This needs its own thread.

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I want and iPhone so I can get this app.
Someone I worked with had a similar app that I think was better. It was a shotgun, and the whole thing was done with tilting, not with touching.
That was hillarious. I want an iPhone now too, although having it wouldn't be nearly as fun as watching that guy go nuts.
A friend of mine had that app. I thought the sword was cooler than the gun, since the iPhone made a "shingg!!!!" sound whenever you swung it. It got me wondering, with iPhones able to report GPS coordinates and orientation and whatnot, can you create an app that would allow a bunch of people with iPhones to play a game of laser tag?
Sword. Gun. Whatever.

Me and my purple light saber app will be over here, being awesome.

Ooh, I almost forgot I got the samurai one that will supposedly let me actually fight with my wife and her iPhone, swords clanging and all.
Raemon777 said:
A friend of mine had that app. I thought the sword was cooler than the gun, since the iPhone made a "shingg!!!!" sound whenever you swung it. It got me wondering, with iPhones able to report GPS coordinates and orientation and whatnot, can you create an app that would allow a bunch of people with iPhones to play a game of laser tag?
Wow. Not with GPS as imprecise as it is. But you just gave me something to look forward to in the future.
"We gotta get right, Kevin. We gotta get right."

I've watched that video like ... 12 times now, and I still lose it at that line.
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