Theater Hopper Illustration

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Staff member
Okay, for the Theater Hopper Fundraiser if you pledge $20 you get his newest book with a custom illustration inside.

Tom says:

Recently, I got an e-mail asking about the custom illustrations available at the $20 reward level. Someone asked if the illustration was something created at my discretion or if backers could request something specific.

My position is that so long as the request isn't absurdly complicated (the cast of Saved By The Bell in a steel cage wrestling match with a gang of Wookies), I'll draw whatever you want. It could be your favorite Theater Hopper character in costume, it could be Jason Voorhees threatening your kid sister.

Keep it reasonable and inoffensive and consider yourself gold.
Keeping it nice and not too snarky, what should I ask for?
king Leonidas admitting that this is, in fact, quite mad.

Alien Vs. Predator done like Spy Vs. Spy
No, no, it should be :Leyla: with one of his characters puzzling over it. That would make a great connection between TheaterHopper and Halforums.

Philosopher B.

Well, shit. Guess I'll have to find someone else to draw me the cast of Saved By The Bell in a steel cage wrestling match with a gang of Wookies.
I think it should be a Halforums "cast" picture using some of the more memorable avatars used in maybe the last mosaic?
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