Those Unbelivably Stupid 911 Calls?

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Staff member
Now the idiots making those calls can hike into the wilderness without losing the ability to waste the time and resources of rescue agencies.

Geez - calling in a rescue team because the water tastes salty? Glad they got cited, but they really should fine people the cost of those rescue efforts.
A few years ago I heard a 911 call where some lady called the sheriff's department because her burger wasn't cooked the way she wanted it.
Yeah that's it.

What's really sad is I knew it wasn't fake. Laguna Niguel is in Southern California, and a goodly portion of the women from my home region (I'm a San Diegan) are exactly like that.


Staff member
Leno used to play real 911 recordings - there was a woman who had apparently locked herself INSIDE her car. That was a Family Guy joke - and it happened in real life.

There was also a guy in Florida who was arrested because he had a pattern of calling 911 because he wasn't satisfied with his Subway sandwiches.


I've been called for hurt feelings and nightmares. Ironically, the nightmares one was legit. The husband called because his wife was shaking in her sleep and he thought it was nightmares. In actuality, it was a seizure and she was having the mother of all strokes.

You never know.
I've been called for hurt feelings and nightmares. Ironically, the nightmares one was legit. The husband called because his wife was shaking in her sleep and he thought it was nightmares. In actuality, it was a seizure and she was having the mother of all strokes.

You never know.
Should have gone to Quiznos.

Oh wait...
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