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Thwarted Mass Shooting in Halifax





One dead and two arrested in a plot to cause a mass shooting at the Halifax Shopping Centre. Details on this story are still coming out.

But tonight?


Some people in Halifax were on edge Saturday night as several Halifax Regional Police vehicles surrounded the Halifax Shopping Centre.

But police say the problem was 'kids with a slingshot.'

Buses and vehicles were pulled over as pedestrians were turned away from the mall by security.
Police say seven youths were taken into custody around 6:40 p.m.

Earlier in the day, police confirmed the mall was the planned target of amass Valentine's Day murder plot.
Naturally, some on Twitter are saying things like "boys will be boys" and all that. Seriously? They create this kind of terror only a DAY after the other news broke and you say "boys will be boys" or "go easy on these kids"? No. They should be punished for this. A year of community service or something.




Yes, boys will be boys.
These boys decided to be stupid boys.
Here's hoping they change direction and head towards earning their man cards.





I see seven healthy young men eager to help shovel the 60 cm of snow we are getting tomorrow.




I like that our reaction to this is a mild, under emphasized, silly kids need to shovel snow. When what we saying "Grow the fuck up"




Well, yeah. Remember "boys will be boys" has been used to condone/minimize rape, abuse leading to death and/or suicide, crippling beatings, maiming, vandalism leading to death and millions of damages, mass poisonings and a host of other shit of various degrees of seriousness.
It's a cheap excuse to let some young people get away with pretty much anything, and used incredibly discriminately.

Now, should these "boys" be branded terrorists, convicted and sentenced to 5 years, forced to pay all damages and be saddled with life-breaking millions of debt? No.
Should they be held accountable to a degree, made to see the seriousness of what they did, be taught a lesson, indeed with some form of civil service or such? Definitely yes.





Something could be said here by me, but I have neither the time nor energy.




Sometimes I think "for the lulz" should be a capital offense.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

Neither Brennan nor Halifax Regional Police Chief Jean-Michel Blais would characterize the alleged plot as terrorism. They say their investigation shows the plan had nothing to do with ethnic or political motivation
hmm, I wonder if the guy was white

Brennan said the suspects "had some beliefs and were willing to carry out violent acts against citizens."
oh, okay, that's totally not terrorism AT ALL

MacKay responded, "I cannot confirm that, but what I can tell you is that this appeared to be group of murderous misfits … prepared to wreak havoc and mayhem on our community."

