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This just in, Ricky Martin is gay; also water is wet.


Kitty Sinatra

Now that alternative lifestyle is tempting.



Ricky Martin being gay is no surprise. The water thing though, catches me off guard every time.


Wasabi Poptart

OMG I would never have guessed!



wait... water... what now????







uhh.. someone who was popular in the 80's or something...




Damn, I can't find a clip of an awesome Mr. Wizard experiment I remember seeing as a kid. To show that surface tension is what makes water "wet" he sprinkles a powder on the water in a fishtank. Then he dips his hand in the water, swishes it around, and when he pulls his hand out it's perfectly dry.



Damn, I can't find a clip of an awesome Mr. Wizard experiment I remember seeing as a kid. To show that surface tension is what makes water "wet" he sprinkles a powder on the water in a fishtank. Then he dips his hand in the water, swishes it around, and when he pulls his hand out it's perfectly dry.
I almost made, what quite possibly could be, the dirtiest joke I have ever made. But Im going to just save it for another bat time and another bat channel. >.>




I always assumed he was omnisexual, like Caligula or Billy Idol.




I always figured he was gay, since he was, in fact, Ricky Martin.




I thought he already came out years ago. Huh.



I thought he came out of the closet in 1997.


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

I didn't think there was a closet in his vincinity.


Philosopher B.

Damn, I can't find a clip of an awesome Mr. Wizard experiment I remember seeing as a kid. To show that surface tension is what makes water "wet" he sprinkles a powder on the water in a fishtank. Then he dips his hand in the water, swishes it around, and when he pulls his hand out it's perfectly dry.
I almost made, what quite possibly could be, the dirtiest joke I have ever made. But Im going to just save it for another bat time and another bat channel. >.>[/QUOTE]

Aw. :cry:


Chad Sexington


Damn, I can't find a clip of an awesome Mr. Wizard experiment I remember seeing as a kid. To show that surface tension is what makes water \"wet\" he sprinkles a powder on the water in a fishtank. Then he dips his hand in the water, swishes it around, and when he pulls his hand out it's perfectly dry.
Well I can tell you this is the powder: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lycopodium_powder




Good for him.

Personally, wouldn't care if he said he was blowing goats.


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

But what if they were YOUR goats?

quickly, someone shop his head onto a goat for me. I would but the wine refuses to work with my lack of photoshop skills.




Not sure, as goat-keeping is pretty low in my list of likely professions.

Also, apologies for the snarkiness that could be construed as homophobia. No caffeine in the house = North_Ranger in bad mood.




Doesn't sound like homophobia. You just sound like you don't give a flying crap who Ricky Martin has sex with.



Congratulations Ricky.

My son would like to say:
About god damn time.




But why the hell did people keep hounding him about it? If he wanted to live in a closet, let him. It is kind of like the Tiger Woods mess. The sex lives of our entertainers should be their own business.




But why the hell did people keep hounding him about it? If he wanted to live in a closet, let him. It is kind of like the Tiger Woods mess. The sex lives of our entertainers should be their own business.
You naivety is so A-DO-RA-BLE!




But why the hell did people keep hounding him about it? If he wanted to live in a closet, let him. It is kind of like the Tiger Woods mess. The sex lives of our entertainers should be their own business.
But don't you see, Six? If we focus on the private lives of famous people, it helps us to ignore our deepest fears and failures. So everyone's happy... well, except the celebrities. But they have their money to comfort them... the jerks.




Yeah! If those celebrities didn't want basic rights like privacy taken away in the name of public entertainment, then they shouldn't be good at whatever they do! It's their fault. They're making us invade their privacy.




They're such losers. Not like us. :smug:




Actually... has anyone mentioned Ricky Martin, in any context, over the last few years? This is the first time I've heard anything about him since 2006 I think.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Yes. All men that sing, dance, and wear tightly-fitted clothes are gay.



Yes. All men that sing, dance, and wear tightly-fitted clothes are gay.
Yeah guys!




Yes. All men that sing, dance, and wear tightly-fitted clothes are gay.
No, but when they wear pretty heavy mascara that tends to be a sign.



Yes. All men that sing, dance, and wear tightly-fitted clothes are gay.
No, but when they wear pretty heavy mascara that tends to be a sign.[/QUOTE]





You're right, it's just that Johnny Depp was playing a crazy pirate, and Ricky Martin was a butt pirate.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Nah, wearing makeup is not the same thing as being homosexual, you're still completely wrong.



Nah, wearing makeup is not the same thing as being homosexual, you're still completely wrong.
I think she's saying that it's a clue; not that it exclusively means it's a dead give-a-way.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

And I'm saying it's completely moronic to take any sort of non-traditional masculine expression as a clue someone is gay. The only clue that lets you know someone is gay is if they are sexually attracted to the same sex. That is what being gay is. Being gay is not being fashionable, it is not having an interest in interior design, it is not wearing mascara, and it is not being a talented singer or dancer.



And I'm saying it's completely moronic to take any sort of non-traditional masculine expression as a clue someone is gay. The only clue that lets you know someone is gay is if they are sexually attracted to the same sex. That is what being gay is. Being gay is not being fashionable, it is not having an interest in interior design, it is not wearing mascara, and it is not being a talented singer or dancer.
I dunno man, I've got the worst gaydar on the face of the Earth.




And I'm saying it's completely moronic to take any sort of non-traditional masculine expression as a clue someone is gay. The only clue that lets you know someone is gay is if they are sexually attracted to the same sex. That is what being gay is. Being gay is not being fashionable, it is not having an interest in interior design, it is not wearing mascara, and it is not being a talented singer or dancer.
I dunno man, I've got the worst gaydar on the face of the Earth.[/QUOTE]

So if you saw two fellas kissing you'd smile and think, "That's an interesting fraternity initiation."




Actually... has anyone mentioned Ricky Martin, in any context, over the last few years? This is the first time I've heard anything about him since 2006 I think.
I've heard a couple of late night jokes lately at his expense. And Baba Wawa just had her last Oscar Special, and showed the clip where she cornered him about if he was gay and he would not answer it.

I think he wanted the joking to go away.



And I'm saying it's completely moronic to take any sort of non-traditional masculine expression as a clue someone is gay. The only clue that lets you know someone is gay is if they are sexually attracted to the same sex. That is what being gay is. Being gay is not being fashionable, it is not having an interest in interior design, it is not wearing mascara, and it is not being a talented singer or dancer.
I dunno man, I've got the worst gaydar on the face of the Earth.[/QUOTE]

So if you saw two fellas kissing you'd smile and think, "That's an interesting fraternity initiation."[/QUOTE]

You know Cajun, you've almost hit the nail on the head. Then again a person's sexuality isn't really the most important thing to me...


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

I for one, being sober now, realize that I still don't care if he's gay or not.

For that matter, unless they are naked and laying in bed with me, I don't care if anyone is gay or not.




I for one, being sober now, realize that I still don't care if he's gay or not.

For that matter, unless they are naked and laying in bed with me, I don't care if anyone is gay or not.
how often do you are naked in bed with gay or str8 people?




I for one, being sober now, realize that I still don't care if he's gay or not.

For that matter, unless they are naked and laying in bed with me, I don't care if anyone is gay or not.
how often do you are naked in bed with gay or str8 people?[/QUOTE]

Not often enough....



Yes. All men that sing, dance, and wear tightly-fitted clothes are gay.
I'm wondering if I missed a post where someone used that ol' stereotype and you are rebutting? (rebuttelizing? butane? what?).

That Justin Timberlake better not be gay. I love that boy. Love. Him.



Yes. All men that sing, dance, and wear tightly-fitted clothes are gay.
I'm wondering if I missed a post where someone used that ol' stereotype and you are rebutting? (rebuttelizing? butane? what?).

That Justin Timberlake better not be gay. I love that boy. Love. Him.[/QUOTE]

I was kinda wondering the same thing. I thought the allegations were that Ricky never had a girlfriend, was sighted with men etc...


Kitty Sinatra

I'm lost about this, too. Society's gaydar apparently correctly identified Ricky Martin, yet for that we are all homophobes. I don't understand Chuck's thinking here.




And I'm saying it's completely moronic to take any sort of non-traditional masculine expression as a clue someone is gay. The only clue that lets you know someone is gay is if they are sexually attracted to the same sex. That is what being gay is. Being gay is not being fashionable, it is not having an interest in interior design, it is not wearing mascara, and it is not being a talented singer or dancer.
Um no. You can spot a flamboyant gay person by pure looks alone from a mile and a half. You're the one who's "completely wrong".





1.) Of course there are no absolutes.
2.) There is probably a pretty significant correlation between the style of clothing (or amount of makeup, if you like) men wear and their professed sexuality. It is probably not a 100% relationship but it is probably a real one.




Of the two gay dudes I know IRL:

1) Neither of them look gay.
2) Only one of 'em talks gay.

The other one is a splinter cell, as we've joked about before.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

And I'm saying it's completely moronic to take any sort of non-traditional masculine expression as a clue someone is gay. The only clue that lets you know someone is gay is if they are sexually attracted to the same sex. That is what being gay is. Being gay is not being fashionable, it is not having an interest in interior design, it is not wearing mascara, and it is not being a talented singer or dancer.
Um no. You can spot a flamboyant gay person by pure looks alone from a mile and a half. You're the one who's "completely wrong".[/QUOTE]

But what if they're just metrosexual?





Kitty Sinatra

But what if they're just metrosexual?
That's just a term used by gays afraid to come out of the closet.




I hope someone didn't accuse me of being prejudiced towards gay people by starting this thread, because the irony of that would be DELICIOUS.




You can spot a flamboyant gay person by pure looks alone from a mile and a half.
What sniper scope are you using?




You can spot a flamboyant gay person by pure looks alone from a mile and a half.
What sniper scope are you using?[/QUOTE]

The Bedazzling is enough to cause light pollution.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I hope someone didn't accuse me of being prejudiced towards gay people by starting this thread, because the irony of that would be DELICIOUS.
You're such a homophobe, you're afraid to ask a guy out on a date.




I hope someone didn't accuse me of being prejudiced towards gay people by starting this thread, because the irony of that would be DELICIOUS.
You're such a homophobe, you're afraid to ask a guy out on a date.[/QUOTE]

Funny you should mention that, there is a guy at work that I think is gay and I think may like me, but I'm too much of a pansy to do anything.... sigh... such is life.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I hope someone didn't accuse me of being prejudiced towards gay people by starting this thread, because the irony of that would be DELICIOUS.
You're such a homophobe, you're afraid to ask a guy out on a date.[/QUOTE]

Funny you should mention that, there is a guy at work that I think is gay and I think may like me, but I'm too much of a pansy to do anything.... sigh... such is life.[/QUOTE]

Eh, probably for the best. I've found co-worker relationships are a good way to cause trouble at work.




I hope someone didn't accuse me of being prejudiced towards gay people by starting this thread, because the irony of that would be DELICIOUS.
You're such a homophobe, you're afraid to ask a guy out on a date.[/QUOTE]

Funny you should mention that, there is a guy at work that I think is gay and I think may like me, but I'm too much of a pansy to do anything.... sigh... such is life.[/QUOTE]





I'll shamelessly admit that I stole the title of this thread. It was great.




I hope someone didn't accuse me of being prejudiced towards gay people by starting this thread, because the irony of that would be DELICIOUS.
You're such a homophobe, you're afraid to ask a guy out on a date.[/QUOTE]

Funny you should mention that, there is a guy at work that I think is gay and I think may like me, but I'm too much of a pansy to do anything.... sigh... such is life.[/QUOTE]

Eh, probably for the best. I've found co-worker relationships are a good way to cause trouble at work.[/QUOTE]

Only if you forget to wipe off the copier afterwards.



I hope someone didn't accuse me of being prejudiced towards gay people by starting this thread, because the irony of that would be DELICIOUS.
You're such a homophobe, you're afraid to ask a guy out on a date.[/QUOTE]

Funny you should mention that, there is a guy at work that I think is gay and I think may like me, but I'm too much of a pansy to do anything.... sigh... such is life.[/QUOTE]

I think it is kinda funny that Chuck is calling out two gay people on how to spot gay people. Like I said earlier, I'm terrible at figuring out if someone's gay, but it's mainly due to not really giving a shit about it.




...I hope posting that video isn't homophobic. Or bigoted.Now I'm all paranoid.


Fun Size

Fun Size

I really didn't pay enough attention to Mr. Martin (if you're nasty) to wonder if we was gay or not, so the net effect of this is just furthering my belief that I'm never going to be truly living la vida loca. :(




I really didn't pay enough attention to Mr. Martin (if you're nasty) to wonder if we was gay or not, so the net effect of this is just furthering my belief that I'm never going to be truly living la vida loca. :(
Maybe your vida is so loca that everyone else's loca is your normal... making your vida more loca than anyone else's.



I clicked on this thread thinking....."Wow. That is cool. Ricky Martin to totally happy. Good for him. I think he needs to be happy. You dont see enough happiness in the world. I am glad Halforums has come around and started putting threads up on happiness. Good for this place. Water is wet too. I am glad I found this out because I really wasnt sure. Good news all around. Halforums should totally turn gay. I think it is about time."

After reading the thread......No further comment.

Not that theres anything wrong with that.

