulation, preventing the ground from freezing further as quickly as it would if there were no snow.




I almost worry about the chickens enough to consider putting them in the garage. It should be around 15F to 20F in there overnight. After tonight, though, temperatures should rise to 0F, so it shouldn't be too bad.
I'm sure they'll be fine. I don't have chickens this winter, but I have in the past and they do ok with just a heat lamp. That's all I ever used and we had nights much lower. They also should start laying again when the temps rise. I didn't get eggs in the winter either.




Anyone want some pet chickens that provide no value other than manure, and cost $3/month to feed?
You might find someone who wants an older hen for stewing. I hear the older ones are the best for that.





Look, I could go on about the temperatures, the snow, the "run your water to prevent freezing" order we're under, the plowing, the people who've lost their ice fishing shanties on the rivers and lakes, the driving challenges (who knew making a left turn at an intersection could be such an adventure?) and all, but I'm telling you this - this is the WORST WINTER EVER that I have personally experienced, living in the state of Wisconsin for all of my life.

<drops mike>
<walks off stage>




Holy shit this rainstorm. Wind has already busted up two parts of our fence and another bit is buckling a little.




How ya doin' March?




We have rain. And it's been dipping into the low 60's overnight. I had to put a blanket on the bed a few nights ago. Hahaha




Holy shit this rainstorm. Wind has already busted up two parts of our fence and another bit is buckling a little.
My dad and I spent an hour or so out in the downpour/wind fixing our fence and the neighbor's (he's not home often). Hoping I don't wake up with a cold tomorrow.




You guys think you have it bad? Look at this bullshit!





I live in South-Central Wisconsin - got about an inch of snow last night and they're calling for 3-5 tonight. :(




We have rain. And it's been dipping into the low 60's overnight. I had to put a blanket on the bed a few nights ago. Hahaha
This is why you're a judge. :)




You guys think you have it bad? Look at this bullshit! View attachment 14050
Man, Tuesday looks awful.





This is why you're a judge. :)
But...I'm suffering, too. I haven't been to the beach in a month!




But...I'm suffering, too. I haven't been to the beach in a month!
It's rough everywhere. I mean I had to wear a wind breaker this morning when I rode to work and you don't see me complaining.

mwah hah hah hah hah





Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

My work closed as of last night, before anything started. My wife and I quit Monster Hunter past midnight, looked outside--nothing. "Maybe they'll open again," I said.

Wake up at 5:30, we're fucking covered and it's pouring down. Spring needs to come; I'm tired of losing money on my paychecks.




Now, bearing in mind that I haven't been personally affected by any of the wacky weather that Washington's been having this year, I do feel that I should throw my hat into the ring for those poor, poor sods running ski resorts up in the Cascade range. First they couldn't open until January because they didn't have enough snow, now they have a butt-ton of snow, and they can't open because they have a butt-ton of snow that keeps coming all at once and no one can get there to either operate the runs or ski them, all because the DOT and WSP are concerned about avalanches. Pshaw.




It went from 80 degrees to ice on the roads in 48 hours.




So this morning I spent some time shoveling the 1.5" of "flurries" and now 3-5 again tonight (after the 4 or so we got over the weekend). Can it stop snowing please? I'm really tired of shoveling.







I imagine it raining, with the raindrops picking up all that crap from the air on the way down, and it all falling as a spray of thin mud from the sky.





Yeah, those pictures of folks walking through big yellow-greenish mists with gas masks on do look like you'd welcome a refreshing white-out :p

Me, I went out in just a shirt today. Bit nippy, perhaps I'll wear my summer jacket tomorrow.

Oh, and you know how a soft winter usually means lots of insects? Apparently, this winter is so soft we won't have that problem: the fungi and parasites that habitually infest insect eggs and pops in late autumn usually freeze to death during even a warm winter; this time we haven't had a single freezing day, and experts say this is causing way too many of those fungi to survive - we'll have even less insects than usual. Which is good.




It is March 6th, and it is currently -6°F and SNOWING.

Sorry, Terrik, but I lose.




Anyone want to make a last minute declaration of why they have The Worst Weather (tm)?




It's 7°F right now, and it feels like shirt sleeve weather out there.




And the winner is... Shakey! You have the worst weather!

Piotyr is in second place with Terrik as a distant third.

If all 3 of you would PM me with your snailmail addresses, we will get your prizes of miniscule value in the mail. You may use bragging rights right away. however.




Wooohoo! :sohappy:

Wait, no. This isn't a good thing. It's getting a bit funny now. Another city just issued a run your water order because water lines are still freezing up. It's March... It is finally getting decent though.




And the winner is... Shakey! You have the worst weather!

Piotyr is in second place with Terrik as a distant third.

If all 3 of you would PM me with your snailmail addresses, we will get your prizes of miniscule value in the mail. You may use bragging rights right away. however.
Distant third? I literally breathe cancer. I breathe in particles that our bodies were never designed to protect ourselves from. I shroud myself in the smog that prevents laser fire.

I am the darkness in the night. I AM...uh....what was I saying?




I think "My parents are dead!!!" was next, but I could be wrong.




I think "My parents are dead!!!" was next, but I could be wrong.
His lungs will be next.
Then he can be iron (lung) man.





His lungs will be next.
Then he can be iron (lung) man.

Oooo, I think I saw some movies with that guy once. Got into a fracas with his teacher, and then ended up changing jobs and had to deal with his son.




I'd like to point out, as a cherry on top of things, that yesterday (March 11) was the first time since I bought my car that I was able to take it through a car wash.

I bought the car in December.




I'd like to point out, as a cherry on top of things, that yesterday (March 11) was the first time since I bought my car that I was able to take it through a car wash.

I bought the car in December.
Here at work (Madi-town) - they said "flurries" - the parking lot/roads were covered with a layer of snow.




The only thing worse than shitty weather, is shitty weather immediately after two days of 70s and sunny.




The only thing worse than shitty weather, is shitty weather immediately after two days of 70s and sunny.
Tell me about his warm sunny weather. It's been so long that I've forgotten what it looks like.




It's already hit 60 today. 1-2" of snow coming before it's done.




8 more inches of snow last night.




Tell me about his warm sunny weather. It's been so long that I've forgotten what it looks like.
It was glorious. We had shitty weather friday and then out of nowhere, two beautiful days in a row. People were sitting outside at restaurants, studying in the quad, playing sports outdoors. It felt like life was finally less oppressive. And then shitty cold today.

I'm not really complaining too much though, its going into the 60s soon for 3 days in a row and back home theres a disaster of a snowstorm.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Guess who's probably not going to work tomorrow?

Fucking hell.




Guess who's watching the SNOW FALL on St. Patrick's Day.


Celt Z

Celt Z

Guess who's watching the SNOW FALL on St. Patrick's Day.
(Okay, we got a little it the morning, but still!)




Supposed to get around 6 inches tomorrow. Don't even care anymore. At least it's not -20.




Yeah, we're supposed to get up to a foot. Screw this man.




($1000-ish bill for natural gas for Jan)
The February bill came.

It is almost $1100.

I...I just don't know any more.






At least my sister's wedding was sunny. Welp, back off to China.




Supposed to get around 6 inches tomorrow. Don't even care anymore. At least it's not -20.
The twin cities is now getting 1-3 inches, im on the saint croix and all the stuff is still miles north of us. I hope it stays up there or we stay warm.




It is going to be 90 degrees in Del Rio, Texas today...

Thank Cod it is not making its way this far east.




The twin cities is now getting 1-3 inches, im on the saint croix and all the stuff is still miles north of us. I hope it stays up there or we stay warm.
It's actually tracking south of me now, so we'll probably only end up with 3 inches. I'll take it.[DOUBLEPOST=1395150482,1395150421][/DOUBLEPOST]
The February bill came.

It is almost $1100.

I...I just don't know any more.

I think either new windows or some window plastic would be a good investment for next year. That is nuts.




That is nuts.
I've never had to pay more than about $250 for gas in Winter. This is a big change, and I wasn't expecting it at all.
I checked usage, it's not that far off last year's totals. It's my first year living in this house, so I'm not sure where it's all going. Also, it kinda makes me apprehensive about next year.





I've never had to pay more than about $250 for gas in Winter. This is a big change, and I wasn't expecting it at all.
I checked usage, it's not that far off last year's totals. It's my first year living in this house, so I'm not sure where it's all going. Also, it kinda makes me apprehensive about next year.

My first guess would be the windows. On a cold windy day you might want to go around to all the windows, doors, and outlets and feel for cold air coming in. That is definitely more than you should be paying.
Window plastic, socket insulation, door insulation, and some spray foam would probably do wonders for your bill.




I thought everyone might be interested in the brutally cold conditions that some of my coworkers have to deal with:
working in the cold.jpg




It's actually tracking south of me now, so we'll probably only end up with 3 inches. I'll take it.
Tracking north of me, we are likely to get nothing until this evening when the back end catches up. even then only a couple inches of slop.

edit: wait does that mean its killing whoever is right between shakey and me?




edit: wait does that mean its killing whoever is right between shakey and me?
Yep. Sounds like St. Cloud to Brainerd going towards Duluth is where it's going to mainly hit.




That is definitely more than you should be paying.
I'm not saying I didn't notice the drafts, I just wasn't expecting them to have this much of an impact, y'know?





Patrick: part of your problem is likely supply issues which jacked up the cost of fuel this winter.




Yep. Sounds like St. Cloud to Brainerd going towards Duluth is where it's going to mainly hit.
I live in Superior and work in Duluth.

It already sucks up here.




Wait, you're further north than me? I thought you lived over by the Manitowoc/Three Rivers area?




Nope, you really can't get much further north than where I am.




I've gotten zero snow!




We started getting light snow at 6 PM, its not even sticking to the ground, just making the roads wet.




Nope, you really can't get much further north than where I am.
I think a certain Queen of some sort of small ferocious creatures would disagree.




And I think @Frank is further north than I am.




My guess is they were talking about Wisconsin[DOUBLEPOST=1395241918,1395241591][/DOUBLEPOST]It's kind of weird. I always think Duluth/Superior is farther north than me, but I'm actually about the same.




My guess is they were talking about Wisconsin[DOUBLEPOST=1395241918,1395241591][/DOUBLEPOST]It's kind of weird. I always think Duluth/Superior is farther north than me, but I'm actually about the same.
I shall rain doomweasel madness upon them for their presumption! Tremble in despair! Mwahahahahaha!

<ahem> I feel better now.




Yes, it amazed me because I thought Bowielee was east and south of me, not north of me.

There ain't a whole lot north of me in Wisconsin, lemme tellya.




Yes, it amazed me because I thought Bowielee was east and south of me, not north of me.

There ain't a whole lot north of me in Wisconsin, lemme tellya.
He's in your backyard. Quick, get out of the house!




Here's something of a mind-screw for the fellow western Canadians out there. We're moving to Port aux Basques, NL, which is on the south-western tip of the island of Newfoundland. And the town is SOUTH of every single western province. Even south of Victoria, BC, and they "dip down" a bit. Look it up on Google Maps, or even the wikipedia entry for the town. So it's more south, and yet the ocean near there freezes, which freaked my wife the heck out, since it never did that in Victoria. And yet is is more south than anywhere in Western Canada. And it'll be colder than where we are in Kelowna.

Fascinating what different ocean currents do for weather, isn't it?




Fascinating what different ocean currents do for weather, isn't it?
When I was in Sitka, Alaska I was talking to our tour guide about how nice the weather was, and mentioned how cold it was back home, he couldn't believe people would live in a place like that. I think if I were to move to Alaska that would be the town I'd want to live in.




The Pacific Coast of the Northwest US and Canada is not as bad as everyone would believe it to be. The Pacific tends to regulate air temperatures, so coastal cities can be tolerable during the winter. This was actually an issue for Vancouver in the 2010 Olympics, akin to what happened in Sochi this year.

The problem is, though, that if you get inland, that wet climate can do the snow belt thing on you - and dump TONS of wet white stuff on everything.




Sounds to me like we should have a northern Wisconsin Halhapening.




[whine]But that's three hours awayyyyyyy! [/whine]




I might be able to make a duluth/superior trip happen. If you would accept a lowly Minnesotan. :p




Patrick: part of your problem is likely supply issues which jacked up the cost of fuel this winter.
Yeah, that's what I and the Father-in-law discussed. He (seems to have) originally went with a third party supplier who (apparently) convinced him that their ability to buy their gas (and set their prices) according to the open market would mean lower prices for him rather than the mandated rates charged by the municipal utility. And I'm sure this was a sound decision...so long as, y'know, nothing happened to drive the price of natural gas up through the roof or anything. A quick back-of-the-napkin calculation says I am (still) paying just over $0.86/CCF for the house I am currently emptying, whereas the bill here is just over $2.02/CCF, which is a significant difference, one I don't think can entirely be chalked up to regional differences.

He and I, we may have something to discuss.

EDIT: According to the State of MI website, the "official" utility for our city really is the company who sends our bill, so it's not a third party. Aaaaand their website is down, error 500. Grrr...





Thank you for the post card from Hawaii. Got it yesterday, today it was 60 degrees. I choose to believe the incidents are related.




I'm glad you got it! Sometimes our mail is really weird.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

The forecast for today for this past week: 57 degrees, rainy.

What we got: 30 degrees, heavy rain, then sleet, then heavy snow, then light rain.




Yay, Canadian spring!

Not spring.jpg


Celt Z

Celt Z

It was raining all weekend. Never stopped. Today it's supposed to be raining, and in the 50's (F) all week.





I prefer to think Elsa's pissed at us all in the Northeastern and Midwestern US.




Friday after work, 81 degrees, light rain, heavy rain, pea sized hail, quarter sized hail, 70ish mph winds, 61 degrees, sunny skies, in about 45 minutes.




I prefer to think Elsa's pissed at us all in the Northeastern and Midwestern US.
Why would that be?

She got the Oscar.




Left for vacation in florida hoping to return to better weather. Came back to a snow storm that made the normally two hour drive home from the airport into a 4.5 hour drive. April my ass.




Thanks for all the postcards! I'll try to stop my complaining now, but we did get some more snow again today, and will probably get more this week. It won't amount to much, but it's still a bummer.




It just snowed. Today. Twice.




It just snowed. Today. Twice.
Getting ready for next year's contest?




80s yesterday. 70s today. Snow tomorrow.

Fuck you, Elsa. Just fuck you.




Getting ready for next year's contest?
I figure just enduring shitty snow all the time isn't really competition when I don't get shit like hurricanes and earthquakes. I'm just griping about it is all.




80's Saturday. 2 inches of snow last night. 24 tonight. 60 tomorrow. 50 Wednesday. Snow Thursday.

I blame you, Punxsutawney Phil, you weather cursing rat.




It was too hot to drive with the windows down and sun roof open on Friday. Today it was too cold. But I did it anyway.




Elsa doesn't like us.




Look, guys, it's 22°C here. I 'm coming over there for my summer vacation - in less than a month. Get your asses in gear and get it right by the time I fly over, okay? Last time I was in the USA, it was Florida and I had snow. Now I'm going to the North-East in the summer. Again, I do not expect, nor will I tolerate, snow.
In other words, if it's still snowing, all of your houses will be covered in owl shit.

....which you won't notice, what with the white-on-white motif, but still.




That would be pretty slick...

slicker than owl shit on a pump handle.




I 'm coming over there for my summer vacation - in less than a month. *snipped* Now I'm going to the North-East in the summer.
April 15 + 1 Month = May 15th = NOT SUMMER BY ANY DEFINITION. By Solar definitions, Summer starts on June 20th or 21st (in the North). And in many places, it doesn't get "really warm" until July-ish.

Methinks you picked the wrong month for "summer" vacation.




April 15 + 1 Month = May 15th = NOT SUMMER BY ANY DEFINITION. By Solar definitions, Summer starts on June 20th or 21st (in the North). And in many places, it doesn't get "really warm" until July-ish.

Methinks you picked the wrong month for "summer" vacation.
have you seen the price difference in flights and hotels between end of May and late June? Worth tilting the axis just a teeny bit more and speed up the seasons. Besides, everybody claimed it was the perfect time to visit DC and NY because it's "way too hot" June onwards. Bunch of liars.

(also, Summer vacation in Belgium -> difficult to impossible to take 2 weeks of leave if you don't have children)




It's snowing today and it's supposed to snow tomorrow. <sigh>




Here too.




Its snowing right now , and it fucking sucks because I had to bring in all the deck plants I put outside! Lets also not forget all the plants I planted in dirt outside that might DIE because of this weather that is said to turn to 30 degrees later this week. GLORIOUS!







Eh. Biggest avg carbon footprint and all that jazz are still the Americans. If they still don't want to do something about global weather destabilization after this winter, they just want to die slowly :p
We try to do our best (even if it's far from enough), so we get a nice soft winter with a full 3 days of frost this year.

...The Chinese? I dunno. All cities in a permanent haze and clouds of yellow, I guess someone wants you to mellow out?




Eh. Biggest avg carbon footprint and all that jazz are still the Americans. If they still don't want to do something about global weather destabilization after this winter, they just want to die slowly :p
We try to do our best (even if it's far from enough), so we get a nice soft winter with a full 3 days of frost this year.

...The Chinese? I dunno. All cities in a permanent haze and clouds of yellow, I guess someone wants you to mellow out?





america is the blue one that is off chart i bet....




Looks like China's just picking up everyone else's slack.




america is the blue one that is off chart i bet....
edit: thats china at number one, we are number 2 and falling.




Sorry I couldn't find a better resolution.

http://image.guardian.co.uk/sys-files/Guardian/documents/2011/02/10/CarbonWeb.pdf[DOUBLEPOST=1397655246,1397655101][/DOUBLEPOST]In 2007 you'd have been right.





It should be said that we're mostly the causers of our own problems. That smog is coming from factories that are making our stuff so we can buy it at a price that is palatable to our wallets.




Sorry I couldn't find a better resolution.

http://image.guardian.co.uk/sys-files/Guardian/documents/2011/02/10/CarbonWeb.pdf[DOUBLEPOST=1397655246,1397655101][/DOUBLEPOST]In 2007 you'd have been right.

I said average footprint - per person. The USA is still far, far ahead of China or any other country in that one ;-) Remember: there's about 1.2 Billion Chinese and some 350-odd Million US citizens.




Its thundersnowing in the east metro right now... >_>
I said average footprint - per person. The USA is still far, far ahead of China or any other country in that one ;-) Remember: there's about 1.2 Billion Chinese and some 350-odd Million US citizens.
yes, ever since we started considering Corporations people its really put a dent in our per person carbon footprint. you know since the average residential output in this country was somewhere in the 1/5th range of industrial output before.




Its thundersnowing in the east metro right now... >_>

yes, ever since we started considering Corporations people its really put a dent in our per person carbon footprint. you know since the average residential output in this country was somewhere in the 1/5th range of industrial output before.
*sigh* I was joking. Forget it. Industrial output is about 3/5th of our output as well (with about 1/5th coming from agriculture and 1/5th from residential). That's not the point. A) I was joking B) if "the American people" wanted to change things and were concerned about climate change, American politics could and would legislate for it. This doesn't happen, ergo, it's not something America, as a whole, feels concerned enough about to actually change anythign. It's been that way since the '90s, it hasn't changed yet. America doesn't have more "heavy" industry per person than any other country, doesn't have "bigger and more widespread climate problems" or "longer distances" than any other country, or whatever else I've heard as ridiculous reasons not to want to do anything about carbon footprint (I do, however, think carbon footprint is a disastrously bad way of comparing or calculating pollution - a diesel car produces less CO2 but more other pollutants than gasoline, for example).

Either you say "we, as a people, want to be good for the environment, but Evil MegaCorps don't, and they control congress", in which case GasBandit is right and you guys need to revolt. Or, "we, as a people, feel this is important, but not actually important enough to base our voting on it", which is fine, but does mean that yes, you guys are polluters. I don't intrinsically have a problem with that. The USA likes to be policeman of the world, perhaps Europe can be the garbage man :p. Or C, "we think this is important, but not something that should be put into legislation, because Freedom" in which case you're an idiot - pollution, like minimum wages, health insurance, slavery, and a number of similar things, aren't things a regular person can have much impact on - but they are things that need to be there (or not) for the general good, because otherwise it will lead to the rich and powerful pushing down the weak and poor. A corporation has no reason to be more green than the competition - their CEO will never have to wear a mask or have a problem paying for clean water.




you should probably realize I too was making jest of the problem Bubbles. I am an Environmental Scientist, there is no need to hem and haw at me about how we fail as a people to control our pollution problems. I agree with every point made. There is talk here in my state about what to do with a budget surplus, I feel like anything used for social and physical infrastructure can never hurt us as a state. Others feel otherwise to varying degrees.




Winter Weather Advisory.

(Checks Calendar)





I said average footprint - per person. The USA is still far, far ahead of China or any other country in that one
According to wikipedia, we're 12th.




According to wikipedia, we're 12th.
Hunh. Well, I'll give you Australia. The other 10 aren't exactly countries :p But I admit, I thought you were #1 after the microstates.

(So Australia's got a higher average BMI than the US, more pollution per person,.... yet we all make fun of American stereotypes and the Australians get all the "cool" and "dangerous" stereotypes. Clearly, you guys need better PR.




(So Australia's got a higher average BMI than the US, more pollution per person,.... yet we all make fun of American stereotypes and the Australians get all the "cool" and "dangerous" stereotypes. Clearly, you guys need better PR.
I think we're our own worst enemies.




80F Saturday, 2 inches of snow yesterday, 60F today.


Celt Z

Celt Z

Clearly, you guys need better PR.
Damn you, Paul Hogan, and your roguish charms!




:notes:Doo, doo, doo, lookin' out my back door.:notes:
IMG_20140418_194459 (2).jpg
IMG_20140418_194344 (2).jpg




I'm resisting the urge to post pictures of the magnolias and tulips and such that are up.

I so don't miss Sask weather.
