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There is something so sexy...




...about installing a new OS.

Just wait until I Boot Camp after that, oo BABY!




Is Snow Leopard really that big of a difference? Like, discernible? Or is it more like a Service Pack?




I've heard good things, but I upgraded because of the better Boot Camp.

I'm about to partition my drive. Don't worry, Michio, I'll go easy on you...sorta...




I'm wondering if I need to put up a camera in Zen's house for the OS upgrade.. it sounds... orgasmic



I'm wondering if I need to put up a camera in Zen's house for the OS upgrade.. it sounds... orgasmic




There are some noticeable improvements (slightly faster) but there's also several programs that aren't quite compatible, with small glitches. I'd wait a month or two for updates to come out before buying it.




It's way more than a service pack. It's a foundational shift. It's a set up for the future.
It's much faster and it's very solid.


Cuyval Dar

It's a Religion.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I find the most erotic part of the installation process is the boobies




I find the most erotic part of the installation process is the boobies
Why thank you. :D




... What?


Skinny Santa

Its a quote from something. I think the original quote is "I find the most erotic part of the woman is the boobies"

EDIT: Found it

[Zapp walks up to a woman in a bar and uses a pickup line]
Captain Zapp Brannigan: You know, I find the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies.

From Futurama




I'm more of a legs/ass man myself.




I'm more of a vagina man myself




Windows 7 is coming along soon too - can't wait to play with the new features. Vista has been very smooth over the past 2 and a half years (with a few bumps, one called Creative *shakes fist at that shitty company*) and if everything I hear about Windows 7 is true, it will be quite fun.




That's what I've got now. Snow Leopard on the Mac side, Windows 7 release on the PC side.




I'm trying to figure out what I would use Windows 7 for... I have XP via Parallels and VMware (and I almost never have to fire them up) and I use Crossover for Steam. What software am I missing out on that is windows only? Mind you, as a software whore, I want to use 7, I just don't know what for.




When Parallels came out (don't know if the same holds true now), it wasn't at all recommended for gaming. So I Boot Camped my desktop to play City of Heroes, pre-Mac client, WAR, etc. I like the perceived effect of having an entirely different computer when I switch partitions.




I just don't play many games outside of Steam (which runs nicely in Crossover) and every PC program I use has a Mac version so... I'm quickly running out of reasons to use Windows at all...







bought my wife a copy. She LOVES it. It does run the apps she use much faster and shiny... she loves her shiny.




I still use it (increasingly less) for programming GUIs, just because the Windows core API is actually intuitive. Cocoa is much less so, though Interface Builder just about hooks everything up for you anyway. I hate Objective C. I think it's the ugliest programming language I've ever used. The messaging concept is just stupid. Why not plain old function arguments? It ain't broken, so why "fix" it?




It's just... I want to... :( I Want cool software on my computer and I like being able to do it. I'm more just being silly here, half-hoping someone will go "Hey! This is windows only and AWESOME!" so I can buy and boot into 7.
Used to be, when I was doing comic art I had to boot into windows to use Streamline, this was before Intel so I had a dell that pretty much just did that.
Oddly enough I really enjoyed that workflow... weird, I know.




Well, because I HAVE just installed Snow Leopard, Maya isn't running correctly on the Mac side and I have to use Windows. I actually kinda liked having all the games on the windows side and the serious stuff on the Mac side, so that I had a harder time getting distracted when doing work. But right now that doesn't work.




Heh, yeah, that used to be a problem for me too. I'm not using Maya anymore so thats not an issue. I do have a funky graphics card issue with Motion though... you don't know much about graphics cards do you Raemon?




I'm more just being silly here, half-hoping someone will go "Hey! This is windows only and AWESOME!" so I can buy and boot into 7.
Isn't it still available in beta? Sorry, I'm not clear on how downloading it works since I got it via my husband's job, but I thought you didn't have to pay for it yet.




Hmmm... perhaps I shall go looksie at that... that would be fun...

---------- Post added at 06:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:18 PM ----------

I like "free".:D




Heh, yeah, that used to be a problem for me too. I'm not using Maya anymore so thats not an issue. I do have a funky graphics card issue with Motion though... you don't know much about graphics cards do you Raemon?
I know very little about graphics cards period. Up until recently I didn't get to play games period because I only had a Mac and the other programs I needed to run always worked fine.



I had a sex dream aboiut zenmonkey last night. In an Apple store. Which we wrecked.




I had a sex dream aboiut zenmonkey last night. In an Apple store. Which we wrecked.
[georgetakei]Ohh myyy....[/georgetakei]




I just don't play many games outside of Steam (which runs nicely in Crossover) and every PC program I use has a Mac version so... I'm quickly running out of reasons to use Windows at all...
Windows 7 is not really an update you'd get just for the sake of getting it. If you use it daily, it has massive advantages compared to XP - many which Vista already had but a few extra ones. But it's not about running software Windows XP can't. This is Windows we're talking about - compatibility is crucial so at most, you'll have certain features that are disabled in Windows XP.

The best test is going back to the previous OS. I've been using Vista for nearly 3 years and when I now go back to Windows XP, it's slow, clumsy, rigid and I miss features Vista has. Programs take a lot longer to load, my hard drive isn't getting defragged automatically, the interface is more simplistic and not as fluent, etc. I would never go back to Windows XP now.




Okay, here's my question: I currently have XP and Snow Leopard. I do not have Crossover or Parallels or anything along those lines. There is one particularly important program (Maya) which currently has problems when I use it in Snow Leopard.

Right now I'm mostly living off of Windows because I'm using Maya a lot, and I was assuming I'd get Windows 7 when it came out. Am I better doing that or getting some combination of Crossover and Parallels?




I ordered Snow Leopard yesterday. Thanks to the antiquated snail-mail based purchase ordering system our university uses, I ought to get my discs around the time 10.7 comes out.




My university is the same way. I ordered iLife 09 when it come out, it took them so long that I eventually forgot and bought it from the place down the street.
